Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 227 "The Sutra of Saving Human Beings" and "Five Lightning Laws"

Chapter 227 "The Sutra of Saving People" and "Five Thunder Laws"

The trip to the Dragon Palace was successfully completed.

Jiang Ming didn't leave right away, but stayed at the same place, completed the practice time of the sun and moon breathing method, and then performed the technique of riding the clouds and driving the fog, and left the shore of Taihu Lake.
When he separated from Fa Hai yesterday, he had an agreement with Fa Hai that after Fa Hai went to Xiaomiao Village to eliminate demons, he would meet Jiang Ming at Lingtai Temple and invite Jiang Ming to Jinshan Temple to discuss Buddhism.
Therefore, his next step now is to go to Lingtai Temple to wait for Fahai, and at the same time see if he can learn the six-character mantra from Abbot Huiyuan.
"Six-character mantra!"

Jiang Ming felt a little excited when he thought about it.
Although the power of the six-character mantra that Huiyuan used when he was fighting Jiaolong at that time, I felt that it was not as powerful as Taoist Lingxiao's thunder method,
But that doesn't mean that the six-character mantra is not as good as the Jiuxiao Leifa, it's just because Huiyuan's true cultivation of Buddhism is not particularly powerful.
Huiyuan is not the reincarnation of a true Buddha like Fa Hai, nor is he a coward like Jiang Ming, he is just a normal Buddhist monk. Because of his age, although his cultivation level is not low, he is not that outstanding either.

Even so, he can rely on the six-character mantra to suppress the Jiaolong in agony,
It also shows that the six-character mantra is still very powerful,
The point is, Jiang Ming knows that in "Journey to the West", when the Tathagata Buddha used Wuzhishan to suppress Sun Wukong, what he cast on Wuzhishan was the six-character mantra,
The six-character mantra has suppressed Sun Wukong for 500 years. It was not until Tang Seng, the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, revealed the six-character mantra that Sun Wukong opened Wuzhishan and regained his freedom.

It can be seen that the upper limit of the six-character mantra is very high,
When ugly, the sky is dark,
Jiang Mingteng rode the clouds and fog to the front of the mountain gate of Lingtai Temple,

Since it was still late at night and the monks in the temple had already fallen asleep, he didn't bother him hastily. Instead, he found an open space on a nearby hill, and made a simple earthen house out of earth to live in.
He took out the oil lamp from the storage ring and lit it with a fire escape, Jiang Ming took out all the Dao Zang collected from Zijin Temple,
Then start to sort it out one by one,

There are not many Taoist treasures in the Zijin Palace, and there are only more than 100 books in total. Many of them are just about explaining the history of Taoism, etiquette and professional terms, etc., and the real cultivation methods and spells.
There are less than ten books that are really related to practice.
They are Zijin Guan, or the fundamental cultivation method of the Shenxiao sect - "Lingbao Wuquan Saving People Top Grade Wonderful Sutra", referred to as "Saving People Sutra",
This method of practice is the method of induction between heaven and man, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, condensing the magic power of Taoism, and finally cultivating the inner alchemy, crossing the catastrophe and achieving immortality,

The second is the Dao protection spell - "Five Thunders", which is divided into five small thunders: Palm Heart Thunder, Five Thunder Palms, etc., as well as the most powerful Jiuxiaoshen Thunder method.

In addition to the fundamental cultivation method and Taoist protection spells, there are also other types of Taoist books such as "The Art of Serving Ghosts", "The Art of Calling the Wind and Rain", "Fulu", "Alchemy", "Refining Weapons", etc.
I sorted it out roughly, and put the Taoist books on cultivation on one side, and other books explaining the basic knowledge of Taoism on the other side.
These books on basic knowledge and theory need to be kept for the time being, because he briefly looked through the Taoist books about explaining the methods of practice and various methods of Taoism, and found that there are many terms in it that are difficult to understand.

At that time, it may be necessary for him to find answers from these books explaining the basic theories of Taoism.

And after sorting it out, he knew that these Taoist treasures of Zijin Temple could not be learned by him in a short time, and he might need to spare a lot of time to study them later.
Therefore, he decided to postpone the study of Dao Zang first, and wait until his affairs are almost handled, and he has free time, and then think about it slowly. After all, even if he has no common sense, he also knows that the integration of Buddhism and Taoism is definitely not a good idea. such an easy thing,
In the morning, the sun slowly rises from the east,

The melodious and Zen-like bells of Lingtai Temple also sounded, and the monks in the temple were woken up by the bells, began to get up and wash, and went to the main hall for morning classes.
For a time, the entire Lingtai Temple was filled with the reverent chanting of monks,

And at this time, Jiang Ming, who did not need to sleep, simply studied Daozang all night, also came out of the temporary earthen house he made with the earth cave,
After taking a deep breath of the fresh air on the mountain, and stretching out habitually, he pinched the spell and used the technique of riding clouds and fog, and flew towards the gate of Lingtai Temple.
"Amitabha, poor monk Juexin of Shaolin Temple, visiting Abbot Huiyuan of Lingtai Temple, please pass on a word or two!"

Jiang Ming clasped his hands together, and made a Buddhist salute to the gatekeeper monk of Lingtai Temple.

"It turned out to be you, please wait a moment, the monk will go to inform the abbot right away!"

The monk guarding the gate recognized it at a glance. The young monk in front of him was the one who came to find the abbot with Fa Hai, the chief abbot of Jinshan Temple, two days ago.

So I didn't dare to be negligent, I quickly returned a Buddhist ceremony, and ran to the temple,
About half a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Ming saw Abbot Huiyuan coming out of the temple with a spider spirit in human form.

"What! Abbot, you mean Brother Fahai, you haven't come back yet?"

In Lingtai Temple, after Jiang Ming was welcomed into the temple by Abbot Huiyuan and Spider Spirit, he soon learned from Huiyuan that Fahai had not come to Lingtai Temple yet.

This result surprised him a little.

Because he knew that the man-eating monster in Xiaomiao Village was just a wolf demon that Taoist Ling Xiao cast a spell to lure over.

For an eminent monk like Fa Hai, it is an existence that can be wiped out with a wave of his hand. It is impossible to deal with it in two days.

After thinking for a while, he had some guesses in his heart.
"Could it be a heart demon?"

After all, if according to the original plot, Fahai went back to Jinshan Temple after encountering Zhulin giving birth, and was invaded by demons not long after,
Later, it took a lot of time to defeat the inner demon again, further improve his cultivation, and go down the mountain to eliminate the demon again.

But now, because of his intervention, Fa Hai never had time to return to Jinshan Temple after encountering the bamboo forest giving birth.
Instead, I first went to Lingtai Temple, then went to Wuxing County City, then went to the shore of Taihu Lake, and finally arrived at Xiaomiao Village again.
Therefore, judging from the time, Fahai may be really in the stage of being haunted by demons.

In fact, the facts are not far from Jiang Ming's guess.

After Fahai arrived at Xiaomiao Village, he directly opened the Buddha's Eye, and soon found the wolf monster that had eaten many people, and easily abolished its cultivation, and suppressed it under a huge rock.
However, just as he was performing the technique of riding the clouds and riding the fog, on the way to the Lingtai Temple that he had agreed with Jiang Ming, a picture of the naked village woman in the bamboo forest suddenly appeared in his mind,
(End of this chapter)

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