nine thousand years old

Chapter 385 Kill 2 person

Chapter 385 Killing Two People
Wang Jian's voice fell, he raised his right hand, and stabbed directly at the two masters of the Boundless Realm. This sword seemed very ordinary, even worse than the two swords Wang Jian used just now. It seemed that there was no movement However, where the sword passed, a very strange situation erupted. Where the sword light passed, the entire space seemed very cold, and in that space, there were A strange gap.

This gap seems to be a vacuum formed after the space is torn apart. This sword can actually shatter the space. The energy and power contained in it are simply indescribable, and with this The sword stabbed forward gradually, and as the sword moved forward gradually, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became more and more depressing.

The power of this sword began to explode gradually!

In the blink of an eye, this aura rose to the extreme, and an extremely powerful buzzing sound erupted. The shattered space also expanded more and more, gradually turning into a gray vacuum zone. The breath inside is extremely fierce, as if the world is suppressed and dead still.

"Blood Shadow!"

"Blood Shadow!"

The two Blood Shadow Guards of Boundless Realm looked at this scene with an indescribably serious and determined look on their faces. After watching this scene, they paused for a moment, and when they looked at each other, there was an indescribable expression on their faces. The red light described was extremely intense, as if it had mobilized all their energy.

The moment this energy ray erupted, a blood-colored light and shadow condensed in front of the two of them, and then this light and shadow condensed on the long sword in their hands. The long sword was originally red in color. When the sword light burst out, that The flushed look became more intense, and the sharpness and austerity above it also appeared extraordinarily intense.

call out!
The figures of the two flickered, and they approached each other instantly. Their bodies stuck together like two skulls. The long swords in their hands also slowly approached each other, and then gradually stuck to each other. Together, the energy on the two sword lights seemed to have a strange characteristic, and then they were attracted to each other, almost turning into a sword!
"go with!"

The flames in the pupils of the two skeleton blood shadow guards became more and more obvious, and then they raised their long swords together, and stabbed in the direction of Wang Jian with that extremely powerful sword light. This sword light was extremely blood-red. Jian Guang was also the strongest attack of the two of them, and they also didn't intend to hold back.

As the blood shadow guards of the Zhao family, they were ready to die from the moment they joined the training.

The two sword lights exploded from the left and right respectively, tearing the air, and then collided with each other under the eyes of everyone. There was only a bang, and the indescribable violent fluctuations swept and spread around the two of them. The fluctuations were extremely tyrannical, and exploded almost instantly, making it extremely depressing and dead silent.


The tyrannical fluctuations spread around like a tide, and then the surrounding ground, soil, bluestone slabs inserted into the ground, and houses on both sides of the street were all instantly lifted away, and broken bricks and tiles were flying around, making it appear It was extraordinarily messy, as if even the light between the sky and the earth seemed to be getting dimmer.

In the blink of an eye, the fluctuations gradually dissipated.

In the midst of this tyrannical wave, the scene of the mess was gradually revealed. Wang Jian held the sword and stood in the center of the wave. The air waves and hair are slightly fluttering and hunting.

On the opposite side of him, two blood shadow guards from the Boundless Realm stood, with a hint of shock on their skeleton faces, and an indescribable meaning, especially the pair of flames flickering like will-o'-the-wisps, shaking even more It was extremely violent, and even had the weakness described by Wufa, as if it was about to dissipate.

"Cultivated by the secret method, you don't understand at all what is the real state of no realm!"

After a moment of stalemate in this state, Wang Jian showed a trace of disdain and a sneer on his face, and slowly retracted the Wu'an sword. With the withdrawal of his Wu'an sword, the energy between heaven and earth dissipated instantly. And the two blood shadow guards of the Boundless Realm were in a daze for a moment, and then knelt on the ground.

They have been completely cut off by Wang Jian's sword.


"how can that be……"

The two were stunned, there was a sour crunching sound from the skull, and there was an indescribable sense of shock and despair. After the two skeletons finished speaking, they fell to the ground with a clatter. At this time, the red light clusters in their eyes were all It weakened rapidly, and then went out, turning into a real skeleton, and those bones also scattered down with a clatter, completely turning into slag.


Wang Jian stepped on the corpses of the two skeletons, and continued to chase in the direction of Zhao Kuo. Behind him, there were also countless night watchmen, night watchmen, roaring in this direction, and they continued to fight with the blood shadow guards. Fighting, the evil spirit between the heavens and the earth is extremely rich, and the disgusting bloody smell is also constantly whistling and sweeping, which is extraordinarily strong.


In the Fifth Chenzhu Mountain.

In the pool that was red and coquettish, just like real blood, endless scarlet and bloody aura continued to roll and spread. Su Hanyun was still surrounded by a ball of light, floating on the edge of the mountain wall. At this moment, everything on him The parts have been completely reshaped, leaving only the head.

His hair has been revealed, but it is no longer white as before, but has become blood red, and his eyes are also glowing with a dark and deep look, as if to give people a kind of gloomy look. Feeling, and as the endless bloody energy rolled and roared on his body, the skin, bones, and face on his head, etc., continued to fuse rapidly.

"My king!"

Beside Su Hanyun, the blood demon knelt on the ground with a devout and humble face, lowered his head, and told him everything that happened in Xianyang City. As ghosts, ghosts everywhere, they have With the natural ability to inquire about news, he knows almost everything in Xianyang City like the back of his hand.

"The Zhao family has already started!"

"All the Blood Shadow Guards, as well as Zhao Kuo of the Zhao family, and the two leaders of the Zhao Family's Boundless Blood Shadow Guards also shot together!"

"However, the Zhao family's ability is too weak, and they are not the opponents of the Bai family at all. The Bai family did not even mobilize the army on a large scale. Wang Jian showed up with night watchmen and night watchmen, and intercepted the blood shadow guards of the Zhao family. come down."

"Currently, Zhao Kuo has come to the place where Bigan's body is imprisoned, and is about to open it!"

"And Wang Jian went to stop him."

"Zhao Kuo's plan may fail, because no one around him is Wang Jian's opponent!"

"He has no way to finally open the prison and take out Bigan's body!"

Listening to the Gorefiend's narration, Su Hanyun frowned slightly, his eyes flickered with indescribable gloom and coldness, he smiled slightly, and said in a very low tone,
"Since Zhao Kuo is no match, let's help him!"

"Notify all the ghosts in Xianyang City to stop Wang Jian!"

"We must let Zhao Kuo inherit Bigan's body!"

"In this way, he can delay more time..."

(End of this chapter)

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