Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 330 Infiltrating the Nine-Headed Snake Base

Chapter 330 Infiltrating the Hydra Base

In order to prove his strength, Jiang Ming punched the hard door of the military jeep without hesitation.

On the hard door of the military jeep, a clearly visible fist mark was left,

"Oh, God, Jiang, you never told me that you still have such abilities!"

Howard touched the fist print Jiang Ming left on the door of the military jeep, and couldn't help but let out a burst of surprise.
If this punch was made by Steve, then there is nothing surprising. After all, Steve has been injected with super soldier serum, and his strength will definitely be much stronger than ordinary people.

In the previous experiments, there were already relevant data tests,

But this punch was sent by Jiang Ming, so it can't be justified.

Jiang Ming, a scientist, doesn't look as strong as Steve. How could he have such a powerful force?
"Huaguo Kungfu, Xingyi Bengquan, you can learn about it when you have time!"

Jiang Ming looked at the three surprised people in front of him, and explained with a smile,
"Huaguo Kungfu? Xingyi Bengquan?"

Howard, Steve and Carter looked at each other,
Well, they have really reached the blind spot of their knowledge,
"Well, how should I put it, you can understand it as a Huaguo special fighting technique that can explode several times the strength of the body!"

Jiang Ming thought for a while and explained again,

After he finished speaking, he added:
"Of course, it's rare in the entire Hua Kingdom to be able to strike a powerful Bengquan like me!"

Jiang Ming added this sentence, not for showing off, but for fear that in the later stage, if they learned about this kung fu from Chinatown, they would feel that it would not be able to achieve the effect that Jiang Ming is showing now.

After all, Jiang Ming punched the general with a fist mark on the door of the jeep, not only because of Bengquan, but also because of his abnormal physical strength,

"Well, it seems that I should go to Chinatown to pay a visit to a master when I have time, and learn this kind of fighting skills. It feels quite powerful!"

Howard murmured,

In fact, for Jiang Ming, whether it is to shrink the ground to an inch or use the clouds to ride the fog, he can quickly rush to the Hydra base,

And with his strength, he can easily wipe out all members of Hydra, including Schmidt the Red Skull, and then calmly take away the Rubik's Cube and Dr. Zola's research materials,
But he didn't do that,

On the one hand, it is because that may greatly change the subsequent plot, causing huge changes and unpredictable consequences for the next 70 years.
On the other hand, there is no sense of experience like that,

Flying with Steve, crossing the battlefield, parachuting into the Hydra base, isn't it more interesting than him appearing at the Hydra base in two or three steps in an instant, isn't it?

Especially now that his fear of heights has been completely cured after becoming a fairy, and he wants to experience sports such as airplanes, skydiving and live CS that he has never experienced in his previous life.
In the evening, the night is getting dark,
Carter took Steve, Howard, and Jiang Ming to the parking area behind the temporary headquarters.

"Sorry, no entry here without permission!"

The two guard soldiers stopped Carter and the others as soon as they reached out.
"I am Agent Carter of the Strategic Science Corps. I am ordered by Colonel Philip to apply for a transport plane. I have a special mission to perform!"

Carter unhurriedly took out his ID from his pocket and explained,
The guard soldier took a look at the certificate, and after confirming that it was genuine, he immediately saluted and let it go:
"Yes, sir!"

The four of them passed over the guards and entered the temporary airport. After quickly finding a suitable transport plane, they opened the door and boarded in.
Howard entered the pilot's seat, skillfully turned on the various switches of the aircraft, and began to take off.
And Carter took out a detailed map, and began to explain the route of the Hydra base camp to Steve and Jiang Ming, as well as some relevant information obtained by the intelligence personnel.
The Hydra base camp, Clausburg, is more than 30 miles away from the front line, which is about [-] kilometers away.
Normally, according to the flight speed of the transport plane, it may take only ten minutes to fly to Clausburg.
So Carter's plan is to put Jiang Ming and Steve directly at the gate of Clausburg, so that they can mix in directly,
However, in the entire [-]-kilometer distance, there are a large number of firepower points of Hydra. Under the control of Howard, the transport plane only flew to half the distance before being discovered by the Hydra army.

A wide range of artillery and machine guns began to shoot at the transport plane, and the transport plane may crash at any time.
In this case, Steve and Jiang Ming directly asked Howard to control the plane to turn around and return, while the two jumped out of the hatch with parachutes on their backs.
Jiang Ming, who experienced the fun of skydiving, brushed away the bullets that were shot at him, and followed Steve into the forest.
"Follow me!"

After landing, Steve threw away the parachute on his body, gestured to Jiang Ming, and quickly found a road built by the Hydra troops in the forest.

Then he hid in a bush beside the road,

Now there are still more than ten kilometers away from the real destination, Clausburg. It is definitely not realistic to walk there by legs alone.

So Jiang Ming and Steve discussed it in the grass and decided to see if they could meet the military vehicle returning to Clausburg from the front line.

When the time comes, hitchhiking directly, saving time and effort!
Sure enough, it didn't take long before a convoy of four or five trucks appeared on the highway, heading towards Clausburg.

Jiang Ming and Steve looked at each other, then rushed out of the grass at high speed, and chased after the truck at the end of the convoy.
As a super soldier who has been injected with super serum, Steve can run at full speed and surpass the truck in a short time.

So it took him less than ten seconds to catch up with the truck, flipped into the rear compartment,
At this time, the two German soldiers in the rear compartment were stunned when they saw Steve appearing suddenly, but before they could react, they were easily knocked down by Steve's two punches.
After dealing with the two German soldiers, Steve hurriedly looked back at Jiang Ming's situation,
In Steve's view, although Jiang Ming's strength is not weak, especially his fighting skills are quite strong, his body must not be as strong as his, and he may not be able to catch up with the speed of a truck.

But when he looked back to observe the situation behind the truck, he found that Jiang Ming's figure was not on the road behind at all.
"Steve, what are you looking at?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from the side, scaring Steve to hide in a hurry,
However, when he fixed his eyes, he saw that Jiang Ming was already sitting on the seat in the car with his leisure time.

"Jiang, when did you come up?"

Steve was surprised.

"Just after you came up, I came up, seeing you easily deal with two German soldiers, I didn't help!"

Jiang Ming explained logically,

(End of this chapter)

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