nine thousand years old

Chapter 328 Retreat

Chapter 328 Retreat (Part [-])


The huge figure of the cruiser moved slowly between the sky and the earth, the earth-shattering and powerful gunfire opened the way for it in front, and the ropes that bound the cruiser were finally torn off completely, and the cruiser was like It was like a howling dragon, accelerating forward, and huge waves were set off on the sea water under the hull.


In a blink of an eye, the Cruiser arrived at the edge of the port. With a bang, the huge ship knocked away the mountains of corpses piled up on both sides of the port, and then crushed the dark red water, heading towards the ocean. An indescribable monstrous evil spirit swept out, as if the entire ocean trembled because of the appearance of this behemoth.

In the distance, Shen Liuyuan looked at the hideously huge ship, and his face was already dull. He knew that it was impossible for the ships of the Japanese slaves and the ships of the South China Sea to deal with such a huge ship. This kind of existence, the number of ships, will not have any advantage at all!

His face was pale, and he was limp on the ground, with indescribable unwillingness and grief surging in his eyes.

In the past ten years, with the accumulation of Qilin Pavilion for a hundred years, he has helped the Northern Liao, the Japanese Nu, the Xiongnu, the South China Sea and other countries to develop and grow. Now that so many countries are attacking the Great Zhou together under his alliance, he thought that he would be able to do so in one fell swoop. Da Zhou was wiped out, but now nearly half a year has passed, they have suffered huge losses, and they have not captured the coastline of Da Zhou!
At the same time, Da Zhou actually still has the energy to build these two behemoths?

It will bring a devastating blow to these ships that I have worked so hard to prepare!

He doesn't know what to do!
His heart almost collapsed!
Will I lose to that guy?
"Mr. Shen, what shall we do? Let's withdraw quickly? Don't insist any longer!"

"We can't handle those two behemoths!"

When Shen Liuyuan was in a daze, the general of the Wonu Kingdom came behind him with a pale face, and asked loudly with unconcealable desolation and fear in his voice.


Shen Liuyuan was in a daze for a moment, then lowered his head helplessly, and said in a low voice.

In this situation, we can only retreat!

If you don't retreat, the hundreds of ships left here will all be destroyed in the hands of this behemoth. At that time, all the troops of the Japanese slave country will be completely lost, and the Japanese slave countries will be completely wiped out. Without the slightest defense, Dazhou will not let it go, they will definitely counterattack, and must leave a certain resistance force for the Japanese slaves and other countries!

What's more, even if you stay, it's meaningless, it can only be a dead end!
Can only follow up!

The general of the Wonu Kingdom received Shen Liuyuan's order, and finally there was a trace of relief on his thin and pale face. He also knew that it was impossible to deal with those two behemoths in the current situation of the Wonu Kingdom. , retreat is the only way to survive, and he is afraid that Mr. Shen will not agree!
Simply, the latter agreed!

He personally ran in front of the flag soldier and waved the huge black flag. Soon, all the remaining ships reacted from panic. They had already disappeared and the Cruiser. With the mind of confrontation of such super ships, they quickly turned their heads one by one, and then swept towards the depths of the ocean.

The largest ship that Shen Liuyuan was on was also under the command of General Wo Nu, and turned around quickly, trying to escape, but because of its huge size, its turning speed was much slower, and it gradually landed on the other ships. the back of the boat.

The cruiser has now sailed out of the port and is completely on the ocean. There is a low-pitched sound of horns on the hull. On both sides of the hull, there are countless dark holes. In the depths of the holes, there are countless artillery pieces , The pitch-black artillery made earth-shattering explosions at the ships that were fleeing in panic.

call out!call out!call out!
Countless cannonballs came almost overwhelming, and with a bang, a cannonball landed on a ship, and the ship was broken from the middle by a huge force, and the whole ship sank directly toward the depths of the sea , Countless Japanese slave fighters struggled and fell into the sea water.

And another shell was impartial and landed on the ship where Shen Liuyuan was. The huge shell exploded directly on the deck, and the ship shook violently. Immediately afterwards, the bottom of the ship A huge hole was exposed, and countless sea water rushed towards the inner chest of the ship frantically.

The ship descended rapidly and sank toward the sea water.

"Mr. Shen, it's not good!"

"This ship is going to sink!"

The general of the Japanese slave country quickly ran to Shen Liuyuan, with an unconcealable paleness on his face, and shouted loudly, Shen Liuyuan's expression also became extremely panicked, sad, and even a little desperate, this ship It was built by myself with countless efforts, and it couldn't even stop a single shell from that behemoth!
It's just...

When Shen Liuyuan was in a hurry, another shell flew over and landed on the side of the ship. With a bang, a bigger hole was blasted into the ship's body, and inside the ship, there was a There was an indescribable cry of panic, and then, a huge flame exploded from the ship!

The low and thunderous explosion sounded continuously. It turned out that the gunpowder magazine at the bottom of the ship was blown up, igniting the gunpowder and countless shells inside. It was also completely pale, and the general of the Japanese slave country was so frightened that his legs trembled and he almost fell down.

"Get out!"

"Release the escape ship!"

Shen Liuyuan roared ferociously, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.


Soon, soldiers from the Japanese Nu Kingdom threw three or five ships used for escape into the sea water. Shen Liuyuan carried the general of the Japanese Nu Kingdom and jumped over, and then dozens of soldiers from the Japanese Nu Kingdom also Jumping up quickly, the soldier frantically began to shake the oars, and this small boat quickly swept away towards the distance.

It looks rushed and embarrassed!

There was another thunderous sound from the Cruiser, a shell exploded behind the boat, and the shocking waves roared up, the boat was overturned by the waves, and then Shen Liuyuan and others were also thrown into the boat. In the sea water, a group of people struggled frantically, and swam towards the rescue ship...

Another cannonball exploded, and the bow of the approaching ship was blown apart. The ship was crooked, top-heavy, and leaned directly towards the rear, and then gradually sank towards the sea. There was a cry of panic, and countless soldiers jumped into the sea like dumplings!

"Mr. Shen!"


Two escaping ships flew out from the sinking ship, frantically looking for the shadows of Shen Liuyuan and the others...

Everything is so embarrassing!

(End of this chapter)

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