nine thousand years old

Chapter 316 The Power of the Academy

Chapter 316 The Power of the Academy (Third)

The deafening roar roared and rippling between the sky and the earth, countless shells fell from the sky as if covering the sky and covering the sun, rumbling explosions sounded continuously, and the shells, which were several times more powerful than before, exploded on the ground, with a huge impact force The heavy armored cavalry was thrown away countless times, and the broken limbs were scattered in all directions, and countless gaps were blown out of the cavalry.

However, these cavalrymen knew their mission. They relied on their own speed to rush to the artillery camp of Dazhou as fast as possible, disrupting the artillerymen and preventing them from continuing to take advantage of the artillery. Therefore, the crowd The cavalry were not afraid of death, and charged forward frantically.

The artillery is very inconvenient to move, as long as they get close and rush in, they can definitely solve the threat of these artillery, and then, the Beiliao army behind will attack the city on a large scale.

On the Liaodong city wall, a group of generals watched Beiliao cavalry speeding up gradually, and soon a wave of cavalry entered the four corners of the artillery attack, and then rushed towards the artillery camp as if entering no one's land, with a trace of dignified look.

"What's going on ahead?"

"Why is there no army defense in Liaodong?"

The heavy cavalry roared forward, and soon saw the artillery. At the same time, they also noticed something was wrong. In the previous confrontation, the Liaodong army would leave heavy troops in front of the artillery in order to protect the artillery from being affected. Guarding will not allow the cavalry of Beiliao to rush into the artillery camp too easily, threatening the safety of the artillery soldiers.

But now, the artillery camp was so clearly exposed in front of them. Except for a few defenses in front, there were almost no people. They didn't know what was going on, and there was a weirdness everywhere.

However, now that they have come to the front, they can't retreat. They can only bite the bullet and rush forward. With the sound of rumbling horseshoes, countless heavy cavalry roar towards the artillery camp like dragons and tigers. .

boom! boom! boom!
Just when they stepped into the artillery camp within a distance of nearly a hundred feet, an indescribable explosion sound suddenly came from the ground under their feet. The sound was particularly shocking, as if even the ground trembled, and countless Dust splashed out from the ground, and there were sharp barbed wires inside, roaring towards the heavy armored cavalry like a wave.

The caltrops were about the size of a fist, and with the explosion's air waves, the speed and impact were extremely tyrannical, directly piercing the iron armor on the heavy cavalry and horses, and then blood and broken limbs splashed all over the sky!

The heavy cavalry suffered large-scale damage and three items, and they were in a mess immediately. As they continued to advance, the sound of the explosion became more intense, and the heavy cavalry became more and more miserable.

A barbed thorn shot out from the ground and landed directly on the horse's head. The horse's head was smashed into a hole, dripping with blood, and the barbed thorn fell on the cavalry's head without slowing down. The cavalry's head was smashed into pieces. , and rolled out with the horse.

"What is this?"

The soldiers on the walls of Liaodong City looked at this scene with shock on their faces. How could this kind of explosion appear from the ground?

"This is a landmine specially designed by the academy for the cavalry of Beiliao! Mix gunpowder and barbed wire, and set it up with a special mechanism. As long as the cavalry steps on it, it will explode, bringing a devastating blow to the cavalry!"

The student of the academy, with a hint of pride on his face, explained to people in a low voice that this was developed by the academy with great concentration, and its power has been proved today. , have all been lost!
"However, these landmines can only stop the Northern Liao cavalry for one round, and they can't stop them for the second round at all. Next, the artillery battalion will lose its advantage."

The generals were shocked for a moment, and then quickly thought of some of the key points. These mines can only be buried once, and then the Beiliao cavalry will carry out a second round of attack, and the artillery camp will be exposed to the opponent's iron hooves.

The moving speed of the artillery is very slow!

Sure enough, not long after, the Beiliao side quickly dispatched a second row of cavalry. The number of cavalry in this row was no less than the number of cavalry before, and they were also heavy cavalry. There were a total of [-] cavalry. Come over here!

The earth trembled for it.

"In this regard, the academy has already made preparations!"

"Everyone, please see!"

The student in the academy showed a smile on his face, and then waved to a general behind him. The general showed a sinister smile on his face, and directly waved the command flag, the huge black command flag swayed slightly , the artillery soldiers at the artillery camp started to get busy one after another.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the originally clumsy and heavy artillery was moving towards the direction of Liaodong City at high speed, and the faces of the people showed unconcealable shock and disbelief.

How could such a heavy artillery move so fast?Or is it simply under the pull of manpower?What is this means?
"This is a clockwork mechanism specially developed by the academy for heavy artillery. The spring is made of special steel developed by the academy. When not in use, the clockwork is closed. Once opened, the clockwork will drive the wheels of the artillery to fly fast. Turn it around, and the cannon will move quickly in a short time!"

The students of the academy continued to explain.

Following the student's explanation, all the cannons, there are a hundred of them, roared directly towards the city wall of Liaodong City. In less than a quarter of an hour, they had already arrived under the city wall of Liaodong City. With the waving of the command flag, Da Zhou's defensive shield soldiers also stood guard in front of the artillery camp.

The weapons in the hands of the armored soldiers are also different from before. They are no longer conventional spears, but heavy objects with iron hooks all made of steel, and the rear of these iron hooks still have sharp points. heads, and connected to each other with chains!

"This is also developed by the Academy!"

"Heavy cavalry rushing up, the iron hook will penetrate into their iron armor, and the sharp end of the iron hook will be inserted into the ground with force, which can effectively stop the cavalry's impact!"

The students of the academy explained in a low voice.

And as his words fell, the countless heavy cavalry came to the prepared iron hook defense.


The cavalry in the front row rushed up and hit them, and the iron hooks were sharp and domineering, piercing into their bodies, as well as the bodies of the horses, and those iron hooks were inserted backwards by the huge inertia, just as the student at the academy said. on the ground.


A group of heavy cavalry couldn't rush in, they collided together, and there was a low crashing sound, and there was a strong smell of blood, and it was chaos again.

"There is still a good show!"

The student from the academy smiled slightly, and ordered someone to wave the command flag again.

(End of this chapter)

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