Chapter 55
Fifth day of May!

The Wu Zhou Dynasty ushered in the most magnificent event since Wu Chong ascended the throne. At the same time, he married Zhou Wanjun, the daughter of Zhou An, the minister under his sect, and Chen Yiluan, the granddaughter of Chen Bingli, the minister under his sect.

In the Great Zhou Palace, the guard of honor had already prepared everything early. They were dressed in deep vermilion palace uniforms, and they were full of joy. At a glance, they extended from the Fengyi Hall to the south gate of the Forbidden City. The sound of majestic horns resounded through the sky.

Wu Chong dressed in a dragon robe and wore a golden and purple gold crown. Under the guard of a group of court ladies and eunuchs, he stood in the middle of the avenue. The middle-aged eunuch who was the host of ceremonies stepped forward and shouted angrily,

"Welcome to the Empress!"

"Welcome to the imperial concubine!"

The horn sounded again, and the loud sound tore through the air and went straight to the sky. It seemed that the atmosphere of the whole world was ignited. Looking along the vermilion carpet, two teams of guards of honor appeared from the city gate and slowly moved towards this side. move.

The court ladies and eunuchs on both sides of the road knelt down one after another, with respectful faces, and shouted loudly,
"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

"The Empress is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old!"

"The imperial concubine is safe and auspicious!"

After a while, the guard of honor arrived in front of Wu Chong, the red sedan chair stopped smoothly, and the old eunuch in charge of ceremonies stepped forward again and shouted loudly,

"Please get off the sedan chair, Empress Dowager!"

"The imperial concubine, get off the sedan chair!"

The majestic horn sounded melodiously again, the pearl curtain was lifted, and a phoenix crown and xiapei, a dignified and majestic figure walked down slowly with the support of two maidservants, came to Wu Chong, bowed and knelt down,
"The concubine kowtows to His Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

"Queen please rise up!"

Afterwards, Chen Yiluan, who was also wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, but a little weaker, also stepped down from the sedan chair. Her status was lower than that of Zhou Wanjun. She only wore a bead curtain on her head and did not cover her face, which made people see clearly. her appearance.

With red lips and white teeth, a delicate face like flowers, a pair of eyes shining like stars in the sky, the girl is dignified and demure, with lotus steps lightly moving, she also kneels at Wu Chong's feet, and said softly,

"The concubine kowtows to His Majesty, long live long live long live!"

Her voice was completely different from Zhou Wanjun's, it was gentle and coquettish, and there was a hint of refreshing feeling, like the melody of Ying's cry.

Wu Chong couldn't help taking another look, with a hint of excitement on his face, he laughed and waved his hands,

"Back to the palace!"

"Hundred officials congratulate!"

The sound of the horn resounded through the sky.


The emperor got married, all civil and military officials gathered in Kunming Lake, and shared the state banquet.

But at this moment, Su Hanyun was sitting in the office of the Supervisor of Rituals, flipping through the dossiers brought in from outside the palace, his slightly gloomy face was constantly filled with solemnity.

These are all the news from Zhou An, Chen Bingli, Zhang Tinghai, and some civil and military officials in recent days. The details are extremely detailed, and even what they eat every meal and when they go to bed, they don't miss a single bit.

Su Hanyun has already made up his mind. After getting married, he will start to take action. He needs to find some reasons for this, and he already has a general idea in his heart, and he will mainly look for loopholes in the officials of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Zheng Zhongming!"

"Three months ago, there was a trial of a beating incident. The assailant was Xu Yunyu, the son of Xu Chao, one of the commanders of the twelve guards of the imperial army. Everyone fell in love with a girl from Zuihualou, and Sun Tzu took advantage of his wealthy family to humiliate Xu Yunyu with money, who was furious and beat him on the spot!"

"Sun Tzu was seriously injured and died. The Sun family's successor sued Xu Yunyu to the Yamen with a complaint. Originally, Xu Yunyu should have died with his life, but his father Xu Chao secretly informed the presiding judge Zheng Zhongming and was acquitted."

"A few days ago, the Sun family was arrested by Xu Chao for the reason of smuggling and selling ironware, and they were sent to prison. The old man of the Sun family was so angry that he died in prison. Only one young man was left behind. An old woman over half a century old, living in the world."

These news were heard by a maid in the servant's mansion by chance. Of course, she didn't hear such details, but only a few words, and then Shang Tianyin sent someone to inquire, and then the details were sent to Su Hanyun.

"The injustice case involves the Minister of Criminal Affairs and the Commander of the Forbidden Army. It's a very good excuse!"

Su Hanyun slowly closed the file, put his hands behind his back and came to the window, there was a conspiracy in his eyes, and after a while, he said coldly,
"Just use this to mobilize your Zhou and Chen departments!"

"Come on!"

"What orders does Eunuch Su have?"

A little eunuch bowed and knelt at his feet, whispering.

Su Hanyun casually threw the file in front of the little eunuch, and said coldly,
"Tell Shang Tianyin, find the orphan of the Sun family, find an excuse to get in touch, and make offerings to him. After His Majesty's wedding, the whole world will celebrate half a month, and there will be no silk in the world. Let him bring the entire Wuhumen, and every family will hang white silk. The Sun family is crying out for injustice!"


The little eunuch is Pan Renyi's confidant. Today, all the twelve eunuchs are busy with His Majesty's wedding. He was sent here specially to wait for orders. He also knew a little bit about what Su Hanyun was planning, so he bowed and left without saying a word.


Chang'an City East Street, Sun Family Mansion.

The Sun family, which used to be prominent for a while, is now empty, with mottled seals pasted on the vermilion gate. Because of the arrest of people by the Jinwu Guards a few days ago, there is still a trace of blood in the air, and even birds fly by. , dare not stay.

Opposite the gate, an old woman with ragged clothes and a haggard face squatted on the ground, looking at her mansion, silent with desolate eyes.

People passing by passed by, felt pity, and gave the old woman a bowl of rice porridge, two steamed buns, and a plate of pickles, and then persuaded in a low voice,

"Mrs. Sun, why are you bothering?"

"We ordinary people can't compete with those officials. That man is the commander of the Jinwu Guard. He has nearly [-] imperial guards under him, and Zhou Shangshu is behind him. You should forget it!"

"Find a job and live well!"

The old woman seemed to have heard nothing, her eyes were still staring at the sealed gate, the man shook his head, sighed and left, and soon, tears of despair flowed from the eyes of the old woman .


At noon, some men came from the distance of the street. These men were wearing uniform green clothes, with knives on their waists, and their faces were ferocious. feel.

He is Shang Tianyin who came here by order.

"Sect master, the Sun family has been sealed off, it seems that there is a lawsuit!"

Everyone came to the door of Sun's house, looked up and down, and a member of the gang said loudly.

"how is this possible?"

Shang Tianyin frowned, with regret on his face, and sighed,
"How could a good man like Master Sun get into a lawsuit?"

"Find someone to ask, what's going on!"

In a short while, they caught a passerby and asked about the situation here. Shang Tianyin, with a look of indignation on his face, led the people to trot all the way to the hopeless old Mrs. Sun, and knelt down on the ground with his face on his face. cried out in tears,
"Mrs. Sun, Shang is one step late!"


"Old Madam Sun, the younger generation is called Shang Tianyin, and she is the head of the Wuhu Gate in Chang'an City. Back then, the younger generation was framed and lived as a beggar on the street, and almost froze to death in Chang'an City. I gave the younger generation some food, and also gave the younger generation some cotton clothes and silver taels, so the younger generation survived!"

"The younger generation has avenged his revenge and regained everything that belongs to him. I am here to thank Master Sun for saving his life!"

"I didn't expect that the Sun family would encounter such a catastrophe!"

Shang Tianyin snotted and cried, and what he said was true. He kowtowed to the old lady, helped her up himself, and then shouted to his subordinates,

"What are you still doing?"

"Invite the old lady back to Wuhumen, and ask what happened, I will avenge the old lady!"


Two helpers came over and wanted to carry the old lady on their backs. The latter shook her head and sat on the cold ground again. With despair in her eyes, she said with a wry smile,

"No need!"

"The people who harmed my Sun family, you can't fight!"

"Young man, your mind and body are overwhelmed, please go back and let the old body fend for itself here!"

"How about that?"

Shang Tianyin stared, and said impassionedly,

"In my generation, the most important thing in the world is righteousness. How can I ignore the savior's encounter with disaster?"

"Old madam, don't worry, even if Shang is risking his life, he will also seek justice for your Sun family!"

"Take the old lady back to Wuhumen!"

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(End of this chapter)

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