Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 325 You Really Know Magic

Chapter 325 You Really Know Magic
Chen Hong looked at the alley on the left, and said with some doubts:
"But Jiang Ming, if I remember correctly, that alley is a dead end, and there is no way to bypass this section of road from there!"

"I know, but we're not going to go around, just drive over and park the car there for a while!"

Jiang Ming smiled,

Chen Hong didn't understand, if they parked the car in that alley, how would they get to the Stark Industrial Building, would they just walk?Wouldn't that be slower?

However, she listened to Jiang Ming's instructions, turned the steering wheel to the left, and turned the car into the dead end.
Because Chen Long once gave her thousands of instructions, no matter what Jiang Ming ordered, no matter how outrageous, he must follow it.

At that time, she also jokingly asked, if Jiang Ming wanted her body, would she do it?
Unexpectedly, after Chen Long was silent for a long time, he still replied two words, "Do it!"

Of course, in fact, in the next six months, Jiang Ming didn't make any excessive demands at all, and even asked about the stock purchase situation occasionally, there was no one in sight.

She was a bit greedy for Jiang Ming's body, but Jiang Ming never gave her a chance,

After the car stopped in the alley, Jiang Ming and Chen Hong got out of the car,
Seeing that no one else was paying attention, Jiang Ming said to Chen Hong:
"Hold on to my shoulders and don't move!"

Chen Hong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately ran to Jiang Ming with a happy face, grabbed Jiang Ming's shoulders with both hands, and then began to look at Jiang Ming affectionately, with some tendency to close his eyes.

"Sister Hong, don't stand in front of me, just stand beside me. Also, you don't need to grab it with both hands, just grab a shoulder with one hand!"

Jiang Ming said helplessly with black lines all over his head,


Chen Hong blushed, and hurried to Jiang Ming's side, she thought that Jiang Ming had finally enlightened,

"Shrink the ground into an inch and walk thousands of miles, cross mountains and ridges and walk on flat ground!"

Jiang Ming shook his head, seeing that Chen Hong had grabbed his shoulder, he opened his mouth and recited the incantation of shrinking the ground into an inch, and as soon as he lifted his foot, he took Chen Hong and disappeared from the alley.
When his feet hit the ground again, the person had already appeared at the door of the Stark Industrial Building.

"Okay, here we are, let's go in!"

Jiang Ming said something to Chen Hong, and then walked towards the gate of Stark Industries,

At this moment, Chen Hong, looking at the Stark Industries building in front of her, was instantly stunned.
"What's going on? Could it be that I'm hallucinating? Why did I come to the Stark Industries building from that dead end in a blink of an eye? There is a distance of about ten kilometers between these two places!"

Chen Hong rubbed her eyes, then pinched her arm fiercely, and then she was sure that it was not a hallucination. Jiang Ming really brought her from the dead end to the Stark Industrial Building.
"Could it be that Jiang Ming is really a strange man who knows magic, as his father said?"

At that time, when Chen Long asked her to resign from the law firm to help Jiang Ming deal with the acquisition of Star Industries shares, he told her that Jiang Ming was not only very good at kung fu, but also a strange man who knew magic.
But being born and raised in New York, she didn't believe her father's words at all, she just thought he was joking with her,

Unexpectedly, today, she personally experienced the magical spell that appeared thousands of miles away in one step,
"Sister Hong, don't be dazed, it's time to go!"

Jiang Ming's voice came from a distance, instantly awakening Chen Hong from her daze, she raised her legs and hurriedly chased after Jiang Ming,

"Come on, Jiang Ming, walk slowly, wait for me!"

Inside the elevator in the Stark Industries building,
Chen Hong asked Jiang Ming cautiously:

"Jiang Ming, do you really know magic?"

"Well, I know a little bit, uncle should have told you!"

Jiang Ming nodded and replied,

"I thought he was lying to me!"

Chen Hong said a little nah,
After she finished speaking, she sighed again:
"I didn't expect that in this world, spells really exist!"

"There are not only spells, but also magic, and aliens, but you don't know it!"

Jiang Ming shrugged his shoulders and smiled,

"All right."

Chen Hong felt that her world view of the past twenty years was about to collapse.

The large meeting room on the top floor of Stark Industries Building,
Howard Stark, who is 27 years old and has a mustache, is now on the podium confidently and full of enthusiasm, declaring loudly:

"Next, we welcome the new shareholder and director of Stark Industries, Mr. Jiang Ming, with warm applause!"

Jiang Ming stood up from his seat, bowed slightly to all the directors and management in the meeting room and said with a smile:
"My name is Jiang Ming. You can call me Jiang. To be honest, the reason why I bought so many shares of Stark Industries is because I saw Stark Industries' powerful technological capabilities at the Future World Expo last year.

So I think that the future of Stark Industries will definitely get better and better, and the value of the stock will also get higher and higher.
Moreover, you don't have to worry about me meddling in the company's affairs. I think it's better to leave professional matters to professional people, so I won't interfere in all the company's affairs! "

Hearing Jiang Ming's words, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

You know, everyone present, including Howard, must be very satisfied with the addition of new shareholders with strong funds, because this means that the company will have enough funds to carry out many of the next projects.
But I'm afraid that the new shareholders don't know anything, but they like to intervene in the company's operation and management. After all, they already know in advance that the new shareholders are not very old, only 20 years old.
People in this age group are just young and energetic, and they are more publicized.

Although Howard, as the chairman, can directly veto some of Jiang Ming's unreasonable demands, but it will always be very troublesome.

"Of course, I am more interested in science, especially in the field of atoms and electromagnetics. If Mr. Howard is free, he can guide me, that would be even better.

After all, I know, Mr. Howard, but the most powerful expert in this field! "

Looking at the thunderous applause below, Jiang Ming turned his head and said half-jokingly to Howard on the podium,
When Howard heard Jiang Ming's praise, he immediately benefited from it. He laughed and said:

"That's really my honor, Mr. Jiang Ming!"

After achieving his goal, Jiang Ming nodded in satisfaction, then sat down,
He came to Stark Industries today mainly to get acquainted, especially Howard, because in the future, he really intends to stay with Howard,

After Jiang Ming sat down, Howard started a meeting about the company's operations.

In this way, Jiang Ming came to the Stark Industrial Building for the first time, and the shareholder meeting he attended ended in such a harmonious and pleasant environment.

(End of this chapter)

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