Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 181 Bring Soil, Sudden!Heijue, suddenly!

Chapter 181 Bring Soil, Sudden!Heijue, suddenly!
Therefore, he did not choose to resist, but directly split with Bai Jue, leaving Bai Jue to take the place of the dead ghost, and ran away first.
"It's not that easy to run!"

Jiang Ming's speed suddenly accelerated, and he even rushed in front of Hei Jue and Bai Jue before they were completely separated.

With a loud shout, a punch carrying more than 60 strength smashed hard,

With a loud noise, the place where Heijue and Baijue were located instantly turned into a huge crater like a meteorite falling.

At this time, under Jiang Ming's strength of more than 60 jin, Bai Jue directly turned into air, while Hei Jue turned into a puddle of black indescribable shape,
Bai Jue is the form of human beings who fell into infinite moon reading in the past. After a long period of time, they finally evolved into a form, so as long as they are strong enough, they can be killed.
But Hei is completely different. Although he is the third son of Otsuki Kaguya, he is actually the product of Otsuki Kaguya's will, or the product of Otsuki Kaguya's yin and yang escape.

So basically, using the attack method of this world, it can't be killed, just like Otsutsuki Kaguya, it can only be sealed at most,
However, his hard power is not very strong, otherwise he would not have planned for thousands of years in order to save Otsuki Kaguya, and all kinds of conspiracies and schemes would have succeeded.

Seeing that the plasticine that had turned into Heijue was still moving little by little, trying to leave, Jiang Ming flipped his hand, and threw the Zen staff, Buddhist beads, and cassock in the air in the storage ring over Heijue,
The three Buddhist artifacts immediately turned into a simple Buddhist confinement circle, and fixed the black jade like plasticine on the ground, unable to move at all.
"Eight Gates of Dunjia! Who are you?"

At this time, Obito, wearing a mask, looked at Jiang Ming, whose fighting power was beyond the charts, and Hei Jue, who was imprisoned on the ground by Jiang Ming, did not run away, but frowned and asked about Jiang Ming's identity.

In his opinion, Jiang Ming's strength is indeed extremely powerful, even Nagato's Pain Liudao was killed by him,
The destructive power of that punch just now was unbelievable.

However, he didn't think that Jiang Ming could hurt himself,
Jiang Ming's strength obviously comes from the eight-door Dunjia technique, and the Eight-door Dunjia technique is powerful, but its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the burden on the body will be very heavy, and it can only be used as a temporary burst skill, and it cannot last too long. Long,

And the ability of his own right eye kaleidoscope can make his body virtual. During the virtualization period, no matter how powerful ninjutsu or body skills are, they can't cause any harm to him.

Therefore, he can wait until Jiang Ming's Eight Doors of Dunjia is over, and when his body is at a low point, he can go up and take the head easily.
"Uchiha Obito, it doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that today, you will definitely die!"

Jiang Ming didn't have a good opinion of Obito.

If you want to talk about the last blackening of Nagato, that can be said in the past,

After all, when Nagato was very young, he witnessed Konoha's Jonin rushing into his house and killing his parents,

Later, if he hadn't met Xiaonan and Yahiko, he would have starved to death on the street,

But Yahiko, a close friend who is like a family member, was also persecuted by Hanzo, Danzo, and Konoha Anbe.
In the end, in order to save him and Xiaonan, he committed suicide!
It can be said that his life is indeed very miserable, and it is reasonable to say that it is black,

But with soil this is nonsense,

Just because the goddess I had a crush on when I was a child died, so I became black!
Not only did he plan to kill the master and his mother who cared for him like his parents, but he also secretly planned to destroy the entire family that raised him, and in the end he even wanted to destroy the entire world.
It really deduces the extreme of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors and being insane!

It's like when you just entered junior high school, you had a crush on a girl, and then he was killed by your best friend by mistake,
Then you go home and kill your parents, then your entire family, and finally destroy the whole world,

"How could you know!"

Obito has been acting in the outside world under the guise of Uchiha Madara's name. Even in the Akatsuki organization, no one except "Jue" knows his true identity.

And now, a stranger who met him for the first time has seen through his biggest secret, how can he not be horrified,

Jiang Ming didn't explain, he moved his foot, and he punched Obito,
However, the punch that could kill Tiandao and "Jue" in seconds did not cause any damage to Obito, because Obito had already activated his kaleidoscope ability at this time, and his body was blurred.
"You can't hurt me!"

Obito under the mask looked at Jiang Ming and said coldly,
There was no surprise on Jiang Ming's face. Of course he knew Obito's ability to blur, but at the same time, he also understood that this ability to blur was not invincible, but also had weaknesses.
It has a time limit, the virtualization can only last for 5 minutes at most, after 5 minutes, the virtualization ability will be automatically released, and then use it, you must cool down for a while,

Therefore, as long as he is fast enough to attack uninterruptedly for 5 minutes, Obito's blur will naturally be broken.
Seeing Jiang Ming punching his blurred body non-stop, without any intention of stopping, Obito gradually felt something bad in his heart,

"Don't worry, I can play like this for an hour!"

Jiang Ming's next words made Obito's heart sink to the bottom in an instant,

"It seems that I can only use one Sharingan to use Izanagi, and then temporarily retreat with Kamui!"

Obito immediately had a plan in mind,

His left eye was given to Kakashi, so what was transplanted was the Sangouyu Sharingan collected from the clansmen after the clan was wiped out.

He still has a lot of this kind of three hook jade in his hand,
On the night of the Uchiha extermination, he also personally took action,
Therefore, in fact, the Sangouyu Sharingan in his hand is far more than that of Danzang.

Five minutes later, Jiang Ming's fist hit Obito's body again, but after he felt that what was touched by his fist was an entity, he immediately used his ability to perfectly control his body, turning his fist into a claw,

Instead of exploding Obito's physical body, before Obito could react, he lifted his arm like lightning, and then snapped it out. The kaleidoscope Sharingan in his right eye,

In Jiang Ming's view, the most fundamental way to deal with someone who has Sharingan is to button his eyes. If he buttoned his eyes, no matter what fancy abilities he has, he would be stillborn.

Obito's virtualization and space-time travel are mainly due to the ability of the kaleidoscope in his right eye,

So, as long as Obito's right eye is dug out, then he can no longer escape,
Covering his gouged right eye, Obito's heart was broken. He didn't expect that Jiang Ming didn't play cards according to the routine, and he already found out with some horror that

From the battle between Jiang Ming and Payne Liudao, to the fight with him now,

It seems that they are in control of their intelligence, and their ninjutsu weaknesses are also clear,

After putting Obito's kaleidoscope into the bottle containing the water-stopping kaleidoscope, Jiang Ming caught up with Obito who was running away with all his might, and blasted him with one punch.

Obito activates Izanagi's resurrection,

Jiang Ming stepped forward again, punching him to death,
Uchiha Obito, suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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