Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 248 Thunder Tribulation!

Chapter 248 Thunder Tribulation!

He is Jiang Ming, 35 years old, single, a salesperson of a foreign trade company, his daily job is to sell various products of his company to foreigners,
The working hours are eight in the morning and six in the evening, single off,
Of course, it is very rare to be able to get off work at six o'clock normally. In most cases, you have to be forced to work overtime until nine or ten o'clock before you can leave work with exhaustion.

And the boss beautifully said:
"Survive within eight hours, seek development outside of eight hours!"

Working overtime is for the better development of the employees themselves. If you work overtime and sell more products, you can get more commission. As long as you are a self-motivated employee, you should stay in the company after get off work and work overtime voluntarily.

If you are not obliged to work overtime, then you are not a self-motivated employee, and the company does not need unmotivated employees,

Look, what a perfect logic!

In terms of salary, it is not very stable. When the performance is good, it is [-] to [-], and when it is not good, it is also [-] to [-].

But in order to be able to buy a house in the city, Jiang Ming still insists on doing this job,

After saving enough money to buy a house in the city, and then saving some gift money, you can take a daughter-in-law and live together in the city.
Then, another child will study in the city and receive a better education. In the future, he will not live so hard like he is now.

"Hey, there are still 10 minutes left. You can't be late, otherwise not only will you have to deduct late wages, but you will also lose your full attendance for this month!"

Jiang Ming's eyes suddenly woke up from the confusion, and he hurriedly ran towards the company.

"I said Old Jiang, wait for me, wait for me!"

Panting heavily, Liu Weibiao trotted behind Jiang Ming, shouting loudly,

The world of "Green Snake", the top of Jinshan Mountain,

Two streamers of light came flying from a distance, they were the Dragon Subduing Arhat sent by the Tathagata Buddha and the Taibai Jinxing sent by the Jade Emperor,

"Hey, it's Venerable Dragon Subduing!"

At this time, Taibai Jinxing first discovered Jianglong Arhat, and greeted him with a smile.
Subduing Dragon Arhat hurriedly stopped riding the cloud, and made a Buddhist salute to Taibai Jinxing:

"Subduing Dragon, I have met Master Taibai Jinxing!"

"My lord, where is this going?"

Taibai Jinxing swept away the dust and asked Jianglong Arhat,
As the most trusted minister of the Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing was of course somewhat curious about the sudden dispatch of Arhats from Lingshan, or the descending dragon Arhat among the most powerful Arhats descended to earth.

"Return to your lord, receive the decree of the Buddha, and come here to indirectly lead a Buddhist disciple who is about to cross the catastrophe!"

"Oh? Is that the boa constrictor god who descended to the mortal world to rehabilitate and is going to cross the catastrophe?"

Taibai Jinxing remembered that the last time he was in the Hall of Lingxiao, he seemed to have heard about this matter from Mr. Lei and Dianmu.

"The boa constrictor god is still some time away from crossing the catastrophe. This time, he is a new Buddhist disciple in the mortal world. He has achieved success in cultivation and is crossing the catastrophe!"

After Jianglong Arhat finished speaking, he asked Taibai Jinxing:

"My lord, is this a errand?"

"Just like His Majesty, he was also ordered to go down to earth to pick up a monk who was going through the thunder disaster!"

Taibai Jinxing stroked his snow-white beard and replied with a smile,

Jianglong Chaosman was a little surprised and said:
"I didn't expect that today, two people will leave the mortal womb!"

"Yes, yes, today is very rare!"

Taibai Jinxing then sighed, and then made a Taoism to Jianglong Luohan,

"My lord, since we both have errands, we won't talk too much, the old man will go first!"

"Amitabha, my lord, go slowly!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat clasped his hands together and returned to the Buddhist ceremony,
Taibai Jinxing nodded, waved his whisk, and then drove away in the clouds.

Seeing Taibai Jinxing's disappearing figure, Jianglong Luohan also urged the Buddha's power to fly towards Jinshan.

After a hundred breaths, Taibai Jinxing suddenly stopped flying, and said in surprise to Jianglong Arhat who was chasing after him:

"The venerable is chasing after the old man, is there something else important?"

Subduing Dragon Arhat stopped in the air and replied:

"Your Excellency misunderstood, this seat is not following the adult, but the direction of progress of the adult is exactly the same as this seat, so..."

"Where is the position of your Buddhist disciple who crossed the catastrophe?"

Taibai Jinxing asked with some doubts,
Subduing Dragon Arhat did not hide anything, and said slowly:
"The Buddha told me it's at the top of Jinshan Mountain! Where's your lord?"

Hearing Dragon Subduing Arhat's answer, Taibai Jinxing frowned in surprise and replied:
"It's also at the top of Jinshan Mountain!"


"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, it turns out to be a dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, and we will overcome the catastrophe together!"

On the top of Jinshan Mountain, Taibai Jinxing looked at Jiang Ming, who was crossing the heart demon, at the top of the mountain, and then looked at the thundercloud still brewing above his head, and suddenly exclaimed,
"Amitabha, before becoming a fairy or a Buddha, it is not a good choice to practice both Buddhism and Taoism in advance!"

The Subduing Dragon Arhat beside Taibai Jinxing was surprised at first after seeing the situation clearly, and then sighed with some regret.

Hearing the words of Jianglong Arhat, Taibai Jinxing also seemed to think of something, and also sighed helplessly:

"Honorable One, it seems that today, the old man and you are going to be in vain!"

It turns out that dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism is powerful, but before crossing the catastrophe, ordinary practitioners will not choose this path.

On the one hand, dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism is very difficult.
That is a field that ordinary Daluo Jinxian can try. Before the catastrophe, if you want to practice both Buddhism and Taoism, you cannot do it unless you are a genius who is rare in a thousand or ten thousand years.

On the other hand, it is because both Buddhism and Taoism are basically unable to survive the catastrophe.

Because when a practitioner of both Buddhism and Taoism crosses the heavenly calamity, he must cross the heart demon calamity and the heavenly thunder calamity together.

And once the Heart Demon Tribulation starts, the person who crosses the Tribulation will lose consciousness, and will use all of his mind to fight against the Heart Demon Tribulation,
At this time, the people who cross the catastrophe have almost no resistance.

At this time, the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation comes again, there is no spell, no magic weapon to counteract, and it won't be long before the body of the person who crosses the robbery will be smashed into ashes by the Thunder of the Nine Heavens,
And without the physical body as a support, even if a person who crosses the tribulation has the ability to survive the calamity of the heart demon, he will fail because of this. In the end, even ghosts and immortals will not be able to do it, and they will completely disappear and disappear in the world.

That's why Jianglong Arhat and Taibaijinxing sighed like that,
Before crossing the catastrophe, the dual practice of Buddhism and Taoism, what an amazing cultivation qualification, whether it is entering Buddhism or entering the heaven, at least the strength of a Taiyi Jinxian in the future,
What a pity, what a pity!
While Taibai Jinxing and Jianglong Arhat were sighing, the thunder cloud that had been brewing for a long time finally accumulated enough power and began to attack Jiang Ming's body.
"It's over!"

At this time, in the high sky outside the thunder cloud, one immortal and one Buddha looked at Jiang Ming who was defenseless and still going through the demonic calamity, and gave a very consistent judgment.

I saw a thick-handed Jiuxiao Shenlei flashed out from the thunder cloud, locked onto Jiang Ming's position, and slashed fiercely.
(End of this chapter)

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