Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 204 Xu Xian of Qiantang County

Chapter 204 Xu Xian of Qiantang County


He first looked around, and when he found no one, he took off his Taoist robe, took out a monk's robe from the storage ring, and put it on.

Then he put on the cassock again, wiped off the hair that had grown up with great difficulty during this period of time with magic power, and returned to the appearance of a young monk.
With the Zen stick in his left hand and the Buddhist beads in his right hand, Jiang Ming flew up from the sky. He couldn't see where he was, so he planned to find the people nearby and ask him where he was.

After flying in the air for a while, I saw a huge oval-shaped beautiful lake in the distance.
"The water is shining and the sun is shining,

The mountains are empty and rainy is also strange.

If you want to make West Lake better than Xizi,
Light makeup is always suitable! "

Although the West Lake at this time is slightly different from later generations, it has not changed much in general.
However, compared to the West Lake that was crowded with tourists in later generations, the West Lake at this time seems to be more peaceful and elegant.

"This benefactor, may I ask where is Qiantang County?"

Old man Wang was gathering up the cages that he set off last night by the lake, to see if he could catch some fish and shrimps, and then send them to restaurants in the city to exchange for some silver, when a polite inquiry sounded from the bank,
He quickly looked up, but it was a young monk with a Zen stick in his hand and a cassock. Although the monk was young, he had an extraordinary bearing.
Monks and Taoists, at this period, their status is not too high, but he is not something that ordinary people can offend, so he quickly bowed his head and replied respectfully:

"Master, Qiantang County is in the southeast. You can walk along this road, and you will be there in about ten miles!"

"Amitabha, thank you, the benefactor, for letting me know!"

The young monk performed a Buddhist ceremony to the old man Wang, then took off his cassock and threw it into the sky, and flew up on the cassock.

This frightened the old man Wang, and he quickly kneeled on the ground with his legs limp, kowtowed and shouted:
"Greetings Bodhisattva! Greetings Bodhisattva!"

"The poor monk is not a bodhisattva, but since you kowtow to the poor monk, this is a little thank you for asking the way!"

Hearing the gentle voice of the young monk fading away, the old man Wang quickly raised his head and looked up into the sky, only to see the young monk, supported by his cassock, flying away quickly towards the southeast.

At this time, it has turned into a black spot,
The sun rose slowly, and the old man Wang suddenly felt a ray of light dazzled his eyes. He lowered his head, and a gold bar was inserted straight into the soil, revealing half of his golden body.
It turned out that the light that dazzled his eyes just now was the reflection of the sun on the gold bars.
Recalling the "thank you gift" that the young monk said, the old man Wang picked up the gold bar with trembling hands, and then bowed devoutly in the direction where the young monk left:

"Thank you Bodhisattva for the gift! This year, children can finally go to private school!"

This young monk is none other than Jiang Ming who has just arrived in this world.
When he was flying high in the sky, relying on his perverted eyesight as a warrior, he quickly spotted Old Man Wang who was keeping a cage by the lake, so he descended to ask Old Man Wang about the location of Qiantang County.

Qiantang County is Xu Xian's hometown, and it is also the place where Xu Xian teaches now.

Although Jiang Ming has watched videos about West Lake on TV, but due to work reasons, he never took time to travel to West Lake in his previous life.

Therefore, it is not very clear about the exact location of Qiantang County where Xu Xian lives.

Now, his first task is to find Qiantang County first, and then find Xu Xian, to make sure whether Xu Xian has met Bai Suzhen, whether the plot has started,
Then plan your next move.
When choosing the world of "Green Snake", Jiang Ming already had some preliminary plans in mind. In the world of "Green Snake" for a year, in addition to taking time out every day to practice the sun-moon breathing method,
The other is to find a way to learn more Buddhist spells from the temples in this world, and to earn more meritorious power to improve one's Buddhist practice.
The most powerful Buddhist spells he knows so far in the mortal world is none other than Fa Hai, the great abbot of Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and the reincarnation of the boa constrictor god.

And in this world, in a short period of time, he can determine a large number of events that earn merit power. There are three things in total.

The first is the flood in Qiantang County, the second is the great plague caused by the flood, and the third is Bai Suzhen flooding Jinshan. Because the flooding Jinshan, not only drowned countless monks in Jinshan Temple, but also drowned countless people nearby. the common people,
But how to operate it, we have to wait for him to meet Xu Xian and confirm the current time before making a good plan.

After the royal cassock flew towards the southeast where the old man pointed for a few minutes, Jiang Ming soon saw a bustling county town with a plaque on Qiantang County.

At this time, it was just Chen's hour, but the county town was already full of people, the streets were full of traffic, all kinds of hawkers were hawking breakfast food, and on the small river in the city, there were also boats dragging various goods back and forth.
Apparently, the county seat of Qiantang County, due to its proximity to the West Lake, could be considered a relatively prosperous county seat during this period.
Putting away the cassock, Jiang Ming found a deserted place outside the county seat and descended, holding a Zen staff, walked towards the gate of the county seat on foot.

In crowded places, if it is not necessary, it is better not to be too ostentatious. If you fly directly into the city, it will definitely cause riots, which is not in line with his original intention.
Walking into the county town, Jiang Ming found an early breakfast shop, ordered the famous biscuits, fried juniper, and a bowl of vegetable soup, then threw a coin to the boss and asked:
"Does the benefactor know where the bookstore in this county is?"

The boss took the money thrown by Jiang Ming, and quickly stopped his work, with a chrysanthemum-like smile on his face, and began to answer Jiang Ming's questions respectfully,

This ingot of silver can be compared to the money he earned earlier by selling it for seven or eight days.

After the detailed explanation by the owner of the breakfast shop, Jiang Ming soon knew that if he walked along the small river not far away to the east of the city, he would find the bookstore in the city.
And in the bookstore, there is indeed a teacher named Xu Xian, who is dedicated to his studies and does not seek fame.

Leaving the breakfast shop, Jiang Ming walked along the river in the city to the east of the city according to what the boss said.
Sure enough, after walking for more than a quarter of an hour, the sound of a group of students reading loudly reached his ears. Looking for the sound, he soon saw Xu Xian who was standing on the second floor, wearing a black gown.

"Study hard, memorize well, your exam time is coming soon, although we don't study all for fame, but we can't waste our youth and waste our studies!"

Xu Xian stood on the teaching platform, facing a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old students below, he followed the instructions carefully,
"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

After hearing this, the students put down the poems and books in their hands, and replied respectfully,
"Okay, keep reading!"

Xu Xian nodded in satisfaction,
"The sun is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea"

At noon, Xu Xian, who had finished teaching all morning, walked out of the bookstore a little tired, intending to have some lunch.
At this time, a strange voice suddenly sounded beside him,

"I wonder if this benefactor is Mr. Xu from the bookstore?"

(End of this chapter)

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