Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 318 Sniping from the Darkness

Chapter 318 Sniping from the Darkness

"Why lose weight? You know, now boys like plump girls!"

Facing her daughter who refused to obey, Aunt Chen Congwen had no choice but to turn her eyes to Jiang Ming again.

At this time, Jiang Ming just finished eating the first chicken leg.
"Come on, Xiao Jiang, they don't want to eat!"

The big chicken leg finally fell into Jiang Ming's bowl,
"Okay, thank you Auntie!"

Jiang Ming nodded with a smile, and did not refuse.

"My mother likes to serve food for others. If you really can't eat for a while, don't be embarrassed to say it!"

Chen Hong who was sitting beside Jiang Ming whispered to Jiang Ming,
Chen Congwen on the other side of Jiang Ming nodded approvingly, obviously, he was particularly touched by this,

"Don't whisper, the three of you, the food will be cold in a while, eat it quickly! Come on, Xiao Jiang, this braised pig's trotter will nourish your body, try it!"

Jiang Ming looked at the braised pig's trotters on the big chicken legs in the bowl, and couldn't help but rejoice, fortunately, he was super able to eat,

But to be honest, the feeling of someone serving you food is quite good.

"Okay, thank you Auntie!"

Chen Hong and Chen Congwen secretly gave Jiang Ming a thumbs up,

When Chen Congwen's uncle saw this scene, he didn't speak, but just smiled. The unpleasantness in the gang at noon has dissipated a lot in an instant.

"Old Chen, come, eat a piece of mutton to invigorate the kidney!"

Picking up the pig's trotters, Jiang Ming was about to eat when he suddenly frowned. His strong intuition as a warrior made him feel a strong killing intent from afar.
But this killing intent was not aimed at him, but at Uncle Chen Congwen sitting at the head,
At this time, on the roof of another villa 400 meters away from Jiang Ming's villa, a white killer with a sniper rifle aimed at Uncle Chen Congwen's forehead through the glass of the villa.
"Chen Long, I've spotted you!"

The corners of the mouth of the strong white man raised slightly, and he slowly pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle. A bullet passed through the chamber of the gun, passed through the glass, and went straight towards Uncle Chen Congwen's eyebrows.

However, in the scope, the headshot scene familiar to the white killer did not appear, but a scene that made him doubt his life,
"Oh my God, that's impossible!"

Immediately after his eyebrows ached, he lost consciousness,

The bullet that was shot just now, for some reason, returned the same way, passed through his gun barrel, directly pierced his sniper rifle, and shot into his brain.
It turned out that at the moment when the bullet pierced through the glass, Jiang Ming's consciousness had clearly captured the trajectory of the bullet, quickly put down his chopsticks, got up and grabbed the bullet before the bullet was about to hit Uncle Chen Congwen's forehead,

Then with a shake of his hand, he threw the bullet back in the direction it came from,
"what happened?"

The shattering sound of glass and Jiang Ming's sudden standing up made Chen Hong, Chen Congwen, and Chen Long and his wife stand up in shock.
At the same time, a dozen red sticks guarding the door also rushed in due to the sound of broken glass.
"Someone seemed to throw a pebble in just now, I stopped it and threw it back!"

Jiang Ming took away the hand blocking Chen Long, and explained with a smile,
"Ah, is it a small stone? It's so fast, I didn't even see it clearly!"

When Chen Hong heard Jiang Ming's explanation, she was a little surprised and said,
She just heard the sound of glass shattering, and then saw Jiang Ming get up at some point, stretch out his hand to block his father, as if he grabbed something, and then threw it out.
But she didn't see clearly what it was.


"Which little red guy is out of his mind, throwing stones at people's houses on New Year's Eve, Ah Qiang, take someone out to have a look, if you catch that little red guy, you must give him a good lesson!"

Aunt Chen Congwen obviously believed Jiang Ming's words, and angrily ordered the leader's red stick,

"Go, be careful!"

Chen Long nodded, but he always felt that things were not that simple,
Was that just a pebble?What kind of stone is so fast that he didn't even notice it, but what is it if it's not a stone? Could it be a bullet?
That's even more impossible. If it was a bullet, how could Jiang Ming catch it with his bare hands and then throw it out again. It seems that he is old and his body is dull, so he didn't respond.
However, to be honest, for a moment just now, he really had a feeling of facing death, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

On the other side, Chen Congwen looked at the broken window in the distance, and then at the dining table, showing a thoughtful expression,

The window is at least 20 meters away from the dining table. Who can throw a small stone from the outside, even if the glass is smashed, can it still be thrown to the dining table?

In a small forest [-] meters away from Chenlong Villa,
A young man holding a machete said to the strong man holding a nine-ring sword in front of him:
"Dad, you said that the killer hired by the white paper fan can really kill that old guy Chen Long? Why hasn't there been any movement until now!"

The strong man holding the nine-ring sword replied:
"It's best if we can kill it. If we can't kill it, we will do it ourselves. He Chen Long wants to give away the money we have worked hard for all these years. That is to cut our flesh. Even if he is the leader, we have to kill him." he!"

"Then what should we do if the head of the headquarters blames us?"

The young man asked again,
"The white paper fan said, it will be pushed to other white gangs in New York at that time, as long as we wipe it out, who will know that we did it!"

The brawny man holding the nine-ring sword sneered,

"Dad, can Xiaohong let me kill him again? I chased that bitch before, but she dared to refuse me!"


Before the young man finished speaking, he was slapped severely by the strong man,

"Don't even think about it, just kill her when you see her. After all, she is the daughter of the leader. This time, the leader is willing to stand on my side because he wants to donate most of the members of the gang back to China, which touched the interests of some members of the gang. here,
You insulted his daughter and violated gang rules, and everyone will know by then, how can I take his position as the leader! "

"Okay, I get it, Dad!"

The young man rubbed his red face, and said,

"Master Deputy Leader, there is a problem with the killer. It should be that he missed Chen Long. I just saw through a telescope that Chen Long is still alive. It seems that we have to do it ourselves!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and wearing glasses came over with a telescope.

"Grass, the foreigners in Tamade are unreliable, we have to rely on ourselves, Chen Long, don't blame me, I just planned to kill you, now it seems that I will kill you all!"

The strong man holding the nine-ring sword got up and said something cursing, then shouted to the back:

"Follow me all!"

"Yes, deputy leader!"

Immediately, more than 100 young men in black jackets with machetes came out from the small woods.


(End of this chapter)

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