nine thousand years old

Chapter 336 Breaking Yanjing City

Chapter 336 Breaking Yanjing City (Part [-])
Yanjing City!
Half of the autumn of the Great Zhou Dynasty has passed, and the Liao Kingdom in the north has basically entered the winter now. The fallen leaves are withered and yellow, and the air is filled with strong bleakness and coldness. Yeluyan, the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty, sat on the main hall with Low and tense.

Above the main hall, the civil servants and generals of the Liao Kingdom also had sad faces and worried eyes. The atmosphere in the main hall was extremely oppressive, like a mountain pressing down on people's heads, making them breathless.

The soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou had been trapped in the city for several days. The soldiers and horses from the Northern Liao Kingdom and the territory of the Liao Kingdom had come to the rescue several times, but they could not match the artillery and cavalry of the Great Zhou. It cannot be said that the entire army was wiped out, but it was not too bad Many, today's Yanjing City has truly become a caged beast.

Not the slightest chance!
A few days ago, the news of Beiliao's request for peace has spread. They want to dedicate even the most honorable Princess Xinhe of the royal family to the Great Zhou Emperor at all costs. Da Zhou's forgiveness.

Now, everyone is waiting for the news, waiting for the news of Da Zhou's agreement. The tormented feeling is simply indescribable, and it makes people sleepless.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. I am waiting for the four places to ask for peace at the same time, and the conditions offered are so sincere. I believe His Majesty Da Zhou will not refuse. Besides, after the previous war, Da Zhou also suffered a lot of losses. They cannot afford more There is a big war, and the matter of seeking peace will most likely succeed!"

During the silence, an old minister whispered.

"That's right, Your Majesty, if you don't attack the surrounding area, I believe it means to seek peace. Their strength is definitely not enough to break our Yanjing City, and the peace will definitely succeed!"

The rest of the ministers also echoed in low voices.

Yeluyan's eyes swept over everyone with a sad look, and her face showed indescribable worry. Her opinion is actually the same as that of the ministers. After such a long war in Dazhou, it may be too costly to deal with all sides at the same time. , the end of the crossbow.

They should also want to seek peace, right?
But she still couldn't help worrying, if Da Zhou didn't agree, would this Yanjing City, this Beiliao, be destroyed in her own hands?

"Report, the messenger is here!"

Just when people were worried and nervous, there was a particularly tense and deep voice from outside the hall, and then a particularly panic-stricken figure ran over from outside, and then knelt down in the middle of the hall with snot and tears.


"What does Emperor Da Zhou mean?"

Yeluyan and a group of ministers turned their attention to the messenger one after another, the expression on their faces was indescribably nervous, Yeluyan even stood up from the dragon chair urgently, his eyes widened.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

With unconcealable sadness and despair on his face, the messenger kowtowed sadly and said,
"I have insulted my mission!"

"The Emperor of the Great Zhou... only agreed to the East China Sea and the South China Sea's request for peace. Guan Long and Beiliao refused to seek peace. The Great Zhou court has already issued an order to destroy our city of Yanjing on the first day of winter!"

"On the day the city is broken, the city will be slaughtered for three days, and the country will be humiliated with blood!"


When Yeluyan heard these words, her already pale face became even paler. She stared at the messenger with fixed eyes, and didn't even know what to say, break the city of Yanjing?Three more days to slaughter the city?
This is really going to exterminate the Beiliao!

And the civil and military ministers in the main hall, when they heard this sentence, their faces became dull immediately, and there was indescribable panic and despair. Da Zhou refused to seek peace and wanted to break Yanjing City. In other words, that would be a catastrophe...

The atmosphere in the hall was dead silent for a moment, Yeluyan's eyes were dull, suddenly a mouthful of dark red blood spewed out, he collapsed straight, then slipped along the dragon chair and fell to the ground, all the attendants hurried over to help.

"Your Majesty..."

And all the civil servants and military generals in the main hall were in a mess, screaming, weeping miserably, cursing in despair, etc., and so on.

The messenger looked at this scene, his body was also in a daze, and he collapsed on the ground, completely desperate. He knew that Beiliao was going to be completely finished!

The pity is that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Yanjing City. After three days of slaughtering the city, how many will there be?
The big tent of the Liaodong Central Army!

Zhao Changlong sat in the big tent, his eyes swept over everyone, and many students from the academy, generals of the Liaodong Army, etc., stood around, with extremely fierce expressions on their faces, and awe-inspiring aura.

"Everyone, the news from the imperial court has arrived!"

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Changlong slowly got up, with an unconcealable evil look on his face, and said in a low voice,
"Before the cold winter, we must break through the city of Yanjing, and allow me to wait for three days to slaughter the city and shame it with blood!"

"You guys, do you have any questions?"


When all the generals heard this sentence, their faces were full of seriousness and coldness that could not be concealed. They all cupped their hands and shouted in unison,
"There will be no problem at the end!"

"I am confident that Yanjing City will be breached within five days."

"it is good!"

Zhao Changlong's eyes carried an unconcealable evil spirit, and he said grimly,
"This time, the imperial court openly allowed me to wait for the massacre of the city. This is a signal from the imperial court. I, Da Zhou, want to take this opportunity to let Beiliao and the barbarians of the thirteen countries remember this pain forever, and let them Don’t dare to covet Da Zhou any more!”

"You all understand how to do it, right?"

"Don't worry, general, I will understand later!"

A group of generals bowed their hands one after another, and the cold and evil spirit became more and more intense, almost tearing the sky apart, and everyone roared in unison,
"After this battle, there will be no Yanjing City in Beiliao!"

"Okay, then fire!"

Zhao Changlong shouted awe-inspiringly.


A group of generals withdrew from the big tent one after another, and began to be busy in full swing, but after a quarter of an hour, the soldiers of the Great Zhou, who had been waiting in full force for a long time, moved quickly like a torrent of steel, and at the same time, an incomparably loud horn sounded, Sounded between heaven and earth.

Tear the sky!




The low, thunderous sound of artillery fire rang out between the sky and the earth one after another. Countless shells flew towards the dark city wall of Yanjing City overwhelmingly. At that moment, the whole earth seemed to tremble.

The shells fell on the city wall one after another, and countless holes appeared in the originally majestic city wall. After two rounds of artillery fire, the city wall was bombarded with a huge hole and collapsed.

"Brothers, Beiliao provoked the majesty of Da Zhou and killed my brothers in the same robe. Now is the time for you to take revenge!"

"The general has an order. After the city of Yanjing is broken, the city will be massacred for three days!"

"Don't leave chickens and dogs!"

"In this battle, let this northern land no longer have Yanjing, no more Beiliao, and our Great Zhou territory will expand by three thousand miles to the north!"



Countless cavalry, infantry, and other soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty drew their swords and roared in unison. The sound almost shattered the sky, and the sky and the earth were dense...

Countless soldiers and horses roared towards the gap in Yanjing City!

Deep as thunder!

(End of this chapter)

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