nine thousand years old

Chapter 359 The Night Watcher

Chapter 359 The Night Watcher

"It's this person?!"

The man with the knife squinted his eyes tightly, his eyes flickering on the light and shadow produced by the mirror, staring at Su Hanyun, and the white hair all over his head, and the thin and angular face, he was slightly stunned After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand and touched the surface of the mirror. An invisible energy escaped, and the light and shadow appearing in the mirror stopped immediately.

"After he killed the priest, he opened the secret compass, and he probably found the exact location of Bigan's body!"

The man with the knife frowned slightly, his voice was low, and he said to himself, for a moment, he flicked the knife in his hand forward and landed directly on Su Hanyun in the illusory light and shadow. With a hint of awe, he said,

"Go find him!"

"He may still be in Xianyang City!"


A group of blood shadow guards sneaked into the night one after another, and those figures seemed to have some strange abilities, which were completely hidden in the night, and even the shape of their bodies turned into a mass of blood-colored shadows. Without their existence, it seems to have completely disappeared.

These blood-colored shadows were very fast, continuously roaring and spreading in all directions of Xianyang City, and soon dissipated without a trace. The man holding the knife came out of Xu's house, held the blood-colored knife on his shoulder, Staring at the endless night, he whispered to himself, saying,
"After finding you, I will let you try the methods of the Blood Shadow Guard!"

"What the master wants, you have to obediently take it out!"


Although Xianyang City is still in the long night, and there will be a long night for a long time, the people in the city have long adapted to this and don't care at all. All activities are basically going on normally, and the streets are also There will be lively lights, although it is not as good as the real day, but it can be seen clearly.

However, after all, it is because of the darkness that can cover up a lot of crimes. At this time, Xianyang City will also have a lot of shady people or forces. This is the most convenient day for them to move around. Correspondingly, Xianyang City The government will hire some capable people to serve as temporary night watchmen!
Su Hanyun was thinking of finding a job in the yamen, and just in time for the street where he was recruiting night watchmen, he immediately signed up to join, and because his strength had broken through the Yuhai Realm, and he was considered a strong man in the Yuhai Realm Because of this, he became one of the leaders of this team of night watchmen.

"Leader Su, can we rest now?"

The night watchman team led by Su Hanyun mainly patrols the entire cross street, and there are five people under him, all of whom are neighbors near the street. The person talking to Su Hanyun is a thin, There are some tall young men, the men are about the same age as Su Hanyun, and because they live near each other, they are relatively familiar.

The man's name is Chen Yun, and his family has always been a night watchman for a living. He has been a night watchman since his grandfather's grandfather. Of course, he also knows more about night watchman than others.

"have a rest!"

Su Hanyun smiled slightly, dispersed the night watchmen one after another, and then walked towards home with Chen Yun. On the way, when the two came to the fork in the road home, Su Hanyun suddenly felt a very strange breath, He frowned, and looked directly at the direction where the breath came from.

At the same time, Chen Yun's expression also changed slightly, and he hugged the long sword that was said to be ancestral in his hands tightly. Su Hanyun noticed that there were subtle halos coming from the long sword, which surrounded the two people. Under the light, Su Hanyun felt a little afraid of the aura hidden in the night.

"Leader Su, let's go!"

"There is something!"

Chen Yun pulled the long sword out of the scabbard, the blade was sharp but sharp, and an indescribably thick and oppressive aura spread, and the halo became more and more intense, like a small sun, hiding in the shadows That aura became more and more fearful, but it still didn't retreat.

"what happened?"

"What do they seem to want?"

"Leader Su..."

Chen Yun had a puzzled expression on his face. When he was a night watchman, as long as he exposed the long sword in his hand, the halo appeared, and the aura hidden in the night would voluntarily recede, and he would not trouble himself. , and now, I have already drawn the long sword out of the scabbard, and the breath has not left!
"What are they?"

Su Hanyun asked in a low voice, he could feel the existence of those auras, but he couldn't see any figures, nor could he see any substantive things, which seemed very strange.

"It's a ghost!"

Chen Yun said in a low voice, there was an unconcealable solemnity in that tone, while pulling Su Hanyun back towards the alley, he explained,

"Whenever the long night comes, the ghosts hidden in the dark of Xianyang City will appear. They wander in the night, looking for food and blood. This is actually what our night watchmen really need to guard against!"

"However, these things have reached an agreement with those big figures in Xianyang City, and generally they will not attack the night watchman."

"This time, it seems..."

When Chen Yun was speaking, those things hidden in the shadows started to move. There was a sound of wind blowing in the air, and the fallen leaves on the street whistled and rolled along the cold wind, blowing on the two of them. Looking extraordinarily cold, Su Hanyun frowned, and put his fingers together like a sword, while Chen Yun was also nervous for a while, and pulled out the long sword in a hurry.

"Leader Su, our saber!"

"Pull it out!"

"This is the night watchman's reliance. Every sword has the brand of the government office, which can restrain these ghosts!"

Seeing that Su Hanyun didn't draw out his sword, Chen Yun reminded him in a low voice.

Su Hanyun nodded, and pulled out the long sword. Sure enough, although this sword is not as sharp as Chen Yun's sword, nor is it as sharp as the aura above it, but there is an indescribable mysterious meaning, which makes Su Hanyun feel a little There was a trace of peace of mind, and with the infusion of spiritual energy, the light on the long sword began to gradually rise!
Cover up the light on the long sword in Chen Yun's hand.

"This sword is very powerful!"

Su Hanyun was slightly surprised, and then put the long sword across his chest, with a trace of awe in his eyes, looking towards the dark place at the corner of the wall.

The wonderful existence in the darkness made a series of hoarse voices, the shadow gradually spread, and then turned into a ferocious monster shape, shaking out along the bluestone road, and when it came to a place three feet in front of Su Hanyun, He stopped, as if he was a little afraid of the swords of Su Hanyun and Chen Yun!
After a moment of stalemate, the shadow retreated again, and then fled towards the distance...

(End of this chapter)

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