Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 305 Magic · Tree Binding Kill!

Chapter 305 Magic · Tree Binding Kill! (three more)

After entering the Brooklyn Library, Jiang Ming quickly discovered this era. The mathematics, physics, and chemistry textbooks from elementary school to high school,

Then he found a quiet place and began to browse slowly,
And this look, is the time of day,
At the end of the day, Jiang Ming roughly browsed through all the mathematics, physics, and chemistry of this era, from primary school to high school textbooks,
He found that although he had lost this knowledge for many years, it seemed that it was not as difficult as he wanted.

The reason, he thinks there are two points,
On the one hand, his foundation is not bad. Although he didn't get into the undergraduate course at that time, it was because he neglected his studies in high school.

From elementary school to junior high school, his grades were always at the top level, and he basically never fell outside the top three in the class.

During the high school entrance examination that year, he was admitted to the best high school in the county with the top ten in the whole grade and the top [-] in the county, and it was still an experimental class.

Later, it was also because after entering the county, I rented a house and lived on campus, and no one cared about me anymore, so I started to let myself go.
From elementary school to junior high school, Jiang Ming grew up in a strict learning environment. There were parents watching at home and teachers watching at school. The parents hoped that their son would become a success and hoped that he would be admitted to a good university, so they took good care of him in his studies. strict,

He was forbidden to fall in love, he was forbidden to touch computer games, and even extracurricular books could only be regarded as anthologies. Before the end of the high school entrance examination, he hadn't even touched a computer.

The first Penguin was registered for him by his classmates after the senior high school entrance examination.

However, this was not a good thing. Excessive depression made him enter the county town, and without the constraints of his parents, he completely let go of himself.
For the first time, he knew that Internet cafes are such an interesting place, games are so addictive, movies, TV and animation are so interesting, and there are so many fun places in the county town,

Except for falling in love, except for studying, he has done everything else that would affect his high school studies,

Therefore, in the final college entrance examination, his grades were only to enter an ordinary college,
But to be honest, his junior high school foundation is still very solid, and his learning ability is not bad. In addition, now that he has the ability of photographic memory, when he picked up the textbook again, he didn't feel so difficult.
On the other hand, it is also very simple,
Jiang Ming studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry at that time, but the mathematics, physics, and chemistry textbooks 70 to [-] years later are much more difficult than the textbooks of this era.

Therefore, even if he didn't study so seriously in high school, he can barely understand the past when he sees the knowledge in the textbooks now.
However, if it comes to the advanced knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, he is still very blind.

Who made him major in foreign trade instead of mathematics, physics, and chemistry?

In fact, Jiang Ming has never been able to figure out why he, a science student, was transferred to a liberal arts major by the school when he was in college.

What made him even more puzzled was that there were more than double the number of girls majoring in liberal arts than boys. In three years, he hadn't found a girlfriend who fit his heart.

Without an ID card, Jiang Ming could not apply for a borrowing card for the time being, so when he saw that the library was about to close in the evening, he left the library early and went home to study spells.
Three days later,
At the south end of 39th Street, the gathering place of the Brotherhood, in Ryan's big house,
Jiang Ming looked at the passport, green card and related supporting documents in his hand, nodded in satisfaction, then took out a wad of US dollars prepared in advance from his pocket, threw it on the table and said:

"As a person, what I like most is equivalent exchange. Since you have helped me settle the identity issue, the remaining five thousand dollars will belong to you!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ming put the relevant certification documents in his hand that could be confused with the real ones, put them back into the document bag, and got up to leave.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang doesn't need to leave in such a hurry, it's not too late to have a glass of wine before leaving!"

Ryan gestured to the two subordinates standing behind Jiang Ming's sofa and glanced at them.
The two men wearing vests and holding guns immediately understood, stepped forward and stopped Jiang Ming in front of him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ming turned his head and looked at Ryan with interest:
"Are you sure you want to stay with me for a drink?"

"On this 39th Street, as long as I, Ryan, want to keep people, none of them can go out yet!"

At this moment, Ryan looked at Jiang Ming in the eyes, no longer the politeness before, but revealing a strong greedy color,
After three days of investigation by his subordinates, he knew that the Chinese kid in front of him had nothing to do with the Red Gang.
And his eyeliner also saw that the other party is currently only living in an ordinary residential building in Brooklyn, and it seems that there is no background behind it. Maybe they really came here illegally, but they are richer.

Although the other party has always been very calm, not like an ordinary smuggler at all, but the facts are the facts, maybe he has a good status in his own country,
But since he came to Ryan's territory, of course he had to listen to him, even a tiger had to lie down,

He had a hunch that the Chinese youth in front of him felt that he had some money that made him jealous. Maybe this time, he was really lucky and was about to catch a big fish.

"Sure enough, greed is the original sin. I will give you another chance to get your subordinates to step aside. Otherwise, I will not guarantee that they will continue to stand there safely!"

A chill gradually appeared in Jiang Ming's eyes,
Looking at Jiang Ming, who was not carrying any weapons, and listening to his threatening words, more than a dozen big men with pistols in the room burst out laughing.
Apparently, in their eyes, the threat of a rookie like Jiang Ming is simply a joke.

However, at this time, for some reason, Ryan, who was watched by Jiang Ming, suddenly shivered. Years of intuition told him that it seemed that he should let the other party leave here quickly.

Otherwise, catastrophe is bound to happen!

But the desire for money in his heart and the growth of the brotherhood made him grit his teeth and order:

"Catch him for me, torture him, and dig out all his money!"

Jiang Ming looked at the strong man holding a pistol and surrounded him with a ferocious expression, shook his head, sighed and said:

"Ryan, it seems that you made a wrong decision!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't see him seal, but he said with a thought:

"Magic Tree Bound Kill!"

Suddenly, in the whole room, except for the blonde who helped Ryan carry the red wine, everyone else found that their bodies could not move,

What frightened them even more was that at some point, a big tree grew under their feet quickly, and the branches of those big trees seemed to have life, binding their bodies tightly.
(End of this chapter)

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