nine thousand years old

Chapter 381 Exposing the Zhao Family

Chapter 381 Exposing the Zhao Family (Fourth Change)

In the deep night, figures shrouded in white armor, with an indescribably sinister aura, and a coldness that makes people dare not look directly, plunder towards the direction of Xianyang city. The breath was so cold and cold that it almost made the whole world look depressed.

The Great Qin Bai family is trapped!
This is a team that makes the entire spirit world fearful. When Bai Qi was in the mortal world, he relied on this team to fight against the enemy and was invincible. When the power of the army was maximized, when they fought against Bigan's Shang Dynasty and competed for the territory of the Great Qin, this army made indescribable contributions and shocked the spirit world!
Now that the army in the formation appeared, and it appeared on a large scale in Xianyang City, everyone in the whole city was shocked and solemn. There must be something big, otherwise the army in the formation would not suddenly appear , or such a large scale.

During the large-scale operations of the trapped army, Datang was also busy dispatching troops and generals. Li Bai, the poet and sword fairy of Datang, was ordered to mobilize the cavalry of Datang to rush to Xianyang City as quickly as possible to cooperate with Xianyang City. The encircling army encircled and suppressed the Yin spirits and their king on Fifth Chenzhu Mountain.

Li Bai, the Poet and Sword Fairy, is also a famous figure in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. In the world, everyone thought he was just a poet, but in fact, he was more importantly an extraordinary swordsman. As well as generals, it's just that they were born at the wrong time and didn't get the opportunity to display their abilities. After transcending to the spirit world, they really shine here!
Shi Jianxian and Great Tang Cavalry are both his titles, which are enough to shock the entire spiritual world and make all the people in the spiritual world frightened, especially when he is with the Great Tang Cavalry, the cavalry combined with his sword The two become one, and it can explode with earth-shattering power.

In the Western Chu territory, Overlord Xiang Yu and Bingxian Han Xin were also dispatching troops. The Western Chu territory was originally a chaotic place, but later the Overlord Xiang Yu took this territory with a domineering attitude, killing all the people here. Gather them together and build a truly overlord army capable of shaking the world!

This legion is mainly stationed on the Jishui River at the junction of Western Chu, Great Qin, and Great Tang. It is mainly good at water warfare. However, they are not worried about the presence of Bing Xian Han Xin. Bing Xian Han Xin has enough ability to take any The ability of an army is brought into play, allowing them to unleash their greatest strength.

On the Fifth Chenzhu Mountain, in the low and dense blood-colored cave, Su Hanyun is still receiving those energies and is reshaping his body. Now his body has been shaped more than half, and his face is slowly condensed. A head of white hair is also scattered towards the surroundings, which has a particularly eerie and strange meaning.

"My king, the Zhao family has appeared near Xianyang City."

"However, Wang Jian mobilized the Great Qin's entrapment army, frequently entered and left Xianyang City, and was preparing to attack us. Therefore, the Zhao family has not dared to do anything at present. The Zhao family should think that after all the entrapment troops are dispatched, they will attack Xianyang City!"

The blood demon turned into a figure, kneeling at Su Hanyun's feet respectfully, and said in a low voice.

They have Yin spirits, so they have an absolute advantage in inquiring about news. Now almost every move in Xianyang City is controlled by them.

"The Zhao family didn't move?"

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Su Hanyun showed a serious expression on his face. If the Zhao family didn't move, the trapped army would still take the initiative to attack him, and he would still be in danger. This problem must be solved. He frowned, and his face also showed serious means, and then sneered,

"Think of a way to expose the position of the Zhao family, cause conflicts between the Zhao family and the army, and let them fight first!"


Hearing the words, the blood demon showed a strong coldness and evil spirit on his face. He lowered his head slightly, then kowtowed respectfully, and was about to withdraw. Just when he was about to merge into the stone wall, Su Hanyun's voice sounded again, full of deep,

"Have the eleven Blood Demon Generals other than you been notified?"

Not long after Su Hanyun woke up, he told the blood demon to immediately notify the remaining eleven blood demon generals, and asked them to send Yin spirits to support and protect him as much as possible. He already knew from his memory that the Yin spirit clan With a very strong hierarchy, as the king himself, those blood demons will absolutely obey!

Of course, he didn't let all these yin spirits and blood demons come over, but sent some who didn't affect their overall situation. Su Hanyun still has a certain plan, in order to truly establish Yin Ming, and these twelve pillars are the foundation , there must be a Gorefiend stationed in the corresponding position.

"My king!"

Hearing this, the Gorefiend showed unconcealable respect on his face, kowtowed again, and said in a low voice,
"The news has been delivered. Several blood demons are sending a large number of Yin spirits. However, the location of the Twelve Pillars Mountain is far away, and the teleportation array of the human race cannot be used, so it will take a long time. But please rest assured, my king, I Wait here, I won't let humans hurt you at all!"

"It's okay!"

Su Hanyun smiled lightly and said,

"I trust you."

"Furthermore, the troops of Datang and Western Chu will not be mobilized so quickly. Even if the Zhao family restrains them, we will have a lot of time. I will be able to completely reshape my body soon, and then enter the depths of this pillar mountain , Absorb the energy of Yin and Ming, and we will definitely survive."

"Now, go and stir up the conflict between the Zhao family and the trapped army!"

"Yes, my king!"

The Gorefiend cupped his hands slightly, retreated from the stone wall, and soon appeared outside the pillar mountain. He began to give orders, and as the orders were issued, one after another Yin spirits rippled out from the mountain range, and then moved towards the distance. The direction whizzed past, and the location they went was the direction of the Zhao family!

They want to cause a conflict between the Zhao family and the entrapment army!

Not long after, countless Yin spirits came to the location of the Zhao family. They entrenched around the blood shadow guards of the Zhao family, and then let out wailing sounds one after another. Repressed.

"what happened?"

"Where do so many ghosts come from?"

"What are they doing?"

Seeing this scene, the blood shadow guards of the Zhao family and Zhao Kuo showed deep shock and panic on their faces. The sudden appearance of so many ghosts without warning will definitely attract the attention of the soldiers in the formation. Soon the entrapment army is going to roar in this direction!
"The entrapment army is coming!"

"They noticed it!"

And as expected, within a short while, a team of encircled troops roared towards this direction...

(End of this chapter)

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