Chapter 290

The spell of cutting grass into a horse is one of the spells that Jiang Ming learned from Taoism books. Through spells and mana, an ordinary grass can be turned into a real horse according to the appearance of his inner imagination. ,

In principle, it is similar to the technique of Sprinkling Beans into Soldiers, and the horse's strength and running speed are related to the mana infused by Jiang Ming, the caster, and his own strength.

Jiang Ming, who has the strength of a celestial being, turned the horse into a horse using the technique of cutting grass into a horse, which is not much slower than the real top flame horse in this world.

Why don't you fly to Beijing City, but ride a horse?
That's because according to the map Jiang Ming bought from Zhentianfu, starting from Zhentianfu to Beijing City, there are a total of nine prefectural cities, hundreds of county towns, and countless state and county towns.
Jiang Ming, who is in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal, is no longer as eager for strength as he was at the beginning. He also wants to take a good look at this. He may have to live in the main world for the rest of his life.

So he wants to ride a horse all the way, enjoy the scenery all the way, experience the different customs and delicacies of each city, happily go to Beijing City, and integrate into this world well,

Instead of casting spells and flying through the clouds and driving through the fog, I rushed to the northern city in a few days with no experience.
As for why not spend money on a real horse?
A real horse is not as good as the horse conjured by his spells. You don’t need a leash, you don’t need to be fed and watered, and you don’t have to worry about getting sick and dying. Just wave your hand to disperse the spell before entering the city.
It is convenient and hassle-free!


Leading the flaming horse transformed from the technique of cutting grass into a horse, Jiang Ming came to the road next to the small forest,

Turned on the horse, clamped the horse's belly, and gave a soft drink:

Immediately, the four hooves of the Raging Flame Horse lit a fire, and as soon as it exerted strength, it turned into a flame and rushed out!
As the saying goes: "The carved bow writes the bright moon, and the steed horse suspects the current. Swinging the whip for thousands of miles, you can read the spring girl in peace!"

In the blink of an eye, nearly six months passed like this,
And Jiang Ming's destination, Beijing City, finally appeared in front of his eyes.

The majestic fortress in the northern border is worthy of the reputation of the first fortress in the Jin Dynasty. The height of its city wall seems to be comparable to that of the entire northern Xinjiang mountain range. That is, you can't see where the end of the city wall is at a glance.
It feels like a big gap suddenly appeared in a mountain range of Beijiang Mountain, and this gap was just filled by the city wall of Beijing City, making the mountain range one piece again.
Jiang Ming had read many descriptions about the Northern Territory City in his books before, and he knew that the Northern Territory City was very majestic, but when he actually saw it with his own eyes, he was still shocked.

In fact, as far as he knows from the book, the northern Xinjiang mountain range is a U-shaped mountain range. The average height of the mountain range is at least [-] meters. No one knows how high it is, because no one has ever reached the peak.
It is said that the King of the North, who was once the peak of the third rank, personally measured it, but when he flew to a height of [-] meters, he still did not see the top of the mountain range.

At that time, his extremely strong body of a third-rank martial artist could no longer bear the chill at an altitude of [-] meters, so he had no choice but to return.

Therefore, no one knows how high the Beijiang Mountain is, and what is on the mountain.

The main world is different from the world in Jiang Ming's previous life. From above 5000 meters, extremely cold air begins to appear.
And the higher you go, the stronger the chill will be. When you reach [-] meters, even the strongest third-rank martial artist in this world will find it hard to resist.

Therefore, although all high-grade powerhouses in the main world can fly, no one has ever flown more than [-] meters, and there is no such thing as a universe or a planet.

Moreover, the mountains in northern Xinjiang are also extremely hard. How hard is it?
The King of the North at the peak of the third rank can only leave a fist mark on Beijiang Mountain with all his strength.

However, since ancient times, there have been three huge caves in the Beijiang Mountains. Through these three caves, you can go to the other side of the Beijiang Mountains.
But the other side of Beijiang Mountain is different from this side where the spring is warm and flowers bloom all year round. It is an extremely cold place. It is in the ice and snow all the year round, and life is extinct. Ordinary people cannot stay there for a long time.
So the human court drove the entire zombie clan to the other side of the northern mountains, and built three fortresses on the three huge holes to prevent the zombie clan from returning to the Central Plains.
One of them is the northern city in front of Jiang Ming,
The other two are respectively in the territory of Dajin and Dayuan after the split of the human court!
However, according to the book, some people once boldly guessed that this Beijiang Mountain may be a magnificent city wall in ancient times, and these three big holes were the city gates at that time.
Of course, many people scoffed at this statement,

Because how could there be such a high, such a large, and such a strong city wall? If so, how powerful the creatures in ancient times would be!

The flaming horses of scattered grass,

With a sun-shooting bow on his back and a long gun in his hand, Jiang Ming merged into the black crowd entering the city, and lined up towards the gate of the city.
Since Jiang Ming set off from Zhenbei City six months ago, during this period, he has been traveling during the day and practicing at night. Along the way, he entered every city, ate all the delicacies and saw the beautiful scenery of various places.

Seeing injustice on the road, when the interest came, he raised a gun to help, was chased and killed by the local dignitaries and wealthy businessmen, never loved to fight, and never engaged in the practice of exterminating people all over the house, all while riding his flaming horse. Laughing, while quickly fleeing that city,

Do whatever you want, the end is very comfortable,

In half a year, his cultivation did not increase much. After all, he has reached the realm of immortals. If he does not have elixir or fruit, and only relies on self-cultivation, the growth of his cultivation will basically take a hundred years.

However, in the past six months, his Buddhist and Taoist spells have become more and more proficient, at least the casting time has been greatly shortened.
Especially the Jiuxiao Shenlei Jue, it no longer takes a long time to chant spells to cast it,
After the flow of people entered the city, Jiang Ming first found an inn to stay in, and then began to inquire about the specific process of joining the northern army from the northern city.
"Xiao Er, do you know how to join the Northern Frontier Army?"

In the lobby under the inn, Jiang Ming ordered a table of dishes, casually threw a silver coin to Xiaoer and asked,
Xiaoer took the silver, immediately rubbed it with joy, put it in his arms and replied:
"Guest officer, you are asking the right person. You know, I am a native of the northern city, and I am very familiar with the northern city.
Guest officer, if you are coming to the northern border city to join the northern border army, then you have to go to the inner city to sign up! "

"Inner City?"

Jiang Ming hesitated, obviously he didn't know that the northern city had an inner city.

(End of this chapter)

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