Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 231 Capture the Blind Taoist Alive

Chapter 231 Capture the Blind Taoist Alive

"In the past, in the blue sky at the beginning of the beginning, the singing of the blue sky, the great floating Li land, and the immeasurable top grade of the people of the Yuanshi. The Tianzun of the Yuanshi should speak the scriptures, and go back ten times in order to call the ten directions. The beginning should be seated, the innocent god, the holy high Respect"

Sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, Jiang Ming flipped through Zijin Temple's Taoist practice method "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra", and at the same time looked for some interpretable information from a pile of Taoist classics next to him.

For him, relying on his own knowledge of Taoism alone, there is no way to interpret this "Lingbao Wumeimen Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" without any obstacles.

So whenever he encounters something he doesn't understand, he will look for those Taoist treasures that explain Taoist knowledge, so as not to misunderstand.

You must know that the practice method is the foundation of practice. Once you make a mistake, you might lose your life. This is the dream world, not the main world. He doesn't have the chance to be resurrected with full blood every eight hours.

However, after searching for a long time, he found that the efficiency of doing so was really too slow.

If there is no one to guide him, relying on himself alone, even if he spends all the time left in this world, he may not be able to get started.

Sure enough, no matter what you are studying, a master is very important. The master leads you into the door, and practice depends on the individual. The premise is that you have a master who leads you into the door.

Maybe he doesn't need to have a high level of cultivation, nor does he need to have a deep understanding of Taoism, but he must at least have a solid foundation in Taoism.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming's heart moved, and he suddenly had an idea, so he immediately waved away the Daozang on the bed, got up and went out.

If his memory is correct, that person should meet his requirements.

After walking unsteadily for about two quarters of an hour, he saw a mansion compound with the sign of "Baifu" hanging on it, about a hundred paces away, much larger than the one Jiang Ming bought with money.

Of course, this is not a normal courtyard, but a courtyard created by Bai Suzhen with her magic power.

And near the courtyard, a blind Taoist priest and two Taoist boys were holding a sack each, spreading sulfur around the entire courtyard, intending to weaken the magic power of the two snake demons, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, in the courtyard.

Jiang Ming stood under the big willow tree some distance away from the yard, instead of continuing to move forward, he looked at it with interest.

According to his memory, he knew that the blind Taoist priest and his two apprentices were all members of the Taoist sect, but compared to Taoist Ling Xiao of Zijin Temple, the mana of this blind Taoist priest was much lower.

Even Xiaoqing, who has been cultivated for 500 years, is much weaker in strength, and is also stronger than ordinary mortals.

However, Taoist priests in this era, regardless of their strength, have one characteristic, that is, to slay demons and eliminate demons. Basically, when encountering demons, no matter whether the opponent is good or bad, they will kill them.

Because they need to use the demon's inner alchemy to refine the elixir to improve their cultivation.

Taoist Ling Xiao wanted to kill Jiaolong back then, and now the blind Taoist wanted to kill Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and it was the same.

It's just that the blind Taoist overestimated his own strength, thinking that with some means of restraining monsters, he could kill the thousand-year-old snake monster.

As everyone knows, the other party is not an ordinary thousand-year-old snake demon, but a snake demon who has cultivated authentic Taoist methods. His mana and Taoism are far from what he, a casual Taoist, can compare.

If it weren't for Bai Suzhen's already accomplished Taoism, she wouldn't kill people easily, this blind Taoist would definitely be killed in a matter of minutes.

However, low mana is nothing. Jiang Ming didn't look for the blind Taoist priest because of his mana.

At this age, I must be very familiar with the basic knowledge and introductory knowledge of Taoism.

It is just right for him to guide him in the beginning of Daoist cultivation.

At this time, a young scholar, carrying a big red food box, came slowly from a distance. It was Xu Xian who had made an appointment with Bai Suzhen yesterday to come to fetch an umbrella today.

"Master, there is someone!"

The two Taoist boys looked straight at Xu Xian, who was walking towards the White Mansion, and hurriedly reported to the blind Taoist priest.

The blind Taoist immediately replied angrily:

"Does anyone need to call me? If there are demons, call me again. If there are people, let them avoid it!"

Two Taoist boys immediately stopped Xu Xian and told him that there were demons haunting this place and told him to leave here.

As the master of the bookstore, Xu Xian is a scholar of Confucianism, who learned that "the son does not talk about strange powers and confuses the gods".

But the blind Taoist felt that Xu Xian didn't believe him, so he immediately explained in more detail, saying that there were two snake spirits inside, and that the house was conjured up by demon methods, so he asked him to leave quickly.

Hearing this explanation, Xu Xian hesitated for a moment, because he had never heard of such a large courtyard nearby, but the address was given by the woman in white whom he liked yesterday.

This made it difficult for him to make a choice for a while.

But at this time in the courtyard, Bai Suzhen counted her fingers and knew that Xu Xian had arrived at the door, so she picked up a teacup and sprinkled it in the sky, once again performing the skill of summoning wind and rain.

All of a sudden, dark clouds gathered over the entire courtyard, and suddenly there was a heavy rain, which washed away all the sulfur that was sprinkled around the courtyard.

The blind Taoist was startled, he didn't expect that mere monsters could use advanced spells such as summoning the wind and calling the rain, and he immediately drew out his magic sword and rushed in for a quick battle.

It's a pity that as soon as the door was opened, they were staggered by a stream of mana condensed water.

Without the suppression of sulfur, the blind Taoist knew that he was definitely not an opponent, so he quickly called two apprentices, pulled Xu Xian, and was about to retreat first.

However, at this time, Xu Xian watched the blind Taoist draw his sword and fall down again, and muttered in his mouth, thinking that he was a lunatic, and he didn't want to leave at all.

In a fit of anger, the blind Taoist ignored Xu Xian and retreated first with his two apprentices.

However, just as they rushed near the big willow tree, they suddenly heard a soft shout:
"Om, um, ni, ba, mi, hum!"

Then they rolled their eyes and passed out collectively.

It turned out that Jiang Ming, who had been watching the play in hiding, cast a six-character mantra on the three masters and apprentices, and collectively knocked them down.

He took out the cassock and threw it in the air, then threw the three blind Taoist priests and disciples on the cassock, and cast an illusion on himself and others to cover up his figure.

Jiang Ming no longer cared about Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen's follow-up, and the imperial envoy returned to the courtyard he bought.

The gate of the Bai Mansion opened, and Bai Suzhen walked out of the gate, looked suspiciously at the direction where Jiang Ming disappeared, then waved away the technique of summoning wind and rain, and pulled Xu Xian into the room with a charming smile.

"Young master, you are soaking wet, quickly take off your clothes, I'll bake it for you!"

"Baked again? I just baked it yesterday on the boat!"

"Then you're wet again!"

(End of this chapter)

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