Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 400 The Assassination of the Night

Chapter 400 The Assassination of the Night
The problem with Zhu Shiqing is that he uncovered all these hidden cases, and directly exposed them to the eyes of the entire imperial capital, causing an uproar.
Among them, the case caused by the son of the Shangshu family of the household department was the most sensational.
According to Zhu Shiqing's investigation and evidence collection, this son of the Shangshu family has harmed nearly 200 women in the entire imperial capital over the years, and in order to hide the evidence, he used his father's relationship to kill him and his family. killed for various reasons,
Most of these women are women from common people's families, some are daughters of merchants' families, and even a very small number are girls from some official families.

After the incident happened, the dignitaries headed by Hubu Shangshu immediately threatened and lured Zhu Shiqing, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, and ordered him to stop the investigation and destroy all the collected evidence.
But with Zhu Shiqing's character, how could he compromise on this, and immediately reported the collected evidence to Wu Maoqing, the Minister of Criminal Affairs who had been promoting him,
And when Wu Maoqing saw the reports and evidence submitted by Zhu Shiqing, he was also furious, not only because of the women who died tragically, but also because in the report, many officials from the Ministry of Punishment also participated in it due to bribery. So immediately ordered him to investigate strictly,

It was precisely because of this that Wu Chuchu was temporarily sent out of the imperial capital, just in case.

And the final result is that under Zhu Shiqing's continuous collection, he has basically mastered all the evidence of these powerful crimes, and handed it over to the Emperor Jin through Wu Shangshu.
Since this matter involved a lot and had been spread among the people of the imperial capital, for the sake of the majesty of the court, the Emperor Jin directly ordered those involved in the case (most of them were sons and daughters of some officials' families) to be beheaded for public display. The common people are outraged.

At the same time, the House of Ministers of the Household Department,

An old man over a hundred years old was sitting in the mourning hall, holding a tablet engraved with the name of his only blood in his hand, and a cloudy tear flowed from his eyes.

"Peng Shangshu, please express my condolences! I don't know about my master's conditions, how are you thinking?"

At this time, a man in black slowly appeared from the shadow of the corner of the room,

The old man carefully placed the tablet on the mourning hall, then turned to look at the man in black, and said lightly:
"Go back and tell your master, if he can put Zhu Shiqing's head in front of me tonight, then the entire household department will stand with him from now on!"

"Don't worry, Zhu Shiqing's head will appear in front of you before dawn!"

The man in black's eyes lit up, and he replied in a very affirmative tone,

"Then let me wait and see!"

The old man ignored the man in black, turned around, and continued to look at the tablet on the table, as if lost in memory,
Seeing this, the man in black bowed his hands to the old man, and gradually hid in the shadows and disappeared.

Four Princes' Mansion,

The man in black reported the conversation with the old man just now to the young man sitting in the high position.

"Okay, the old guy finally let go!"

The young man slapped the table and laughed loudly,

After laughing, he immediately ordered to the man in black:

"Immediately send out a small team of dark guards with a breath-shielding magic circle to take off Zhu Shiqing's head and send it to Peng Shangshu!"

"Yes, His Royal Highness Fourth Prince!"

The man in black replied respectfully,
That's right, this young man is the fourth prince of Jin Dynasty, the most powerful contender for the next throne,
The fourth prince watched the man in black recede, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised again,
A year ago, the mistake of Beijing City caused him to lose two fourth-rank Taoists, which made him fall into some disadvantages in the battle with the Eighth Prince and Princess Mingyue this year.
But fortunately, his mother's family is strong, and they have attracted many officials and masters in the court,
It is a pity that, as the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, the six most powerful ministers have never shown any inclination towards him and the Eighth Prince.

Now, after his hard work, Peng Shangshu of the household department finally let go,

As long as Zhu Shiqing is killed, he will be able to get the support of the Minister of the Household, and the Minister of the Household will take charge of all the financial revenue of the Jin Dynasty. With the support of the Ministry of Household, then his four princes will no longer lack various cultivation resources.
Although Zhu Shiqing is a fifth-grade Confucian, the minister of the Ministry of punishment,

However, if the Fourth Prince wants to kill him without leaving any traces, there is still a way. Although he will lose several fifth-rank dead soldiers, it is definitely worth it compared with the support of the entire household department.
Usually, killing people in the imperial capital is not a big problem if no one reports to the officials, but once someone reports to the officials, basically the murderer cannot escape.

Because the Ministry of Punishment has a magic weapon that can directly trace the trace of the criminal through the soul breath left by the murderer at the crime scene,
Of course, this time cannot pass for too long.

And the fourth prince's method is also very simple. After the dark guards kill the target and complete the task, they can commit suicide outside the imperial capital. It's just a matter of saying,

In this way, even if the criminal department traced the murderer in the end, it only traced the corpse of the machine.

Late at night, Zhufu,
Jiang Ming, who was meditating in the room, slowly opened his eyes,
"This posture seems to be aimed at Second Senior Brother!"

After speaking, he got up and moved his feet, and the person had disappeared.

In the Zhufu compound, four men in black with sharp knives who climbed over the wall were cautiously approaching Zhu Shiqing's room, preparing to climb over the wall and kill them with one blow.

A faint voice sounded from behind them:

"Mirror space!"

Immediately afterwards, before they could react, they found themselves suddenly in another space,
"He is a high-quality Taoist, kill him first!"

The four men in black saw Jiang Ming appearing on the opposite side, and knew that they had been hit by the spell of the Taoist in front of them. With a low shout, they kicked their feet, turning into four black lightning bolts, and rushed towards Jiang Ming.

"Oh? It turned out to be four fifth-rank warriors, no wonder they dared to assassinate the second senior brother!"

In the imperial capital, a place where flying and space magic are forbidden, the strength of Taoists and Confucians will actually be negatively affected. On the contrary, warriors can basically display all their strengths.

Therefore, if these four fifth-rank fighters really attack Zhu Shiqing who is sleeping, there is a high chance that they will be killed instantly with one blow.


With a soft shout, the powerful mana in Jiang Ming's body, in a special way, instantly fixed the four men in black who were rushing towards him in mid-air.

"Let Pindao see who is going to kill Pindao's second brother!"

Jiang Ming walked unhurriedly, came to the four men in black who were fixed in the air, put his hand on the head of one of the men in black and said:

"Nine Nether Soul Search!"

(End of this chapter)

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