Chapter 370 Lord (first update)
Wang Cheng's body twitched slightly, his eyes were full of fear and shock, he didn't know what was going on, how could this mere guy in Yuhai Realm kill him, the blood was flowing on the ground, a little shocking, He kicked his body into the darkness, ready to hand over this body to the Yin spirit.

However, a strange thing happened. The ghosts lurking in the shadows of the street did not dare to approach this guy. There were screams of panic and misery, and countless ghosts squirmed quickly and hid in the distance. Open, Su Hanyun was surprised, and looked at those ghosts.

Countless ghosts seemed to be full of fear. After hesitating for a moment, they squirmed out of the shadows one after another, stood on the opposite side of the street, and then bowed and bowed. Even so, they were still full of fear and fear. Dare not approach Mrs. Su Hanyun.

"How is this going?"

Su Hanyun looked surprised, these ghosts bowed to him, and showed the meaning of submission?Is it because of the blood mist on my body?
"What about people?"


Just when Su Hanyun wanted to find out, there was a rush of footsteps and a deep roar in the distance. Su Hanyun suddenly came back to his senses. Zhou Lin and other night watchmen must not discover what happened here. Otherwise, the strange and powerful blood mist on his body and the submission of these ghosts will definitely bring him a fatal disaster.

He hastily waved his hand,
"Go away!"

Countless Yin spirits let out a deep roar, and then quickly hid in the shadows of the night. When they dispersed, Su Hanyun suddenly thought of something. There is a kind of mirror in the spirit world, which can reflect what happened here. Reappearance, this will still reveal his identity, he asked nervously,

"Can you help me erase the traces here?"



There was a hoarse sound among the ghosts, and after a weird wriggling, a few ghosts wriggled out of the night, and then surrounded Su Hanyun. He bowed to Su Hanyun very respectfully, and then It exploded suddenly, and huge waves swept towards the surroundings. Su Hanyun seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, and everything returned to calm after a while.

The ghosts gradually dispersed, and the night watchman also came behind Su Hanyun. Numerous night watchmen wrapped Su Hanyun up, and his body was constantly rippling with a vicious and awe-inspiring aura.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng with a tense face also came from a distance and appeared on the opposite side of the street. He glanced at Wang Cheng who was lying dead on the ground and couldn't die anymore, and then glanced at the long sword with blood on it. Su Hanyun couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't say much, instead he waved his hand and said,

"Take him back!"


A group of night watchmen came forward one after another and surrounded Su Hanyun. Su Hanyun didn't resist at all, and just followed the people back. Before leaving, he saw Zhou Linyin take out that kind of mirror from his arms with a sullen face, and urged get moving.

Su Hanyun's heart skipped a beat, she was too nervous, afraid that the other party would find out what she had done before, but fortunately, there was no scene in the light projected by the mirror, it was completely dark.

Zhou Lin frowned even more, and wanted to continue to move, but there was still a strange blackness in front of the mirror, and there was nothing. Soon after, the mirror seemed to have reached its limit, and it shattered, countless lenses scattered on the ground, and the piece of black It is also gradually disappearing!


Zhou Linqi's palms trembled slightly, and he glanced at Su Hanyun's receding figure, with a strong look of suspicion on his face.

That Wang Cheng is in the realm of Snow Mountain, and his strength is only stronger than his own. Could it be that, he would not deliberately arrange a formation to arrest him, but now, Wang Cheng was killed before entering the formation?

This is really weird!

What's even more weird is that the remaining images around have been erased by someone, and they don't know what happened before.

"Could it be this guy?"

Hesitating for a moment, Zhou Lin muttered to himself, but soon he shook his head helplessly. It couldn’t be Su Hanyun. The comprehension of the sword is very good, but it is impossible to kill Wang Cheng with those skills!

"Go back and interrogate him!"

Talking to himself, Zhou Lin waved his hand and led countless night watchmen towards the Night Watch Palace.

Night watch palace prison!
Su Hanyun sat cross-legged in the prison, with an imperceptible tension and a trace of doubt in his face. He didn't know how Zhou Lin would interrogate him. At the same time, he also wanted to know what was that blood mist?Can easily kill Wang Cheng who is in the snow mountain realm, and can also command Yinling?

Very weird existence!


While Su Hanyun was thinking, there was a sound of low footsteps outside the prison. Following the sound, Zhou Lin appeared in front of Su Hanyun accompanied by several night watchmen. He waved his hand, and all the night watchmen retreated, leaving only Zhou Lin and Su Hanyun.

"What's going on? How did Wang Cheng die?"

Zhou Lin asked in a low voice, his brows were furrowed, and his doubts were strong.

"It seems to be... a ghost!"

Su Hanyun shook his head and said,

"He caught up with me and wanted to kill me, but he didn't move for no reason, and then some blood-red ghost shadows sprang out from that shadow, and then he stood there, as if he was very frightened, I took the opportunity to give His sword..."

"and after?"

"Then I couldn't move anymore. That thing might want to kill me, but at this moment you appeared, those guys exploded and then disappeared."

Su Hanyun whispered, his expression was very serious, there was no sign of lying, and he spoke in a daze, as if he didn't see what was going on, Zhou Lin looked at him with a look in his eyes, But he didn't find anything in the end.

After a long silence, Zhou Lin whispered,

"You wait here, I will report."

He didn't know what was going on, so he could only ask the man in black from the Ye'an Temple. That man was the one who accompanied Bai Qi's ancestors to build the Great Qin, so he might be able to know something about the bloody shade. spiritual things.

After Zhou Lin left, Su Hanyun pondered for a moment, crossed his knees and closed his eyes, trying to find the existence of the cloud of blood mist from within his body.


At the same time, the ghosts of Xianyang City were sending news one after another, and not long after, in a certain forest outside Xianyang City, a blood-colored shadow hidden in the dark cave slowly squirmed.

This Yin spirit is as tall as a tree, and it is particularly overwhelming, and the bloody aura above it is extremely strong, and a voice similar to human speech is transmitted hoarsely,
"The Lord has appeared!"

"The day of our clan's rise is coming!"

"Notice, all the people are ready to attack Xianyang City and save the Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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