Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 233 Double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism

Chapter 233 Double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism

The blind Taoist was startled for a moment.

Like the Dragon King of Taihu Lake, he thought that the shadow clone technique Jiang Ming used was the legendary incarnation technique, so he was even more confused about Jiang Ming's identity.

After half an hour,
The blind Taoist master and apprentice who were devouring the delicious food on the table suddenly felt that it seemed pretty good to be arrested by force.

At least this kind of food is rare for them to eat.

"Master, didn't you say that monks are not allowed to drink alcohol and eat meat?"

A little Taoist boy who was holding roasted chicken legs and gnawed fiercely, looked at Jiang Ming eating stewed beef while drinking a little wine, looking like he was not abstaining from alcohol and meat, he couldn't help asking the blind Taoist beside him.

The blind Taoist paused for a moment with his chopsticks, thinking that if he could answer, he would not offend this unpredictable monk while answering his disciple's question.

And Jiang Ming, who was opposite him, had already given him the answer with a smile.

"Of course normal monks can't eat meat and drink alcohol. Your master is right, but the poor monk is an exception, because the poor monk's master once said, 'Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart stays', so the poor monk does not quit. Wine and meat!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ming thought of another dream world, the world of Shaolin Temple.

Suddenly, several years have passed!
in the afternoon,

The four people who were full of wine and food came to the grass in the yard.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Ming took out all the Taoist treasures in the storage ring, and then took out the "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" from it, and handed it to the blind Taoist.

"This is the Taoist exercise that you will guide the poor monk to practice in the next month - "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra". Of course, you and your apprentice can also practice together, which is regarded as the reward that the poor monk gave you in advance !"

""Lingbao Wuliangmen Top Grade Wonderful Sutra"? The practice method of the Shenxiao sect "Lingbao Wuliangmen Top Grade Wonderful Sutra"!"

When the blind Taoist took the "Lingbao Wuliangren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" handed over by Jiang Ming, his hands shook and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Shenxiao faction is the number one among the entire Taoist sect, and the sect he belongs to is one in the sky and the other in the underground.
His school's powerful "Five Thunders" and the cultivation method "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Miaojing" are also known as the strongest attack spells and cultivation methods of Taoism.

He never expected that what Jiang Ming was talking about was this kind of exercise, and when he thought that he could also practice this level of exercise, his whole body was shocked.

"That's right, it's the "Spiritual Treasure Unlimited Human High-Grade Wonderful Sutra", as well as "Five Thunders" and other spells are here. If you are interested, you can also copy a copy and take it away!"

Jiang Ming saw that the blind Taoist seemed a little excited, so he fueled him again.

The blind Taoist, who took a long time to calm down, couldn't help but sigh:
"Forty years of cultivation, the opportunity is here!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" to the apprentice next to him, and asked the apprentice to read it to him word by word, and then he disassembled each word in it and explained it to Jiang Ming in detail listen.

In this way, time passed day by day, and Jiang Ming would learn a lot of basic knowledge of Taoism and the "Lingbao Wuquanren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" from the blind Taoist every day,
In addition to the training of warriors at night, I try to digest what I learned during the day as much as possible, and learn more knowledge from those Dao Zang to expand.

The purchase of daily necessities and food is basically done by the shadow avatar.

Gradually, Jiang Ming began to have a detailed understanding of Taoist cultivation methods.

The main practice of Taoism is the method of induction between heaven and man. Through meditation, the inner alchemy is used to absorb the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and then the big and small circles of heaven and earth are practiced in the body to transform it into Taoist mana.

Its stages are divided into refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, refining spirit to return emptiness, and refining emptiness to join the Tao. After breaking through the joint Tao, a golden pill can be condensed in the body, and from then on shed the mortal womb to achieve the body of a fairy , Go to heaven to be sealed.

Half a month later, in the yard,

"Master Juexin, do you really want to practice? As far as I know from the old Taoist, Buddhism and Taoism cannot be cultivated at the same time. Two different forces will only conflict in the body. In the past, some monks wanted to try both Buddhism and Taoism, but in the end They all failed, and I haven’t heard of anyone succeeding yet!”

The blind Taoist advised Jiang Ming worriedly.

After getting along for half a month, the blind Taoist found that although Jiang Ming was a man with high mana, he was actually very easy to get along with, and his temper was very gentle. He was not as vicious as he appeared at first.

And the most important thing is that the food for three meals a day is really good, so he doesn't want to leave here anymore.

Therefore, he didn't want Jiang Ming to have any problems.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big problem. I'm just trying now. If the Taoist magic power I cultivated conflicts with the Buddha power in my body, I can directly drive it away!"

Jiang Ming replied while posing a Taoist cultivation posture with five hearts turned to the sky.

The five hearts are facing the sky, that is, the palms, the feet and the top of the head are facing the sky at the same time. The Taoist meditation posture is convenient for heaven and man to sense and absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

The blind Taoist at the side thought about it, and felt that what Jiang Ming said was also reasonable. After all, with the huge Buddha power in Jiang Ming's body, even if he really cultivated a trace of Taoist mana to conflict with it, it would probably be wiped out in an instant.

In this way, although there is no way to practice both Buddhism and Taoism, at least there will be no danger to life.

Therefore, the blind Taoist relaxed, then sat aside, and began to sense Jiang Ming's cultivation status,
In the past half a month, Jiang Ming has already understood the cultivation method of "Lingbao Wuliangren Top Grade Wonderful Sutra",

At this time, he slowly operated the method, carefully absorbed a wisp of heaven and earth spiritual energy, and then circulated it in the body according to the method of big and small circles, and after it was transformed into authentic Taoist mana, he slowly poured this mana into his dantian among

And at this moment, at Jiang Ming's dantian, the large piece of golden Buddha power like a big river seemed to have sensed something, and it was not under Jiang Ming's control, and quickly rushed towards the ray of Taoist mana that had just entered the dantian ,

Although the ray of Taoist mana power is so small that it can be ignored compared to the surging Buddha power like a great river, it does not show any weakness at all, and rushed towards the Buddha power with the same ferocity.

"It's over!"

Feeling that the Buddha power and magic power in the dantian were suddenly completely out of control, Jiang Ming knew that this first experiment was going to fail,

He originally wanted to see if he could cultivate Buddha power and magic power at the same time at the dantian, as long as they were kept from touching, there should be no problem.
But now it seems that he took it for granted. Taoism's mana and Buddhism's mana are only in the same dantian, and they will be out of his control immediately. It may be difficult to balance it.
(End of this chapter)

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