Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 252 Wake up, use thunder to break thunder

Chapter 252 Wake up, use thunder to break thunder


At noon, Qu Qingyun invited Jiang Ming to a famous hot pot restaurant in the pedestrian street, and had a hot pot meal.
After a night of recovery, Jiang Ming found that Qu Qingyun was much more active than yesterday. Qu Qingyun was basically talking about the meal, while Jiang Ming mostly listened and answered.
Although Jiang Ming works in sales, he is not a talkative person in his daily life. Sales is just to make money and he has to talk.

But Qu Qingyun is obviously not, she is the kind of person who has a very cheerful personality and likes to chat very much.
During this meal, she basically had a clear understanding of Jiang Ming's situation, and also chatted a lot about herself.

that's it,
From this day on,
Jiang Ming found that besides work, he seemed to have another friend in his life.
Every morning, Qu Qingyun would be at the gate of the community, waiting to take the bus with him to work, and would wait for him at the bus stop after get off work, and then return to the community with him.

On weekends, I always buy a lot of vegetables to come to Jiang Ming, let Jiang Ming cook for her, and then she will help,
One day, Jiang Ming knew that Qu Qingyun actually went to work at [-] o'clock and left at [-] o'clock, and it was rare for her to work late. He asked her why she had to wait for him to commute and take the bus together every day?
Qu Qingyun's answer was that she would feel more secure when commuting with Jiang Ming.

In this way, two years have passed,
And on 520 two years later, Qu Qingyun confessed to Jiang Ming,

Two years later, Jiang Ming had already earned enough money for the down payment and bride price, so he agreed to Qu Qingyun's confession,
Therefore, Jiang Ming, who has been single for 37 years, finally ended his life of living alone and began to have a girlfriend who was nine years younger than himself.

Another year later, Jiang Ming finally bought his own house in the city where he worked. Although the size of the house was less than [-] square meters, at least he didn't have to rent a house and had his own home.
It was this year that he and his girlfriend Qu Qingyun were getting married.

Hotel banquet hall,

Jiang Ming was wearing a black suit, standing on the stage,
Below are my colleagues and some relatives and friends of both men and women, and at the end of the red carpet on the opposite side is Qu Qingyun in a white wedding dress and her father holding her hand,
Following the voice of the master of ceremonies, the bride's father led the bride and walked towards Jiang Ming step by step.
"Is this the life I want most in my heart? In fact, it's pretty good. I really want to continue like this and stay for a while. After all, after I go out, I have to continue to practice for survival.
But it seems that if you don't go out, your body outside will not be able to bear it! "

Jiang Ming looked at the bride who was getting closer and couldn't help sighing,
In fact, from the time when he knocked out the two yellow hairs with the praying mantis fist, his memory, left behind by the power of merit, began to recover slowly.

If he wanted to, he could end this inner demon tribulation at any time, and leave this illusion that was composed according to his heart, which was comparable to the real world.

However, he didn't, and he continued to stay here, because this was indeed the life he wanted most deep in his heart in the previous life,

It's a pity that he didn't know any mantis boxing in his previous life, so the reality is that he didn't knock Huang Mao out, but was stabbed by Huang Mao three times and fell to the ground.

And the girl also took the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the yellow hairs, and shouted for help while running away, scaring away the two yellow hairs,

However, although the girl called an ambulance immediately after the two yellow hairs left, and called the police, but when he was sent to the hospital, he died because it was too late and bled too much.
It was also this accidental death that made him reborn in Shi Jian's body. With the following stories,
Sometimes, he also wondered, if he insisted that more things are worse than less things at that time, he would not be so curious, and just ignore the abnormality of the small woods, then he would not have to die,
But in this world, there is no medicine to regret,
If he really did that at the time, after knowing what happened in the grove, would you regret that he didn't go into the grove to see it?

Therefore, people are like this, when things don't really happen in front of your eyes, you never know what choice you will make!

"Sorry, it looks like it's time to wake up from this dream!"

Jiang Ming made a Buddha seal in his hands, and shouted loudly:
"Dawei Tianlong, Prajna Buddhas, World Honored One Ksitigarbha, Prajna Ba Ma Hum, break it for me!"

I saw that his body suddenly exuded an extremely powerful golden light. The hotel wedding scene in front of him, relatives and friends, and the bride in the wedding dress were all like phantoms, gradually receding in his eyes, and the world returned to the original state again. that darkness,
After that, the darkness gradually shattered with the golden light that bloomed from Jiang Ming's body.
On the top of Jinshan Mountain, Jiang Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes, stood up,

Looking up at the Nine Heavens Thunder that was about to strike at him, eight buckets thick,
He put his hands together first, and said in a low voice:
"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

Then he clapped his hands to the ground again, and continued:
"Earth Escape, Mountain Earth Technique!"

I saw that above Jiang Ming's head, first a huge water curtain composed entirely of pure water rose up.
Then, at the top of the mountain where he was, the earth and rocks also began to grow rapidly, forming a huge hemispherical rock shield completely composed of hard rocks on top of his head.
Water and soil double protection!

And at this time, the eight purple sky divine thunders finally took shape, and they slashed towards Jiang Ming viciously.


With a loud noise, the eight purple sky thunders simultaneously hit the pure water version of the water array wall,

The huge pure water version of the water formation wall lasted less than ten breaths before it was completely smashed into pieces by the Eight Dao Nine Heavens Thunder.
Smashing the pure water version of the water formation wall, the eight gods of nine heavenly thunders hit the hemispherical rock shield again after being a little smaller.
Similarly, the technique of mountains and soils could not stop the power of Nine Clouds Divine Thunder at all. After five breaths, it was completely pierced through, and then continued to chop towards Jiang Ming.

At this time, the power of the Eight Paths Nine Heavens Thunder has been reduced a little under the blockage of the pure water version of the water formation wall and the mountains.
But even so, it is more than a step stronger than the previous seven Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

If Jiang Ming was completely hit at this time, it would be inevitable to die,

However, Jiang Ming never thought that the pure water version of the water formation wall and the technique of mountains and soils could block the power of the Eight Paths of Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, after all, they are not of the same level.

The real purpose of his two ninjutsu is to delay time, to delay time for his next spell,

After releasing the two ninjutsu, Jiang Ming no longer cared about the result, but concentrated his mind, began to pinch the Dao Jutsu, and chanted the complicated mantra:
"The heavens and the earth are nine heavens, the heavens are the highest, the heavenly power is brilliant, the gods of the nine heavens are thunder, the Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a jade order, thunder comes!"

That's right, what he was reciting at this time was the strongest lightning technique of the Taoist God Xiaozong, the Nine Heavens God Thunder Jue,

In the past few months, he has been able to barely display this thunder method,
He wants to use the Nine Heavens God Thunder to break the Nine Heavens God Thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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