Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 240 Building Spells

Chapter 240 Building Spells

Jiang Ming looked at the refugees on the ground, who kowtowed to his shadow clone and the gods in golden armor all over the sky, and sighed secretly in his heart:
"Fortunately, I was already prepared!"

The shadow clone gave a glance, and the shadow clone immediately concentrated all the remaining power in the body, and sealed with both hands:
"Earth Dungeon: Six-story Stone House Technique!"

After Jiang Mingying's avatar disappeared due to exhaustion of magic spells, six-story stone houses began to rise from the ground in the eyes of the refugees.

In less than a hundred breaths, dozens of small six-story houses made entirely of stones miraculously appeared in front of the refugees.

This six-story stone house technique is one of the earth escape ninjutsu created by Jiang Ming when he was studying earth escape ninjutsu.

In addition to the six-story stone house technique, there are also the small villa technique, the courtyard technique and so on, all of which belong to a series of ninjutsu.

Of course, he also tried to create high-rise buildings, but unfortunately, due to his lack of architectural knowledge, he ended in failure.

The purpose of the creator of a series of earth escape ninjutsu is of course not for fighting, but for him to have a better place to rest in any environment in the future.

And with this technology, no matter which world he goes to in the future, at least he won't be short of money to spend.

Of course, the house he built with the earth escape is still relatively rough, except for the walls, every room inside is still empty.

In the future, if he studies the Tudun more deeply, maybe in addition to building a building in an instant, he can also make all kinds of stone furniture appear in the rooms of the building, such as beds, tables, chairs, stoves and so on.


"What an interesting spell! Do all monks know how to do such spells?"

Xiaoqing saw that Jiang Ming was two separate people, and he conjured up a large house. He felt that it was very novel and interesting, so he curiously asked the well-informed Bai Suzhen beside him.

Bai Suzhen shook her head:
"No, most of the monks recite scriptures and mantras. They are more powerful in subjugating demons and demons, but they don't build houses like him. Otherwise, they don't need to ask mortals for charity every day. He may be just an exception!"

From Bai Suzhen's point of view, Jiang Ming is a very special person who practices both Buddhist and Taoist spells. The house-building spell is neither like Taoist nor Buddhist. It may be a special spell he learned from other places. .

Seeing that the six-story residential area was built, Jiang Ming waved his hand, and he threw out bags of rice from the storage ring, and then the gold-armored gods transformed from soybeans caught and sent them one by one. In every room in the six-story residential complex.

All these grains were purchased by him in advance in Qiantang County and surrounding counties. He knows the art of riding clouds and has more than 50 storage rings. It is very simple to do this.
In order to deal with the current situation.

"Okay, the place to live and the food are settled for the time being. These refugees should be able to survive until the government's disaster relief measures are implemented!"

Nodding his head in satisfaction, ignoring the refugees who were still kowtowing on the ground, Jiang Ming turned around and rode the clouds back to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing's side.

At this time, Qiantang County was not submerged by the flood of Qiantang River because of the joint efforts of Jiang Ming, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.
However, because there are many small rivers extending in all directions in the county, the city is also flooded by the overflowing water from the small rivers.

But fortunately, the river in the city was no worse than the Qiantang River, and it only flooded to the knees of the people in the city, and did not cause too much damage. Bai Suzhen used his supernatural powers alone to disperse the river easily.

"I said Master, I think the spell you just said that can build a house seems quite interesting, can you teach me?"

While Bai Suzhen cast a spell to disperse the river in the city, Xiaoqing suddenly stuck to Jiang Ming's side, imitating Bai Suzhen's usual method of seducing Xu Xian, rubbing against Jiang Ming's body, and whispering coquettishly into his ear.

"Om, well, what, ba, me, hum! Sure!"

Jiang Ming first fixed Xiaoqing with the six-character mantra, then took a step back and smiled:

"Although the poor monk does not abstain from womanizing, and there is no racial discrimination, but for now, Miss Xiaoqing, you do not meet the criteria for choosing a spouse by the poor monk, so it is impossible between us, um, Miss Xiaoqing, are you Good snake!
Also, the spell just now is quite special, and the energy required to cast it is different from that in your body, so even if the poor monk teaches you, you won't be able to learn it! "

For the delicate and beautiful Xiaoqing, it is impossible not to be tempted at all, but Jiang Ming has his own principles. He will not have feelings for any woman in the dream world, even if there are many women in the dream world that he liked very much in his previous life. idol.

Because he clearly knows that the time he can stay in the middle dream world dungeon is limited, once the time is up, he will be forced to return to the main world, and he will never be able to return.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him who has a more specific view of feelings.

As for the advanced dream world dungeon, he has not entered it yet. Although he said that he can enter it multiple times, he did not say how many times he can enter it.
The most important thing is that he is still not sure whether these copies of the dream world are real parallel worlds, or just a kind of illusory world.

If it is a real parallel world, then why do all the people in it look the same as the ones he saw in the movies and TV shows in his previous life?

For example, Xiaoqian in A Chinese Ghost Story before and Bai Suzhen next to her now look exactly the same, they both look like goddesses from previous lives.

However, if you want to say that it is not a real parallel world, it is so real that everyone in it has flesh and blood and feelings, not a modeled NPC at all.

And the most important thing is that all kinds of spells in it really exist, and they can be used in the main world.

Therefore, it was these concerns that gave him such a principle.

On the other side, Bai Suzhen, who had just used her supernatural powers to disperse the river in Qiantang County, turned her head to see her younger sister Xiaoqing, who was actually restrained by Jiang Ming with Buddhist law. She was shocked, thinking that Jiang Ming was going to attack her sister.

However, after hearing Jiang Ming's explanation, he was also very helpless, apologizing for Xiaoqing a little dumbfounded:
"Master, I'm young, I don't know much about love and etiquette in the world, and I have offended you so much, I hope Master Haihan, let her go this time!"

Jiang Ming nodded, waved his hand to unlock the spell and replied:

"The poor monk has no intention of hurting her, but you have to make her pay more attention next time. Well, the matter is over now, and the poor monk will leave first!"

"Master, go slowly!"

Bai Suzhen bowed slightly to Jiang Ming who left,
"Sister, I think he is very interesting, I still want to get along with him!"

After Xiaoqing found that she could move, she quickly hugged Bai Suzhen's arm and said with a coquettish smile,
(End of this chapter)

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