Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 219 Incarnation outside the body?

Chapter 219 Incarnation outside the body?

"Lord Dragon King, don't bother General Crab. This is just a clone of the poor monk. The poor monk is gone!"

Jiang Ming raised his hand to stop the Dragon King's shout, and after a little explanation, he quickly formed a seal to remove the shadow clone, and the person disappeared in place.
When the Dragon King of Taihu Lake saw that Jiang Ming had actually disappeared in place, he was startled and murmured:
"To be able to incarnate such a mysterious spell outside of the body, it seems that the identity of the Juexin mage is not simple! Could it be that some Arhat has reincarnated?"

Incarnation outside the body?Of course not, it’s just the technique of shadow clone. Compared with the technique of shadow clone, external incarnation is a heaven and earth.
The technique of shadow clone is only to create a physical clone with half of the chakra of the main body. It can understand all the spells of the main body, but it will dissipate when it is attacked. After dissipating, all the memories and feelings will return to the main body.
And the art of incarnation outside the body is to directly separate a little of the real self and turn it into a physical clone with exactly the same strength as oneself. No matter how far apart, it can share all the memories and feelings in real time.

Of course, the techniques of incarnation outside the body of different sects are actually the same. The most famous and powerful one is Lao Tzu's technique of transforming into three cleanses in one breath!
There is also a more famous one, Monkey King Monkey King's incarnation technique, Monkey King can pull out his own monkey hair to turn him into a monkey, and he can change up to [-] monkeys at once.

Although the strength of each little monkey cannot be compared with the main body, it also has the body of a king kong, and its strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals.
In front of the gate of the sheriff's mansion,

Just as Jiang Ming raised his foot and stepped across the threshold, he was taken aback suddenly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,
It turned out that just now, all the memories about Long Gongying's avatar had flooded into his mind.
Knowing that the deal has been concluded, maybe it won't be long before he can find a war bow with a quality comparable to that of a fairy weapon, and his mood immediately improves a lot.

"Fortunately, we didn't offend him this morning!"

The two guards at the gate looked at one of the two monks who came to inquire about Abbot Huiyuan in the morning. At this time, he was respectfully invited into the room by the county guard.
In the evening, Junshou Wu prepared a very sumptuous vegetarian meal and entertained Jiang Ming. However, his wife and son did not show up during the period.
The next day,

Jiang Ming left the prefect's mansion on the grounds that he needed to visit Abbot Huiyuan at Lingtai Temple.

After leaving the mansion, Jiang Ming did not leave the county right away, but came here on foot. The father and daughter stall who sold tofu he rescued yesterday,


The father and daughter, who were buying tofu, walked up the street, the young monk who saved their lives yesterday, immediately knelt down on the ground excitedly,
Seeing this, Jiang Ming quickly stepped forward to lift the two of them up, and said with a smile,

"You two benefactors don't need to be like this. The poor monk just heard that your family's tofu flower is the best in this county, so I want to come and taste it!"

"Engong wants to eat tofu? You sit down and wait a moment, the old man will go and make it for you right away!"

Hearing that Jiang Ming was here to eat tofu flowers, the old man immediately picked up the largest sea bowl on the stall, opened the wooden barrel containing tofu flowers, and began to serve them.

And his daughter picked up the rag, wiped the tables and chairs on the stall, respectfully asked Jiang Ming to sit down,

"Two benefactors, don't know how to address you yet?"

Jiang Ming, who was sitting on the bench, looked at the old man who was pouring marinated juice into a large bowl of tofu flowers, and put garlic, chili oil, green onions, and coriander, and asked casually,
The old man put the stuffed tofu flower in front of Jiang Ming, and replied respectfully:

"Engong, the villain's surname is Sun, and his name is Sun Shan. They all call me Lao Sun. This is my little girl, Xiao Hua!"

Jiang Ming took a spoonful of the tofu flower with garlic, coriander and marinated sauce, put it in his mouth and chewed it twice, his mouth was filled with the tenderness of tofu flower and the fresh fragrance of the brine.
"It would be even better if we add some dried shrimps and pickled mustard!"

Jiang Ming remembered that in his previous life, the bean curd he ate was made of chicken juice, with dried shrimps, shredded mustard greens and shredded black fungus sprinkled in it. It was also a must for breakfast.
He even ate it, pouring the spicy soup directly on the bean curd flower, and it tasted very good.

As for the brine, this is the first time he has eaten it today, and it feels pretty good.

Anyway, he thinks that as long as it doesn’t add sugar, he likes salty tofu nao.
"Old Sun, how many years have you been in Wuxing County?"

Sun Shan thought for a while and replied:
"Old man, I came to Wuxing County when I was in my 30s, and I have been here for 20 years now!"

"It's been 20 years, so you must know Wu Xing County quite well. Tell me about the current Wu County Guard's family!"

Jiang Ming dug a large spoonful of tofu brains into his mouth, and continued,

Facing his savior, Sun Shan didn't hide anything, and told everything he knew and heard about Junshou Wu and his family in detail.
Wu Junshou's name is Wu Shangren, who was transferred from Lin'an Mansion five years ago to serve as the sheriff. His wife's name is Qin Rong, who is the daughter of Qin Hui, the prime minister of the dynasty.
His son's name is Wu Daode, he is a dude who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles all day long. He often robs women in the street, and as long as he is robbed, it is rare for him to come back alive.
After leaving the tofu stall, Jiang Ming used the transformation technique to transform into an ordinary-looking commoner, and began to secretly collect information in various restaurants, teahouses, and folk alleys throughout the county.

He found that, in fact, many ordinary people were discussing that the thousand-year-old Jiaolong who suddenly flew above the county town to find a girl that day might have something to do with the county guard's son Wu Daode.
Because it was rumored that someone had seen Wu Daode bring a strange and unknown woman into the county mansion. The woman was gorgeously dressed, but she did not look like an ordinary person.

In this way, at the end of the day, Jiang Ming had gradually figured out who the real murderer of Jiaonu was, but if he wanted to confirm it, he had to go to the county mansion at night.

In fact, Jiang Ming had always felt that something was wrong.

Under normal circumstances, when the Jiao girl was killed, the thousand-year-old Jiaolong would find the county to hand over the murderer. Faced with such a powerful Jiaolong, the first reaction of the Wu Junshou should be to first mobilize the official forces to find the murderer.

Because as long as the murderer is found, the dragon will naturally retreat,

If the murderer can't be found, it's not too late to find someone to help eliminate the demon in order to prevent Jiaolong from turning his face and flooding Wuxing County.
But in fact, after being threatened by the Millennium Flood Dragon, Governor Wu didn't even look for him, so he went directly to the famous Lingtai Temple to invite Abbot Huiyuan,

He had already confirmed this in secret when he parted ways with Abbot Huiyuan before. Jun Wu went to Lingtai Temple to look for him to get rid of demons ten days ago.


(End of this chapter)

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