Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 314 Controllable Nuclear Explosion Technique

Chapter 314 Controllable Nuclear Explosion Technique ([-]rd watch)

If they carry out a capture operation at Columbia University, not only the success rate is very low, but even if the capture is successful, it will be difficult for them to retreat safely.

So they had to wait until the winter vacation, when Jiang Ming was out of school, but the result was obviously different from what they had expected.
Jiang Ming's strength was far beyond their imagination, and the guns were useless at all, and he was instantly killed by Jiang Ming, turning him into ashes.

However, Schmidt is not too worried about this, because he believes that as long as he conquers the world, no individual will be the opponent of his numerous super weapons, the Hydra Legion,

Because just now, he personally experienced the power of a super weapon,

A single shot can directly break a person's body into molecules, the power is terrifying.


Jiang Ming, who solved the Hydra spy, stayed at home for two days,
He didn't do anything these two days, and his main energy was on relaxing. In fact, he just went shopping and ate delicious food, and then waited for the response from Hydra.

Two days later, Jiang Ming never found out that the Hydra spy came to make trouble, knowing that the other party might have given up temporarily,
Simply, Jiang Ming no longer took them to heart, and used a technique of riding clouds and fog, and flew towards the desert that was planned before.

Half a day after university, in an uninhabited desert area in the Middle East,
Jiang Ming was suspended high in the air, trying to control the output of mana in his body, and began to condense in his hand with difficulty, a blue energy ball,

This is exactly his self-created spell - the technique of nuclear explosion.

After several months of research and understanding of nuclear energy knowledge, he finally won't use up all the mana in his body in an instant as soon as he activates this technique.
He can barely control it now. When this spell is launched, the mana provided and the power after release,

Of course, only when about one-tenth of the mana in his body is taken away,
Because if it goes down further, he may not be able to control the input of mana, and then it will be the same as before, and all the mana in the body will be taken away in an instant, turning into an uncontrollable big explosion.
With a sudden push, the azure blue energy ball that absorbed one-tenth of the mana in his body shot out in an instant. Under the control of his thoughts, it precisely smashed into the interior of the desert before it exploded. Come,

The sky-shattering explosion was accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud. Under the control of Jiang Ming's mind, the azure blue energy ball instantly burst out with unimaginably powerful energy, which even distorted the space.
Jiang Ming, who was floating in the sky, felt that the power of the nuclear explosion technique released by using one-tenth of the mana was probably more destructive than the Nine Heavens Thunder Jue released by him using one-tenth of the mana. It's more than ten times,
If he was able to unleash this nuclear explosion technique when he was in Zhentian Mansion, he might be able to instantly kill Zhuge Changqing and the man in black who commanded two fourth-rank beginners.
Of course, the subsequent aftermath may also cause everyone present at that time to be killed except himself.
"The launch speed is still a bit slow, it seems that I need to practice a few more times!"

Looking at the huge pit in the desert, Jiang Ming nodded in satisfaction,

The power of the spell basically met his expectations, but the speed of activation was still much slower due to the first attempt.

But this is not a big problem. After he tries dozens of times in this desert, he should be able to solve this problem.
In fact, the principle of the nuclear explosion technique is that the bug of Jiang Ming's magic power acts as an energy fulcrum to pry the fission of the atomic nucleus, and a chain reaction occurs to stimulate powerful energy.
Before, because he knew the outline of the fission reaction, he was basically not very clear about the specific reaction situation, so as soon as the reaction happened, he couldn't control it, and all the mana in his body was sucked away.

Now when he has a certain in-depth understanding of the reaction situation, he can already cut off the supply of mana when the reaction is not so strong, directly start to stimulate energy, control its movement and explosion,

This not only controls the power of the nuclear explosion technique, but also prevents him from going down with one spell, and he is empty mana, unable to activate other spells.
Of course, this is only the first stage of his expectation. Later, he will have a more thorough understanding of the principle of fission, and even get the blueprint of the specific manufacturing principle of the atomic bomb.
Then he can precisely control the power of the nuclear explosion technique, not limited to using only one-tenth of the magic power, but can use two-tenths, three-tenths, four-tenths, or even tenths nine,
If possible in the later stage, he can also evolve the technique of nuclear explosion from fission reaction to a more powerful fusion thermonuclear reaction,

At that time, even if it is the Daluo Jinxian, Jiang Ming is not unable to fight,
After leaving countless big pits in the desert, Jiang Ming was finally able to control himself easily, and quickly and accurately played the nuclear explosion technique with one-tenth of the mana output.

At this time, a week had passed since Jiang Ming came to the desert.

When Jiang Ming returned to New York from the desert, he realized that the whole of New York was completely covered in silver. It turned out that three days ago, New York had already started to snow heavily.

Landing on the streets of Brooklyn, he found that many trees planted on the roadside were decorated as Christmas trees, and he suddenly realized that today is December 12th, which is Christmas in country M, which is their Christmas tree. Spring Festival,

Walking on the street, the sky has gradually dimmed. Jiang Ming's powerful body allows him to feel the atmosphere of happy reunion coming from every house on the street without using his consciousness.
Even though it is still during the war, New York, far away from the war site, is still considered a pure land.
Roast turkey, roast suckling pig, roast ham, roasted polenta, salmon, pudding, plums, mince pies, fruit cocktails, milky mashed potatoes, these Christmas dinners are spread on almost every household’s dining table,
For a rare time, Jiang Ming felt the aroma of these delicacies, but he didn't have any appetite.

Although he has long been used to being alone, today, without knowing why, he suddenly felt a little lonely, maybe because his hearing is so good, let him stand on the street, and he can hear countless happy laughter Bar,

In contrast, it seems a little lonely,

"Wait a little longer, when I am strong enough, I will marry the girl I like, and then give birth to seven or eight fat boys and seven or eight lovely daughters!"

Being killed in the previous life, coupled with the event that Dashi Village was wiped out just after rebirth, Jiang Ming has always had a strong sense of crisis for the survival of the main world.
He didn't want to think that one day, like the villagers of Dashi Village, he would be killed like an ant because of his lack of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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