Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 175 Going to Yu Nin Village

Chapter 175 Going to Yu Nin Village

Different from the slow improvement of obtaining energy from food through the breathing method before, it only takes ten thousand catties of strength to reach the peak of the eighth rank normally.

And when the seventh rank began to absorb the power of the stars, the improvement of strength began to increase significantly,
Maybe it's because the energy level of the power of the stars is far greater than the energy level contained in food, maybe it's because the power of the stars is everywhere and inexhaustible,

Therefore, the strength of a normal seventh-rank elementary martial artist has increased to 20 jin, while at the seventh-rank intermediate level, he has [-] jin of strength.
If you can break through to the sixth rank in the later stage, according to the rumors heard from the elder sister, there may be millions. As for the truth or falsehood, I don’t know. seen

At this time Konoha is midnight,

After breaking through the seventh rank, Jiang Ming began to practice for the first time. From the storage ring, he took out the sun and moon breathing method that his master Mu Xuanji gave him, which was used by the seventh rank of warriors.
Then after careful study, it started to work,

In fact, he has read it countless times before, and he has memorized the content in his heart long ago, and taking it out now is just a subconscious psychological behavior.
"The stars are moving around ten thousand households, and the moon is close to the sky. Eat it for me!"

With the operation of the sun-moon breathing method, wisps of soft but slightly cold energy quickly entered his body along the countless pores of his body,
Then every cell in his body greedily and quickly carves up and devours to strengthen himself,
At the same time, he felt the power in his body start to rise slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.
This growth rate is completely incomparable to the ordinary breathing method practiced before.

An hour later, Jiang Ming opened his eyes again and muttered to himself:
"It took an hour of practice before the cells became saturated. Is it because of the indestructible body of the diamond?"

It turns out that it is written in the Sun-Moon Breathing Method,

For the first time practicing, usually run the sun and moon breathing method for half an hour, and then you will reach the limit. You can either take the bone strengthening pill to extend the training time, or wait for twelve hours, and wait until the body completely absorbs the power of the stars and the moon before starting practice,
However, now, without taking Jiangu Pill, Jiang Ming practiced for an hour for the first time before the cells were saturated.
Therefore, he guessed that it may be because he has the indestructible method of practicing Buddhism, so his physical foundation is much thicker than that of ordinary seventh-rank warriors, so he can have such a cultivation efficiency.

"If you continue to practice like this, maybe you can really try your previous conjecture before you leave!"

Jiang Ming felt his own cultivation results, and couldn't help showing a smile,
half year later,
Holding a Zen stick, Jiang Ming waved goodbye to Kai, Ning Ci and others at the door of Konoha, then turned around and galloped in the direction of the Temple of Fire.

Now Jiang Ming has basically mastered the Eight-door Dunjia technique, and the previous deal with Konoha has been completed, so he does not intend to continue to stay in Konoha.

There are still three months before the end of the training time,

After leaving this time, he will never have a chance to come to this world again, so apart from the previous plan, he plans to spend the rest of the time in the Temple of Fire,

It just so happened that he had received a letter from Lu Lu before, saying that the monks in the Temple of Fire had encountered some problems when they were practicing Buddhist spells, and they couldn't understand them.
Galloping all the way, it took less than two days for Jiang Ming to stand in front of the gate of the Temple of Fire again.
After staying in the Temple of Fire for two months, Jiang Ming left the Temple of Fire.

In the past two months, he has taught all his understanding of Buddhist spells and cultivation methods to the monks of Dilu and Huozhisi, although he is not particularly proficient,
However, under the impact of film and television, novels, and Internet information, his understanding of Buddhist spells and cultivation methods is definitely not something that chakra-based ninja monks in this world can achieve.

After staying in the Temple of Fire for two months, according to his departure from this world, only the last month is left,
So he also went to Yuren Village,

He has always had a guess before, that is, since doing good deeds, you will get the power of merit and improve the cultivation of Buddha power and Dharma, so if you can save the world, will you be able to obtain massive power of merit?

Of course, there are still three or four years before the world is about to be destroyed, and he can only stay in this world for one year, so he will definitely not have the time to save the world.
And to be honest, if he were to face big bosses like Rokudao Madara and Otsutsuki Kaguya now, he wouldn't be able to beat them.
However, if he solves the cause of the world's destruction in advance, and puts an end to this inevitable ninja war in advance, isn't that also an alternative way to save the world?

It's just that he doesn't know if such an opportunistic approach can still get the power of merit, because after all, things haven't happened yet.

However, it is impossible to say,
Therefore, he intends to try it out before leaving this world. It would be best if he could obtain a huge amount of merit.
Because of his appearance, it caused a big butterfly effect on this world. In case Naruto and Sasuke, the two sons of destiny, failed to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki in the end,
Then this world is just GG, and Jiang Ming doesn't care too much about others, but he still has to be scruples about the Temple of Fire.

And with his current strength, this trip to Yuren Village should be more cautious, there shouldn't be too much danger.

If it is said that when he killed Danzo before, the power of 15 broke out, and with the dark energy skills, it has reached a level beyond the shadow level in this world,

With the strength at that time, if he fought with Nagato, it was hard to say whether he would win or lose.
But today, eight months later, he is sure that even Nagato, Payne's outsider and his Six Paths, plus Xiaonan, will not be his opponents.

Today, his martial artist level is still at the seventh-rank elementary level, but it is close to the middle level. With the indestructible body of King Kong, his basic strength is already [-], and under the blessing of Buddha power, it is [-]. sixty thousand,
If the Eight Gates of Dunjia is exploded, the Jingmen's seven-fold increase will be 42, the Shocking Gate's ten-fold increase will be 60, and the Death Gate's thirty-fold increase will be 180 million!

Of course, although he has learned the door of death, he has not tried to open it yet.

Because, the [-]-fold terrifying amplification effect of the door of death was achieved at the cost of releasing all the vitality of the body at once. Jiang Ming's physical foundation as a warrior is certainly strong,

But at most, the persistence time will be longer than that of Kai, so after releasing the dead door, it will also be exhausted.

Therefore, unless in the main world, there is a illusory realm that can restore him instantly, otherwise in the dream world dungeon, he will not open the door of death unless he is certain to die.

But even if it's shocking, ten times the increase, and 60 strength blessings, I believe it is enough!
(End of this chapter)

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