nine thousand years old

Chapter 49 Chang'an No. 1 Gang

Chapter 49
Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The downfall of the Qingtian Gang has become something people talk about after dinner, and the Wuhumen has become the real largest gang in Chang'an City. Although the foundation has not been completely stabilized, no one can compete with them.

On this day, Wang Jianchen was in a good mood, and he gathered all the masters, elders, and four hall masters together, and held a banquet on the third floor of Tianxiang Pavilion to reward all the brothers.

"Everyone, it's been hard work to take over the Qingtian Gang's territory and stabilize the situation."

Wang Jianchen, with gray temples, stood in the first place, holding a sea bowl in both hands, with grateful and sincere eyes, sweeping over the faces of the brothers one by one, and said in a low voice,

"Thank you Wang."

"This bowl of wine is a toast to everyone!"

After finishing the words, he directly poured the wine into it in one gulp, and after three or two gulps, the sea bowl was empty.

"Haha, the sect master is good at drinking!"

Several hall masters and elders applauded one after another, and then they raised their wine bowls one after another, killing them in one gulp, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became lively and lively.

"Master, now our Wuhumen is the largest gang in Chang'an City, and it's all because of your leadership. Lao Chen respects you here!"

Not long after, a burly man with a red face stood up, held a wine bowl and came to Wang Jianchen, he drank the wine without waiting for Wang Jianchen to speak, and then said,
"You are the future of our Wuhumen, Lao Chen will always be your leader!"

"Haha, Elder Chen is absurd, and Wang is probably thanks to your help. Otherwise, how could I lead Wuhumen to this point by myself?"

Wang Jianchen said so, but his face showed unconcealable pride. He also stood up, let the attendant beside him fill up the wine, and said with a smile,

"Wang, pay respects to Elder Chen."

"Ha ha……"

Wang Jianchen killed him in one gulp. Immediately afterwards, another thin man laughed and approached, holding up the wine jar and shouting,
"Master, now our Wuhumen are strong and strong, leading the underground gangs of the entire Chang'an City. It can be said to be in full swing. Are you a bit stingy when you drink like this? I'm sorry for your current status!"

"If you want to drink, let's use the jar directly, everyone thinks it?"

The one who spoke was another elder from Wuhumen, and he had a very good personal relationship with Wang Jianchen. When people saw him coaxing together like this, their faces were full of excitement, especially the hall masters, who stood up one after another. Rise up and lift up the wine jar and cry,
"That's right, how can the head of the largest gang in Chang'an City drink from a bowl?"

"You must use a jar, haha!"

"Only in this way can we show that our sect master is grand and courageous!"

"Haha, you guys know how to make fooling around!"

Wang Jianchen took a bitter look at the booing elder, shook his head and raised the wine jar, and then showed a particularly arrogant look on his face, and laughed loudly,
"However, the head of this sect is happy today, so I will follow you!"

"Let's drink together!"

"If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home!"

"Congratulations to Wuhumen for becoming the number one gang in Chang'an City!"


Wang Jianchen roared, and drank from the wine jar, the clear wine flowed down the corner of his mouth, and immediately wet the clothes on his chest, but he didn't realize it at all, the arrogance and wantonness on his face became more and more obvious.

The largest gang in Chang'an City!
This name is enough to make him completely drunk once!
"Haha, drink!"

"From now on, we people from Wuhumen can walk sideways in Chang'an city haha!"

"Sect Master, we have taken over the territory of the Qingtian Gang for a while, and we have made a lot of money. You can buy the house you fancy, haha!"

"Brothers can also go to Zuihualou for entertainment..."

Several elders drank the wine jug, their faces were flushed with drunkenness, and their eyes were slightly blurred. They put their arms around each other's shoulders and talked loudly, their voices were full of excitement. .

The largest gang in Chang'an City!

From now on, their life will be wonderful!

This happiness really came too suddenly!

Time passed, the sun slanted to the west in a blink of an eye, and the sky became dark. The fire cloud in the sky seemed to be burning, and one of them permeated the city wall in the distance. The entire Chang'an city was also dyed red, as if wiped away. layer of blood.

The noise in Tianxiang Building faded away gradually, and the lights began to dim gradually. All the people from Wuhumen, all drunk, swayed and walked out from inside. The leader, Wang Jianchen, drank the most happily, almost unconscious. He was carried by two helpers and sent to the carriage.

"You take good care of the sect master, let's go to Zuihua Lou to have a good time!"

Elder Chen gave a casual order, and put his arms around the shoulders of another elder. The two of them blushed, their eyes were full of obscenity, they didn't know what they said, and walked towards Zuihualou with a smile.

"Is there anyone going with me? I want to go to Shenglong Casino."

A burly hall master stood out with his chest bare, his eyes swept across the people with a hint of drunkenness, and he said with a smile,
"This casino used to be owned by the Qingtian gang. Damn it, you always lose if you go there. Now it's our own. I guess we can be lucky. Is there anyone going?"

"I'll go with Hall Master Zhang, I haven't played money for a long time, haha, try your luck!"

A thin man stood up and put his arms around the latter's shoulders with a smile. While chatting and laughing, the two walked towards the distance, and soon disappeared into the night.

The rest of the people also had their own arrangements and left one after another, and there were few gang members around them. Now they are the largest gang in Chang'an City. Without the threat of the Qingtian Gang, no one would dare to join them. Attacking them, the vigilance was relaxed a lot.

"Hmph, the rivers and lakes are reckless, it's not climate-friendly!"

The night was getting darker, the cold wind was blowing the hair fluttering, and the black clothes were hunting. Su Hanyun stood with his hands behind his back and stood in the teahouse opposite Tianxianglou, sweeping over these drunken Wuhumen gang members, the corners of his mouth were pale. There was unconcealed disdain.

The largest gang in Chang'an City?
Don't they have a measure in mind, how did the name of the largest gang come about?

It's nothing more than pie in the sky!

Worth the excitement?

"Master, Shang Tianyin is here!"

After a while, a respectful voice came from outside the door, Su Hanyun snorted coldly and said,
"Come in!"

"Shang Tianyin has seen the master."

I haven't seen him in three months, and Shang Tianyin is no longer the lame beggar he was before. He is wearing a blue gown, his thin face is sharp and angular, and his eyes are full of gloom and coldness that cannot be concealed.

In the past three months, in order to get revenge, he has never slackened in the cultivation of the Five Poison Claws. In addition, his natural talent is good, and his strength has improved significantly. It can truly reach the point where the human and the poison become one.

Even kneeling there, with aura all over his body, he looked extremely fierce.

"The Qingtian gang has been wiped out, and Wuhumen is now the largest gang in Chang'an City."

Su Hanyun smiled faintly, walked up to Shang Tianyin, and said in a low voice,

"Now, our family cooperates with you and takes over!"

"You should be sure, right?"

When Shang Tianyin heard this, his body trembled suddenly, and his face was full of unbelievable disbelief. He had been burying himself in cultivating the Five Poison Claws these days, and he didn't know what was happening outside. Unexpectedly, this short In March, the world has turned upside down!
You don't need to guess, all of this must be the work of this Eunuch Su!
His admiration and reverence for Su Hanyun deepened a lot. He leaned against the ground and said respectfully,

"The subordinates are sure!"

"Although Wuhumen has been in Wang Jianchen's hands for a long time, some people still have my business in their hearts. Back then, my father treated them with great kindness, and they still remember this kindness. When I was down and out, I also secretly helped many times. If If I show up and get rid of Wang Jianchen, they will definitely support me as sect master!"

"That's good!"

Su Hanyun smiled faintly, turned around and walked towards the door, and several men in black followed him one after another.


Shang Tianyin raised his head and saw the latter's figure gradually leave. He took a deep breath and stood up too.

He clenched his fists slightly, and followed with strides, with an unconcealable gloomy look in his eyes, muttering to himself,
"Wang Jianchen, I'm here for revenge!"

"wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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