Chapter 278


So this martial arts arena, apart from being once every ten years, a place where Taoists from Tianfu Taoists perform their skills, is also a place where practitioners in the city fight duels on weekdays.

Where exactly is the Martial Arts Field located? Jiang Ming saw it when he was looking for food in the city two days ago.
Go out of the gate of the inn and walk along the street for a quarter of an hour. It is located in the most central position of the whole city. That's it.

It covers a very large area, not counting the periphery, but the battle field inside is almost as large as ten football fields combined in the previous life.
The four sides of the battle field are thick stone walls up to 30 meters high, and each stone wall is engraved with extremely complicated magic circles. It is said that even if a fifth-grade Taoist uses all his strength, it will be difficult to destroy it.
On the top of the stone wall, there are sloping stepped seats for the audience to watch.
According to the people in the city, this martial arts arena is also the only place in the entire city that is not affected by the air-restricting magic circle.

That is to say, in the place where the martial arts arena is located, Taoists and Confucians can control weapons and fly,
This kind of design is also for the purpose of both sides displaying their full strength when fighting in the Martial Arts Arena.

"Elder Sister!"

In the lobby of the inn, Jiang Ming looked at Chen Jinyun who came down from the stairs, and waved his hand quickly,
"How are you doing these days?"

Chen Jinyun came to Jiang Ming and asked with a smile,

Thinking about the experience of sweeping all the delicacies in Fucheng in the past three days, Jiang Ming couldn't help but nodded,

And the little white snake on Jiang Ming's shoulder couldn't bear it anymore, it bounced back to Chen Jinyun's shoulder, and began to "hiss hiss" to show off in his ear, the food experience of the past few days,

at the same time,

Among the disciples of the Tianlei Sect on the other side, Zhuge Mingyue gritted her teeth angrily as she watched Jiang Ming finally show up.
She had been guarding the stairs on the fifteenth floor for two days, but she didn't see Jiang Ming's figure.

"Everyone, please go to the Martial Arts Field with me!"

In the hall on the first floor, all the disciples of the five sects had arrived, and a loud voice sounded from the entrance of the inn,

Jiang Ming swept his consciousness and found that it was the Taicang Cheng-Si Kou who received them at that time.

The two burly soldiers in heavy armor next to Master Si Kou stretched out their hands and opened the door of the inn as soon as his voice sounded.
Outside the gate, two rows of heavily armored soldiers with long spears had temporarily cleared a path for the disciples of the five sects, and blocked all the surrounding people from the prefectural city.
In fact, Taoists are no strangers to the people of Zhentian Mansion. There are many casual ascetics in the city, and there are also Taoists among the guards in the city.

But the Six Sects are the strongest Six Dao Gates in Zhentian Mansion, and they are also very famous among the people in the city, but they are different from ordinary cultivators.
So when they appeared together in Fucheng, the common people naturally wanted to gather around and take a look.
On the street leading to the Martial Arts Field,
Jiang Ming walked beside Chen Jinyun, but looked at Zhuge Mingyue in the Tianlei Sect team,
To be precise, it was not Zhuge Mingyue, but a middle-aged man with a white paper fan beside her,

The middle-aged man with the white paper fan in his hand joined the team of the Tianlei Sect halfway, and the elder disciples of the Tianlei Sect seemed to be accustomed to seeing this and did not stop him.

This is not the key, the key is the middle-aged man holding a white paper fan, Jiang Ming has seen,
It was the first time he met a young man in Chinese clothes at the stairs on the second floor. At that time, the middle-aged man holding a white paper fan was standing behind the young man in Chinese clothes. I have to pay more attention,
"This Zhuge Mingyue, does it have anything to do with that handsome young man!"

Jiang Ming frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly his heart moved, and he silently recited the mantra:
"Prajna Buddhas, Ksitigarbha Dharma Eye, Prajna Ba Ma Hum, manifest the Dharma!"

I saw a little golden light shining on Jiang Ming's forehead, and a golden Buddha eye slowly opened,
Covering it with his hand, the golden Buddha eyes looked at the middle-aged man along the gap between his fingers,
"It really is you, Zhuge Changqing!"

Under the Buddha's eyes, the middle-aged man with a white paper fan in his hand revealed his true face, which was exactly the appearance of Mr. Zhuge in Shi Jian's memory,

According to Jiang Ming's guess, the young man in Chinese clothes is either the prince or the prince. Zhuge Mingyue's father and daughter seem to have a close relationship with the young man in Chinese clothes, and their status is probably not too low.
Zhuge Changqing, who was telling Zhuge Mingyue about the arrangements for the past few days, suddenly frowned, Yuanshen sensed something strange, and quickly turned his head to look in the direction where Jiang Ming was.

At this time, Jiang Ming also noticed something, and he had already released the Buddha's eye in advance, pretending to be nonchalant.

"Why, Junior Brother, I heard from Senior Sister Yuanmei that you like that Junior Sister from the Tianlei Sect!"

At this time, Chen Jinyun, who had been beside Jiang Ming, suddenly stretched out his head with a full face,

"Nothing, don't listen to Senior Sister Yuanmei talking nonsense, Zhuge Mingyue is not that simple!"

Jiang Ming looked at the gossiping Chen Jinyun, showing a helpless expression,

In terms of the degree of gossip, the entire Xuanmu sect's senior sister Chen Jinyun can be ranked first, and senior sister Yuanmei has to lean behind her,

"Oh, I even found out the name of the layman, but I still don't admit it. I just kept staring at her girl, and my senior sister saw it!"

Obviously, Chen Jinyun didn't believe Jiang Ming's words at all.

The corner of Jiang Ming's mouth twitched. Knowing that it was useless to explain, he could only reply:

"Master, as long as you are happy!"

However, Chen Jinyun was obviously very concerned about Jiang Ming's gossip, and continued:

"Little brother, if you like it, you don't have to be shy. Although she is not simple, she has good talent. She is already at the eighth rank at a young age.
But junior brother, you are not bad, you are also an eighth grade, and you were self-taught before, your talent is only higher than her! "

"as long as you are happy!"

"Little brother, let me tell you."

"as long as you are happy!"

After listening to the master sister who was single for more than 50 years, talk about the strategy of chasing girls for more than a quarter of an hour, Jiang Ming finally followed the team to the martial arts arena in the center of the city.
There are four stepped seats in the east, west, south and north of the Martial Arts Field.

Sitting in the east are all the high-ranking officials of Zhentian Mansion. Among them, they are generally civil officials, composed of Confucian scholars, and half of them are military officials, composed of warriors.
At this time, there were two sitting at the top, one was an old man in Confucian clothes, the other was a young man in Chinese clothes,
The old man in Confucian clothes, according to the senior sister Chen Jinyun, is the second in command of the Zhentian Mansion, second only to the Governor Fang Shichen, the Shaoyin Li Gongwang,

With the blessing of an official position, a Confucian who can display the peak strength of the fifth rank is even stronger than Mu Shoucheng, the head of the Xuanmu Sect.

Chen Jinyun didn't know that young man in Chinese clothes, but Jiang Ming did. It was the young man in Chinese clothes that he rejected when he tried to recruit him two days ago.

At this time, the young man in Chinese clothes saw Jiang Ming appearing on the step seat, and waved his hand in his direction.
In order not to attract attention, Jiang Ming just responded with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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