nine thousand years old

Chapter 350 Chapter 36 New World

Chapter 350 Chapter 360 New World (Second Change)

In the blink of an eye, Su Hanyun stayed on the top of Kunlun Mountain for several months. During these days, he has been devoting himself to practicing the Wudao Sutra, and coupled with the abundant spiritual energy on Kunlun Mountain, his strength has increased rapidly. Now the spiritual energy in the dantian has reached The vastness of the sea.

He vaguely felt that with further cultivation, these auras would reach a higher level, but he didn't know, and he didn't know how to solve it, so he could only temporarily stop practicing and wait. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but he was sure , this lake is definitely not simple, and he originally wanted to find out something through the white fish in the lake, but the white fish has not appeared for a long time, and it seems to have disappeared completely.

"Could it be a wrong estimate?"

Su Hanyun stood beside the lake, his eyes were serious and puzzled, and he looked at the vast and boundless sparkling light in the distance, feeling a sense of doubt.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement in his ears. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw another group of white fish floating out of the middle of the lake, and then floating towards the shore. The speed of the white fish Soon, an instant is in front of you.

Su Hanyun frowned, and stretched out his hand directly. The lake was tumbling, and a white fish was picked up from the water. The white fish couldn't breathe in the air, and twisted its tail violently, trying to break free. Su Hanyun looked at the white fish with a slight frown. He narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his pupils.

The white fish that appeared this time were not from the same batch as those a few months ago, because the spirit energy in these white fish was not very sufficient, and they seemed immature.

Su Hanyun hesitated for a moment, and threw the white fish into the lake with a wave of his hand. The white fish was free, extremely happy, and rushed towards the center of the lake in a hurry, while the group of white fish hurriedly followed, incomparably mighty.

"Follow these white fish, maybe you will find something!"

Su Hanyun hesitated for a moment, and jumped into the lake, because he had practiced the Wudao Sutra for a long time, and now he could control the spiritual energy as he wanted. He used the spiritual energy to protect the surroundings, forming a transparent barrier, and then followed a group of After the white fish, it swept towards the depths of the lake.

A group of white fish wandered in the lake, cheerful and at ease. After a while, this group of white fish seemed to be bored, and then rushed towards the deeper part of the lake. Su Hanyun frowned slightly, and you hurriedly followed.

The surrounding pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and there are bursts of indescribable icy coldness coming from the lake, Su Hanyun urges out the spiritual energy as much as possible, blocks it around his body, and then follows closely!

Suddenly, Su Hanyun's expression changed and he froze.

Those white fishes were swimming, and they started to disappear one after another, and finally all of them disappeared. Su Hanyun's sense is very keen now, and when he felt it carefully, there was no abnormality at all, let alone the slightest breath of biological existence. He was very surprised!

After pondering for a moment, a trace of indescribable ecstasy appeared on Su Hanyun's face, and then he looked in the direction of those white fish. There was no wave in that piece of lake water, and it looked the same as the surrounding lake water, but he could feel it. Great surprise.

Su Hanyun probed there with spiritual energy, there seemed to be a bottomless pit, and all the spiritual energy entered it, as if it had completely disappeared, without a trace!

"Go and see..."

Su Hanyun hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to try.

Perhaps the place where the white fish went was another world, a world related to longevity, and he was able to quickly practice Wudao Sutra to great success and truly reshape his physical body!

Su Hanyun took a deep breath, and swam directly towards the wonderful lake water. Before he came to the lake water, he didn't hesitate, and got into it all at once.

An extraordinarily wonderful feeling wrapped around her body. Su Hanyun seemed to have passed through a door. The world in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes. The water in the lake was no longer ice-cold, but glowing with a faint warmth. In his vision, there was also Countless schools of fish appeared, and these schools of fish swam in all directions, happily.

Su Hanyun floated upwards along the lake water, and in a short while, he was able to see through the water surface. Looking around, the surroundings have become another world. At a glance, they are all lush mountains and forests. The meaning is coming.

The most important thing is that the aura in the air is extremely rich. Countless auras almost enveloped his whole body and crazily penetrated into his pores.


Su Hanyun's eyes froze, and he shot directly from the lake water, and then evaporated the water vapor from his body with spiritual energy, and sat cross-legged in a dense jungle, and began to practice the exercises of Wudao Sutra!
The vast spiritual energy roared from between the heaven and the earth, and a spiritual energy vortex seemed to be formed above his head. The vortex was milky white, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth, and pouring it into Su Hanyun's body.

Su Hanyun felt that his meridians were quickly filled with spiritual energy, and there was even the sound of rushing water, and the vast spiritual energy poured into the dantian, and the spiritual energy in the dantian quickly became solid, and then began to flow from the middle part. Start, gradually condense into water!
This change was extremely rapid. In less than half an hour, all the spiritual energy in Su Hanyun's dantian was transformed into a liquid state, and an extraordinarily vast meaning permeated out. Immediately afterwards, the vortex above Su Hanyun's head gradually disappeared, and an indescribable Air waves swept out from Su Hanyun's body.

The air wave rolled out, and the surrounding thick trees collapsed immediately after being shaken, and even the ground was lifted up, countless rubble rolled and splashed, which was extraordinarily awe-inspiring.


After a while, all the fluctuations gradually subsided, Su Hanyun slowly opened his eyes, his face showed a hint of indescribable surprise, the spiritual energy accumulated into a sea, this state should be the next step in the cultivation of Wudao Sutra, and The reason why he didn't make a breakthrough before was because the world of Da Zhou didn't have enough aura!

Breathing out again, Su Hanyun slowly got up, and then looked around, the continuous mountains and forests were full of wildness, and there was a faint fierce aura roaring from the sky and the earth, which seemed particularly depressing.

"Come on, this batch of white fish should be mature, let's have another good meal today!"

Just when Su Hanyun was hesitating and observing the world, a cheerful voice came from the distant mountains and forests. He frowned, and quickly hid himself on top of the treetops!
Then I looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw an exquisite girl in a white shirt flying over from the dense forest riding a snow-white lion that was as tall as a person!
The white lion also cheered happily, with joy on his face, but when he reached the shore of the lake, the white lion sniffed the air with his nose, his eyes suddenly became cold, and then he turned his head and looked in the direction of Su Hanyun.


 The new world is similar to the previous style, but to be honest, it is no longer a traditional martial arts, nor can it be regarded as a high-level martial arts. It may be more similar to Xianxia. I want to continue writing, and write about a world similar to Shushan. I like to watch it Friends who don’t like to read can continue, friends who don’t like to read, I’m sorry, the world of martial arts has come to an end, and I can’t continue to write. I can’t write about the Moss Empire and the Silk Road in the Western Regions. I’m really sorry. If If you like the world of martial arts, you can read the new book "Wu Chao Haoqiang". The new book is not updated much, but after it is on the shelves, it will be updated five times a day.Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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