Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 300 Strange Bank Robbery Incident

Chapter 300 Strange Bank Robbery Incident
Steve opened his physical examination report in disbelief, and saw that it represented a qualified seal, which quietly landed on the results of the test report.
Jiang Ming half leaned against the door frame of the conscription office, looked at the physical examination report, and walked out of the room in a daze. Steve smiled and asked:
"How about it, did you pass this time?"

When Steve saw Jiang Ming, a big smile appeared on his face,
"Jiang, I passed, I finally passed!"

"Congratulations, your wish has come true!"

Jiang Ming stepped forward to congratulate,
"Tell Bucky? He's dancing with Annika on the dance floor!"

Steve walked to the door, looked at Bucky on the dance floor from afar and whispered:
"Forget it, let's not tell him. I'm afraid he will worry. He's going to England tomorrow. Let him have a good night!"

Night, ten o'clock, Brooklyn,
In Steve's house, Jiang Ming sat on the sofa, took the iced Coke that Steve took out from the refrigerator, took a big gulp of satisfaction and asked:

"So, you will report to the conscription office tomorrow morning, and then go to the training base for training!"

"Yes, leave at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Steve had a huge smile on his face.

Jiang Ming turned his head, and then said:

"Steve, I have a suggestion, I don't know if you agree or not!"

"What advice?"

Steve was surprised,
Jiang Ming put the finished glass Coke bottle on the table and said slowly:

"Steve, as you know, I'm in this city for the first time today, so I need a place to live, and you're enlisting tomorrow, so the house is vacant,

So what I mean is, why don't you rent your house to me first, as for the rent, it's up to you, what do you think? "

Steve's home is in Brooklyn, about ten kilometers away from Columbia University, where Jiang Ming plans to attend, not too far away.
Of course, this is not the main reason. After all, he can buy a house near Columbia University, and he is not short of money.
The main reason is that at present, he belongs to a black household in New York City, that is, a person without identity, buying a house and going through procedures, etc. Not only does he need an identity certificate, but it also takes time.
Why don't you just live here with Steve, wait for him to settle everything, and then buy a bigger house to live in.

The point is that he chose to come to this world. In fact, improving his strength is one aspect, but it is not the main purpose. The most important thing is that he wants to experience modern life again.

Whether you choose to live in the residential building of Steve or study at Columbia University, it is actually a good experience.

Hearing Jiang Ming's suggestion, Steve thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"no problem!"

For Steve, he will enlist in the army tomorrow, and when he goes to the battlefield, it may be a few years before he comes back, or he may not come back. The house is empty and empty. If you rent it to Jiang Ming Not bad,

Of course, the more important thing is that Jiang Ming helped him during the day, and after getting along with him for a long time, Jiang Ming gave him a very good impression, he is a friend worth making,

In the middle of the night, the bright moon hangs high, the night in New York is like a city that never sleeps, the lights are still shining,

Jiang Ming slowly got up from the bed in the guest room, and then came to the window, with mana surging in his body, he chanted a mantra:

"Shrink the ground into an inch and walk thousands of miles, cross mountains and ridges and walk on flat ground!"

Then he lifted his foot, and the person had disappeared from the room, and reappeared, already in a dark alley on the side of the street downstairs,
Reducing the input of mana, and using the technique of shrinking the ground to an inch, Jiang Ming began to keep moving forward in the brightly lit streets of New York,

About 5 minutes later, he appeared at the door of a bank that he and Steve saw today when they came back from the double-decker bus.

Judging from its appearance and floor area, it should be regarded as a relatively powerful bank.

Jiang Ming's storage ring has a mountain of gold and various valuables, but he doesn't have a single dollar. In order to be able to pay the rent tomorrow, and for the next ten years, he can live in this world in style.

Taking advantage of the darkness decisively, he found this relatively large bank.
Of course, he didn't come to rob the bank. As a strong man at the level of a fairy, he still wouldn't do such a shameless thing. Great strength naturally requires a strong heart to control it.

Jiang Ming has always been more principled in his work, and he also has his own bottom line. He doesn't bother to do things like bullying the weak, and robbing the weak.

What he has always believed in is equivalent exchange!

Since the bank is a sealed space, Jiang Ming couldn't directly enter by shrinking the ground into an inch, so he simply chose to force his way in.
In order to avoid leaving images, he used a mask to cover his face before forcibly breaking in.

Why not use transfiguration?

In the final analysis, the transformation technique is just an illusion to deceive the vision. It cannot directly change the gene and turn into another person or creature like Monkey King's 72 transformations.

This kind of illusion spell can deceive people's vision and even spirit, but it can't deceive a cold machine!

Therefore, in modern society, not only the transformation technique, but even the technique of flying through the clouds and driving the fog should be used sparingly if necessary.

Because maybe you are flying, and you are accidentally photographed by satellites,

Of course, it is not like Iron Man, who was scanned by other radars, thought to be enemy fighters, and directly bombarded with missiles,

If Jiang Ming was detected by radar, at most he would think it was a large bird. After all, he did not have a steel suit on his body. However, if he was photographed by a satellite, he would definitely come into the sight of the government and the military afterwards.
Especially after World War II, various countries are secretly researching and trying to create their own super soldiers.
After putting on the mask, Jiang Ming's figure flashed and appeared at the door.

Flicking a few grains of soybeans in his hand, he directly knocked off the monitors at the door of the bank, and then vomited secretly in his hand, which shocked the lock cylinder of the bank, pushed the door and walked in.
The moment Jiang Ming walked into the bank, the alarm system of the whole bank suddenly rang.
Regardless of the sound of the banking system, Jiang Ming flicked soybeans to destroy all surveillance cameras in the bank that might have captured him, and at the same time strode towards the back of the bank to the vault where the cash was stored.

Destroying the monitor along the way, breaking the lock cylinder, Jiang Ming came to a vault door made entirely of heavy steel.

"Palm Thunder!"

I saw Jiang Ming raised his hand, and a powerful thunder shot out from his palm, directly blasting a big hole out of the steel gate,
Walking into the vault, Jiang Ming raised his hand, put the stacks of beautiful knives in the vault into the storage ring with his thoughts, and then took out a hill of gold from the storage ring, and threw it into the vault.
(End of this chapter)

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