nine thousand years old

Chapter 374 Greeting the Blood Demon

Chapter 374 Greeting the Blood Demon (Part [-])
The moment the gloomy voice fell, the aura on Wang Jian's body instantly surged, and a cold spiritual storm swept away from his body, as if forming a violent storm around him, and then a milky white long sword appeared in his right hand Among them, the sword has a wide body, and it is an epee commonly used in the army!

Wang Jian's face was extremely fierce, and he slashed forward with a sword. A broad sword aura with the meaning of tearing the sky and earth, slashed towards the huge black mountain formed by the gathering and fusion of countless ghosts in front of him. The sword aura was fierce and fierce, directly fall.

The huge mountain formed by countless ghosts let out a deep roar, and then greeted the sword energy bravely. The two collided with each other in an instant, and an extraordinarily strong wave burst out, spreading and sweeping towards the surroundings. The Yinling Giant Mountain didn't have much resistance, and was quickly torn apart from the middle, and countless mournful howls erupted, showing a particularly terrifying sign.

In a short time, this huge mountain of Yin spirits was completely cut in half from the middle, countless Yin spirits broke and dissipated into the air, while the remaining Yin spirits still gathered towards the middle without fear of death. , trying to stop Wang Jian again.

Wang Jian was not afraid at all, and swung his right hand again. Countless sword lights shot out from the wide middle. The sword lights whizzed fiercely, and swept towards the front like a tide, and the gathering Yin spirits were torn apart again. , while Wang Jian's figure quickly passed through the opening.

An extremely strong wave of spiritual energy erupted from under his feet, like a storm rising from the ground, and flew towards the direction of Su Hanyun's escape, while those ghosts let out angry and ferocious roars, and quickly sneaked into the shadow of the street, and also rushed towards Su Hanyun. Move quickly in that direction.

call out!
Wang Jian is in the Boundless Realm, and his speed is countless times faster than Su Hanyun. Although Su Hanyun tried his best to escape, he was quickly caught up by Wang Jian. Killing intent.

"Go to hell!"

Just when Su Hanyun was tense, a low roar came from behind him, and Wang Jian's body instantly came several feet behind Su Hanyun, the wide middle fell from the sky, and the sword light condensed into one, tearing the air, as if the medicine broke open the space Usually, it came to Su Hanyun's back in an instant.

The sharp and domineering sword light made a deep buzzing sound, and the violent oppression and fierceness made Su Hanyun's body stiff and unable to run. As the sword light approached quickly, the air mechanisms around his body were all overwhelmed. Being locked, the surrounding space began to distort.


Su Hanyun felt the incomparable oppression, and there was a trace of despair on his face. The people in the Boundless Realm are really too strong. Although he can temporarily reach the strength comparable to the Snow Mountain Realm by relying on the strange bloodshot, but facing the real Boundless Realm Realm masters, still do not have the slightest resistance.

However, just when Su Hanyun was about to give up resisting, a particularly low and violent roar sounded from the sky and the earth. Howl out.

The bloody mist seemed to cover the sky and cover the sun, rushing along the streets, the houses along the streets, and even the ground were crushed and shattered, and countless people were crushed into pieces , exploded, turned into blood and merged into the bloody ghost.

Almost instantly, the blood-colored ghost appeared behind Su Hanyun, and two tentacles-like blood-colored thick fog burst out from it, blocking Su Hanyun's body, and then went towards the extremely fierce sword light.

The sword light and the bloody tentacles collided, and a deafening roar erupted. The violent and indescribable air wave centered on the point of collision and spread towards the surroundings. The ground was lifted up and shattered, and The houses and so on were also destroyed, which was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, Su Hanyun felt a blood-colored mist enveloping him, and pulled his body to retreat quickly towards the distance. After retreating not far away, the tentacle that was stalemate with Jian Guang burst open, and Jian Guang slashed at him. above the earth.

Although the sword light was intercepted by the bloody tentacles, it was still extremely tyrannical and fierce. A huge crack was cut open on the ground in an instant, and the crack extended towards the distance with countless tumbling gravel and soil, etc., and soon arrived In front of Su Hanyun.

Seeing this scene, the blood-colored Yin Spirit let out a gloomy and gloomy roar again, and a blood-colored mist rushed forward and collided with the spreading crack again.

There was another low-pitched explosion sound, the crack and the blood-colored ghost collided together, and the vast and fierce air wave swept and spread, setting off a turbulent wave again, the impact momentum of the crack was stopped, and the blood-colored ghost also retreated slightly. some distance.

However, Su Hanyun was not injured.

"Blood Demon?"

On the opposite side, Wang Jian was looking at this scene, his face was already covered with shock and solemnity. He had always known that there was a blood demon not far from Xianyang City, which was comparable to the Boundless Realm. I also thought that Su Hanyun was that blood demon.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that this is not the case. The blood demon is right in front of him, and what is going on with Su Hanyun?What is going on with the blood demon aura on his body?Could it be another blood demon?
Su Hanyun was also puzzled, what happened to this blood-red ghost?How can you protect yourself?And its strength is also quite tyrannical, it should have reached the state of boundless, I guess I just came to this spirit world not long ago, and what connection does it have with them?
Is it all because of the bloodshot?

What is that bloodshot?
"Blood Demon, you blatantly violated the agreement and trespassed in Xianyang City. Is this going to start a war with Daqin?"

While Su Hanyun was puzzled, a gloomy and furious voice came from the man in black opposite him, and the epee shook slightly, and the fierce and sharp sword intent swept out, with the potential to open the sky.

"Wang Jian!"

The blood-red ghost wriggled between the sky and the earth, like a moving mountain. Two unusually bright blood-colored light clusters wriggled at the top of it, and there was a hole similar to a mouth, and then a hoarse sound like a dilapidated bellows deep voice,
"You want to kill the king of my clan, you broke the agreement first!"

"You human beings are always so unbearable!"

"You... king?"

When Wang Jian heard the words of the blood demon, his face showed indescribable shock, and there was also a hint of indescribable panic. He looked at Su Hanyun who was protected by the blood demon, and felt disgusted by the storm in his heart.

The king of the Yinling clan?
This guy turned out to be the king of the Yinling clan?

When Bai Qi wiped out Shangchao, he had seen some rough records about the Yinling clan from the classics left over from the Shang Dynasty. On the day the spirit world was born, Yinlings began to exist, and at that time, one of them King, summon all ghosts to shock the world!

Dominate the entire spiritual world!

However, because of human beings' rising up to resist, countless ancestors fought hard against them, and only then did the king of the Yinling clan be destroyed. This is how the human race is now!

And now, this king appeared again?

(End of this chapter)

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