Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 336 Chapter 335 Cultivation base increases again, high-level celestial being!

Chapter 336 Chapter 330 The fifth cultivation base has increased again, and the heavenly immortal is high-level!
At present, the first stage of the nuclear explosion technique has been fully mastered. He has almost analyzed the space energy in the Rubik's Cube. Staying here will not bring him any greater benefits.
And there are still eight years before he returns to the main world, and for the remaining eight years, he plans to visit other places,

Originally, one of Jiang Ming's goals for coming to this dream dungeon world,

It is to have a good experience of modern life, travel around the world, and fulfill the wishes that were not fulfilled in the previous life.
I have been studying in school and doing research in the laboratory before, perfecting spells and improving strength, and I didn't take much care to take a good look at the world.
That is, I spent a while in New York at the beginning,
So now that things are over, he doesn't plan to stay in New York anymore,
After Jiang Ming left in a cloud,
Steve and Bucky quickly dealt with all the Hydra soldiers on the train and came to the control room where Dr. Zola was,
At this time, Dr. Zola had been arrested by two roaring commando members who suddenly raided from the roof of the train.

After reporting the mission situation through the radio, under the command of Carter, Steve escorted Zola with the Roaring Commando, and quickly returned to the temporary headquarters.
One day later, after being interrogated by Colonel Philip, Dr. Zola explained the location of the final base where the Red Skull Schmidt was located and the insane self-destruction plan he was going to implement in order to save his life.

It turned out that the successive failures on the front line had already let the Red Skull know that if only relying on the current Hydra troops, even with powerful energy weapons, it is basically difficult to have a chance of winning.

After all, no matter how powerful an energy gun is, it can only kill one enemy with one shot, while an ordinary weapon can also kill a person as long as it hits a vital point with one shot, or even two or three shots. The advantages of energy weapons, is not conclusive,

So he plans to personally drive the carrier plane, carrying a few atomic bombs manufactured by Hydra agents secretly obtained from the nuclear bomb technology of country M,

Drop directly into cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, etc., and deliver devastating blows to win.


In fact, in Jiang Ming's opinion, Hydra's military capability is not particularly strong, otherwise it would not be beaten back by the troops led by Steve even with energy weapons.

The most powerful Hydra is the spies in his organization,

It can be said that it is pervasive, and even emptied the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, the "Manhattan Project" led by Howard has just successfully tested the atomic bomb for less than a month, and Hydra has already obtained relevant information and successfully produced several.
It can be seen that in Howard's core team, there are Hydra spies,

Moreover, the beliefs of these Hydra spies are very perverted. As long as they are caught, they will shout slogans and commit suicide. They are never afraid of death. It can be said that they are fanatics of the Red Skull.
Colonel Philip, who learned about the Red Skull plan from Zola,

Immediately summoned Carter, Steve, Howard, and all members of the Roaring Commando, and explained Red Skull's self-destruct plan,
At present, although the hiding place of the Red Skull is known, it is only [-] feet below the Alps,
But there are all the last soldiers of Hydra gathered there, with a defense like a copper wall and an iron wall. They will definitely not be able to attack in a short time.

However, according to Dr. Zola's information, the implementation of the "self-destruct plan" should start within 24 hours.
Therefore, they must break through the last base of Hydra within 24 hours in order to stop the "self-destruction plan" and save the lives of several people in the city.

How to break through the Hydra base within 24 hours?
Almost everyone knows that a strong attack is impossible. Only by breaking through from the inside, creating chaos, and causing problems with the defense system of Hydra's copper wall and iron wall, can there be a chance.

But how to get inside the Hydra base?
At this time, Steve suddenly thought of the scene where Jiang Ming appeared on the train to save Bucky,
He thought, maybe Jiang Ming's so-called Huaguo spells could help them enter the interior to create chaos,
"Howard, do you know where Jiang is now?"

Steve raised his head and asked Howard on the side,
Howard looked at Steve in surprise. He didn't understand why Steve asked him this question at this critical moment.
But still without concealment, he replied:
"You said Jiang, he suddenly said a few days ago that he had something to leave for a while, and then disappeared. I don't know where he is now!"

Hearing Howard's answer, Steve suddenly showed a look of disappointment,

When he came back to report the situation, because of Jiang Ming's request at the time, he did not report the fact that Jiang Ming had rescued Baki, but concealed it.
Hearing what Howard said now, when Jiang Mingfei left, he might have gone on his own business.
It is probably impossible to contact Jiang Ming in a short time now.
Just when he was disappointed, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he murmured:
"I know how to break through from the inside!"

At this time, Steve suddenly recalled that Abraham Erskine had told him about the Red Skull Schmidt before,
Arrogant and proud, defiant, self-righteous!

Perhaps, he can use this character trait of the Red Skull to let them open the door and let himself into the Hydra base,
While Steve and others were perfecting the raid plan,
Jiang Ming also sneaked five hundred feet underground in the Alps, and came to the last base of Hydra,

He knew that Hydra's final base was in the Alps, but he didn't know the exact location.
So after leaving Steve and Bucky, he began to search for the exact location of the Hydra base with his own consciousness,
After a day of spiritual scanning, he finally found the base where Hydra was hiding last.

The so-called Hydra's iron-walled defense base is of course not difficult for Jiang Ming.
Using shrinking into inches, flying through the clouds, and some illusions, he easily sneaked into the super plane that the Red Skull planned to drop the nuclear bomb on.
Then secretly replaced all six nuclear bombs manufactured by Hydra, and replaced them with fake bombs that look the same, but are actually hollow iron.
And not long after he put all those atomic bombs into the storage ring, a strong power of merit descended into his body from the void,

Immediately afterwards, the rock-like, motionless cultivation in his body began to grow rapidly with the arrival of the power of merit.
In just a dozen hours, his cultivation base has entered the high level of the immortal from the middle level of the immortal!


(End of this chapter)

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