Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 141 Rejection

Chapter 141 Rejection
Moreover, he doesn't need any boundary-breaking pills at all,

The talent of the fairy race in his body can grow as long as he cultivates, and the power of merit and virtue gained from hunting monsters and ghosts will grow even faster. It will never be like the Taoists in this world, there will be bottleneck restrictions,
Perhaps this is the difference in the cultivation systems of different worlds!
The way to judge the level of Taoists in this world is mainly based on spiritual power. The stronger the spiritual power, the more mana can be absorbed, and the stronger the ability to control mana to cast spells.

However, there is an upper limit to a person's spiritual power. Once this upper limit is reached, if they cannot break through, they will be stuck and unable to improve.
The role of the Breakthrough Pill is to lower the upper limit, making it easier for those who break through.

But Jiang Ming's immortal talent is different, its main body is the Buddhist power of Buddhism, supplemented by physical and spiritual power,
Of course, there are still bottlenecks in his martial arts cultivation, just like the eighth rank breaks through the seventh rank, one must control the body finely,

If there is a martial artist competition, he can get a pill that is useful for the improvement of the martial artist, he can also consider it,

Taoists, forget it!
Chen Jinyun persuaded Jiang Ming a few more words, but seeing that he was still unwilling to participate, he had no choice but to give up.
"Since you really don't want to participate, Junior Brother, forget it. This is a batch of strengthening pills that I have newly refined. It should be enough for you to use up to the seventh grade!"

Jiang Ming was a little embarrassed when he took the elixir. After all, the elder sister was also doing it for his own good, but his situation was really special, so it was hard to explain, so he could only say:
"Eldest sister, you are now a seventh-rank high-level, will you participate in the seventh-rank competition this time?"

He remembered that Chen Jinyun said that she had never participated in this kind of competition before, and she was always immersed in the refining of elixir.

Chen Jinyun's face was serious, and he said firmly:
"Of course I want to participate this time. I'm going to Fucheng to compete for the seventh-rank Breakthrough Pill, and then enter the sixth-rank in one fell swoop!"

After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth and said:
"I also want to go to our capital of Dajin to see if it is really so prosperous and so worth nostalgic for!"

"Uh, then, then the junior brother will go cheer for the senior sister!"

Jiang Ming felt as if he had discovered something,
After the elder sister Chen Jinyun left, Jiang Ming continued his various cultivation,

Ten days later, in the early morning, in the main hall of Xiaozhufeng,

Jiang Ming changed into a rare blue Xuanmuzong Taoist robe, and put on a Taoist crown to cover his big bald head.

Today is the opening day of the Xuanmu Sect's ten-year sect competition. Jiang Ming, who did not sign up for the competition, did not intend to participate in the so-called sect opening ceremony.
However, the elder sister told him that the sect has regulations, no matter whether you participate in the competition or not, unless you are in a closed-door retreat, all disciples from each peak must be present on the first day.

Of course, the regulations are dead, but people are alive. If there are so many disciples in one peak, if one or two people are really missing, the people in the Discipline Hall will not be able to find out. After all, the sect is not an army. Management is generally more casual,

However, it doesn't matter if there are fewer disciples in other peaks, but they can't do it in Xiaozhufeng. It's not that the Discipline Hall is extra strict with Xiaozhufeng, but because there are few people in Xiaozhufeng!

Now, the master Mu Xuanji is closed to death, and the second senior brother Zhu Shiqing has gone to the capital. In Xiaozhufeng, there are only the senior sister Chen Jinyun, himself and the third senior sister, the little white snake.
If he doesn't go, then the big sister and the little white snake, as long as the people in the Discipline Hall are not stupid, then they will know that he is absent. If he openly disobeys the order of the sect, he will be locked up.

Fortunately, the opening ceremony of the Zongmen Grand Competition only took one day, and the disciples from the later sects did not ask not to participate in the competition. He still could afford to delay the one-day time, so it was all for relaxation.

Oh, two days, because after the ninth-rank and eighth-rank competitions, when the senior sister of the seventh-rank competition came on stage, he also came to cheer,

Of course, cheering is one aspect, he also wants to see how strong the seventh-rank Taoist is, and how it compares with him now,
So far, he has only seen Taoists take action three times, one time was Yan Wushuang of the ninth rank,

At that time, he felt that Yan Wushuang's fire-type Taoism was quite powerful, but now, he no longer paid attention to that level of Taoism, including the eighth-level Taoism that Yan Wushuang used later.

The second time was to face his master, Mu Xuanji. The Taoist of the sixth rank was indeed terrifying. A fixation technique directly made him lose all his combat power.

Now his strength has been greatly improved, compared to when he just came out of the Naruto world, whether it is a physical body or a talent of the fairy clan, he is more than a chip stronger.
If Mu Xuanji used the body-holding technique to fix him again, he might not be able to hold him. However, a Taoist of the sixth rank must be more than one simple body-fixing technique. It is hard to say that he has never fought against him.
The third time was Yuanxin and Yuanmeng, the two disciples of the Xuanmu Sect Shouzong. The cultivation base of the seventh grade was able to resist magic weapons to attack. The specific strength was not very clear because it was finally stopped by Mu Xuanji.
So this time, just to see what the strength of the seventh-rank Taoist is, what methods he has, and which level of Taoist he can probably compete with,

Although he is currently safe in Xiaozhufeng, he still needs to have a sense of crisis. If one day he meets a Taoist, he will be able to count in his heart.
"Junior brother, you look good in Taoist robes, much better than the baggy robes you wear every day!"

Not long after Jiang Ming arrived at the main hall, the senior sister Chen Jinyun walked in with the third senior sister, Little White Snake,

"Haha, I'm used to wearing that robe!"

For Jiang Ming, Xuanmuzong's taoist robes are beautiful, but they are complicated to wear and have many accessories, which is not very conducive to his hands. The baggy monk's robes are more comfortable to use.
Moreover, the cassock that he wears every day outside the monk's robe is a flying Buddhist vessel that has been cultivated. If it weren't for the special situation today, he would never leave his body even when he was practicing.
Only the longer the Buddhist vessel is stored, the power will be greater, and the cassock is the same, the longer it is stored, the faster it flies,

The little white snake that was originally on Chen Jinyun's shoulder jumped from Chen Jinyun's shoulder to Jiang Ming's shoulder as soon as she saw Jiang Ming, and rubbed her small head on Jiang Ming's face. Then he looked at Jiang Ming expectantly,

"Third Senior Sister, I've already prepared it, here it is!"

Seeing the little white snake staring closely at his eyes, Jiang Ming immediately knew what was going on, and immediately flipped his hand, and a series of seven roasted chickens tied with ropes appeared in his hands, and then reached out to the little white snake,

The snake eyes of the little white snake suddenly lit up a little, and she sucked it hard, and the seven roast chickens in Jiang Ming's hand turned into a beam of light and entered her mouth.

"The natal supernatural power of the Yaozu is really amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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