Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 201 The Power of Luck

Chapter 201 The Power of Luck
"Little brother, although the imperial court has mastered the refining methods of many high-grade pills for warriors, it has also cultivated many Taoists of its own, and recruited a large number of sect Taoists and casual cultivators to work for them.
However, the territory of Dajin is too vast. There are more than 1 cities in Dajin like Qingyouzhou alone, and there are even more counties and towns below.

Given the number of Taoists who are proficient in alchemy in the imperial court, it is not easy to fully supply the pills used by high-grade warriors for cultivation. There are countless low-grade warriors. How can they supply the pills they often use?
Moreover, the imperial court gave priority to the supply of the four major armies for the supply of all warrior pills, and the surplus would be distributed to various places.

Therefore, most of the elixirs used by low-grade warriors on the market come from our Taoist sect, just like in Zhentian Mansion, most of the elixirs come from our Xuanmu sect."

Well, Jiang Ming once again understood what a moat is, and it's no wonder that the people from the Demon Sect wanted to sneak attack on their dharma boats, and they probably also took a fancy to Xuanmuzong's moats.

It is much more cost-effective to attack Xuanmu Sect than to attack other sects.
However, to be honest, judging from the situation just now, there is a reason why the imperial court has been able to remain strong for a long time, and is getting stronger and stronger.
Zeng Jin, he asked his second senior brother Zhu Shiqing, why the imperial court can manage it so well is not in line with common sense because the area of ​​Dajin is so vast and communication is not very convenient.

In this world, as long as you are a person, you will have selfishness. If you have been an official for a long time, even if you are a good official at the beginning, you may degenerate later.

How can the imperial court ensure that it does not appear in some places far away from the imperial capital, where officials pretend to be obedient and disobey, and deceive the superior and the inferior?
After all, this kind of situation often occurred in the history of the previous life. This is how the word "Emperor of Earth" came from. What's more, the land of the Great Jin Dynasty in this world is far more than a hundred times vaster than that of the previous life.
At that time, the second brother Zhu Shiqing told him,

it's actually really easy,
First of all, if a place is prosperous and prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, then the luck of this place will be strong, which will speed up the cultivation speed of local Confucian officials, and military officials will also get more and better pills for cultivation.

In order to improve their strength, most of them will try their best to manage the places under their jurisdiction.
Of course, the key point is that the imperial court can directly observe the power of luck in a place,

If somewhere, there is a big problem with the power of luck suddenly, then the court must be aware of it soon,
For example, if the power of luck in Zhongling County suddenly drops a lot, then the governor of Qingyou Prefecture will definitely send people to investigate and punish the officials of Zhongling County.

If it is serious, it will even be reported directly to dismiss the relevant personnel from their official posts.
Because, if the power of luck in Zhongling County decreases, the power of luck in Qingyou Prefecture as a whole will inevitably decrease, which will directly affect the officials of Qingzhou City.

Therefore, in this world, it is rare for officials and officials to protect each other.
Moreover, for Confucians, official positions are very important. For example, the governor of Qingyou Prefecture, who was originally a seventh-rank strength, because of the addition of the governor's official position, he has a sixth-rank strength in Qingyou Prefecture.

But in Qingyou Prefecture, there are Confucians of the seventh rank, and those without official positions.

These are just one aspect.

The more important point is that this is a world where strength is paramount, and strength is the most important thing.
The group of people in the center of the imperial court holds the most powerful power in the entire imperial court, and His Majesty the Emperor is the only second-rank known in the world.
All problems can be flattened directly with powerful strength,

"By the way, Eldest Sister, you just mentioned the army, and the imperial court's medicines are mainly supplied to the four major armies, what's going on with these four armies?

Chen Jinyun thought for a while and explained:
"Little brother, you may not be very clear. We have a total of four most powerful armies in the Jin Dynasty. There are no ordinary people in the army. They are all composed of warriors, Taoists and Confucianists. It can be said that there are like clouds of masters. The four realms of south and north, the commander of the king of the four realms,

The four armies resist the Dayuan in the east, resist the Jin in the west, conquer the monsters in the south, and suppress the Zombies in the north to protect the safety of the people of the Jin Dynasty!

And our northern army is at the northernmost point of the northern border, suppressing the zombies who have been trying to attack the human race! "

Jiang Ming nodded silently after listening to Chen Jinyun's explanation,
Sure enough, Da Jin can have such a large territory, and his strength is not a joke.
After the banquet, all Xuanmu Sect disciples were politely invited to stay in the best inn in the city.
Entering his own room, Jiang Ming looked at the brightly lit Qingyou City outside the window through the mahogany paper window carved with patterns of rare and exotic animals, and couldn't help sighing.
It's ridiculous to say that he has been in this world for a long time, but this is the first time he has seen what a real city in this world looks like.
At the beginning of his rebirth, the place where he first appeared was Dashi Village. In the memory of his body and his impression, it was a poor village, and the houses were basically made of wood.

Later, I entered the world of Shaolin Temple, which was in the period of Sui and Tang dynasties, and it was common to see corpses everywhere.

And when he returned to the main world, he stayed in the big forest all the time, and finally entered a somewhat decent town. Before staying for a day, he was caught by Mu Xuanji to Xiaozhufeng,
Afterwards, I went to Naruto World, which is also a wonderful world. Modern and ancient things intersect, but most of them still appear in the appearance of villages. The scenery is not bad, but it is not spectacular enough.

Finally, there is the ancient world of A Chinese Ghost Story, where monsters are rampant, and the court is also in chaos. After traveling for a year, he doesn't feel very good.
But today, when he saw Qingyou City, he felt for the first time that the ancient city can also be so magnificent and shocking.

Although it has no high-rise buildings, no cars, high-speed trains and planes, no asphalt roads, and no various modern urban features of feasting and feasting,
However, when an ancient city with an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers surrounded by a huge city wall more than 30 meters high appears in front of your eyes,

But it can bring you another kind of feeling that is not inferior to the modern metropolis, that is, the ancient city can also feel like this,

And it is full of all kinds of antique ancient buildings, pavilions, carved railings and jade, heavy traffic, continuous flow, the population is close to tens of millions,

And this is just a city in one prefecture, how magnificent should the county, mansion and Beijing city be, and how prosperous and magnificent the imperial capital of the Jin Dynasty where the second brother Zhu Shiqing is located,

After seeing the scene of Qingyou City, Jiang Ming had a little more expectation for this trip to Fucheng.

(End of this chapter)

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