Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 66 Kakashi under siege

Chapter 66 Kakashi under siege

Dazna sighed secretly in his heart, because most of the orphans on the street were born because of Cardo's tyrannical rule,

"of course can!"

Jiang Ming held the thick wooden stick in his hand, and after reheating it with a fire ninjutsu, he tore off a piece of fish meat that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and handed it to Naruto.
"Wow, then I'm going!"

Naruto took the hot grilled fish and stuffed it into his mouth, his eyes lit up immediately, and he praised:
"It's delicious, it's so delicious! I'm going to throw up after taking Bingliang Wan during this period of time!"

Jiang Ming handed the sea fish to Kakashi and others:

"You can try it too, the children can't finish eating so much every time!"

"It is written in the ninja manual that during the mission, every drop of chakra must be used in key places, especially when we were attacked just now!"

Sasuke saw that Jiang Ming used fire escape ninjutsu to heat the grilled fish. He didn't have the slightest awareness to save Chakra, so he opened his mouth subconsciously and said,

Of course Kakashi and Sakura also thought of this, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch,
However, after a while, there was an extra piece of delicious fish in everyone's hands,
"It's delicious!"

Sasuke took a hard bite of the fish,
"Kakashi Jonin, why did that ninja attack you today?"

Jiang Ming looked at Kakashi who was eating grilled fish, and asked casually,
Before Kakashi had time to answer, Naruto couldn't wait, and told the ins and outs of the matter again,
"No wonder I feel the townspeople are dead!"

Jiang Ming pretended to be thoughtful and said,

In this way, walking and chatting along the way, they soon entered the town,
"Brother Juexin, it's Brother Juexin!"

Seeing Jiang Ming appear, the children on the street surrounded him happily,
As usual, Jiang Ming heated the grilled fish with fire, and then fed it to the group of children who surrounded him with gratitude and joy in their eyes.
In fact, in his previous life, Jiang Ming hated children, especially those who were seven or eight years old. There is a good saying, "One year old and two years old are sweethearts, three and four years old are annoying, five and six years old are mischievous, seven years old Even an eight-year-old dog would hate it!"

In his previous life, Jiang Ming met this kind of child in the community. He was spoiled by his parents since he was a child. If you say "you are such a big man, you still care about your children" can drive you to death,

But these orphans who are often hungry are different. They are very well-behaved in front of Jiang Ming. Jiang Ming feels that he only feeds once a day, and he can reap a lot of gratitude from them. It can be seen from the daily golden energy activity. ,
Even after so many days, Jiang Ming didn't know whether he came to feed every day to speed up his cultivation, or if he had feelings for these children.
It’s no wonder that many of Orochimaru’s subordinates, because a word from Orochimaru can dedicate everything to themselves, and “Bai” also regards no more beheading as everything to him because he doesn’t care about it.
Not only because of their personal charm, but also because in this world, there are many children who have really experienced too much cruelty, and often your kindness can make them give everything for it!
"Brother Juexin, you look so gentle!"

Sakura looked at Jiang Ming who was patiently sharing the grilled fish for the children, and seemed to be touched in her heart, but after turning her head to look at Sasuke's face, the touch disappeared immediately, and only Sasuke's cold expression remained in her mind. Handsome face, perfectly showing what is the real appearance is the truth!
"What a kind person!"

Danaz couldn't help sighing,

Kakashi nodded in agreement. As a ninja, he has seen too many such things. He has already become a little numb. touched,
"Monks, be merciful!"

Jiang Ming clasped his hands together, looked at the children with bright smiles, and showed a smile on his face. For the first time, he felt that what the monk sometimes said was also reasonable.

"Master Juexin, would you like to come to my house for a sit down!"

At this time, Dazna sent an invitation to Jiang Ming. If Jiang Ming hadn't made a timely move today, he might have died, so in his heart, he was very grateful to Jiang Ming.
"No, I have something to do later, so I won't bother you!"

Jiang Ming smiled and rejected Dazna's invitation. Taking advantage of the active golden energy at this time, he must hurry up and go back to practice. During this time, his fairy chakra has improved rapidly.
After being separated from Kakashi and others, Jiang Ming returned to the cabin he built near the cross-sea bridge to continue his daily practice,
that's it,
With the return of Danaz, the construction of the cross-sea bridge has also begun to enter the normal process again.

And Jiang Ming can see Danaz and a small number of town residents who helped build the bridge near the sea-crossing bridge every day, as well as Kakashi and Sakura who protect him.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, in the forest near the bridge, that is, near Jiang Ming’s wooden house, they did micro-control training for Chakra, which is tree climbing practice.

For ninjas, especially for ninjas below the shadow level, sometimes the amount of chakra is important, but the fine control of chakra is more important.

As a jounin, Kakashi, the amount of chakra in his body at this time is not as much as that in Naruto's body, but Kakashi can instantly kill the current Naruto, because Kakashi treats every bit of chakra in his body, can achieve a fine-grained degree of control,
Of course, Jiang Ming knows all this, and after cultivating chakra, he has already started training in climbing trees and treading water. Even if his chakra attributes are wind and thunder, he can also try to experiment with "spiral pills, Chidori and Raikiri", there are ninjutsu that have been taught how to practice in these anime,
It's a pity that he is not, so apart from occasionally feeding Naruto and Sasuke who are tired from training when cooking food, or going to Ohashi to chat with Kakashi, he is basically in a state of cultivation,
The peaceful days passed like this for about a month. Seeing that the day when the cross-sea bridge was completed was getting closer, but there was still no movement,

Until the noon of this day, Jiang Ming was still practicing the chakra of the immortal race in the wooden house, while Sasuke and Naruto were still practicing hard climbing trees in the forest near the wooden house. They were not far away from truly mastering tree climbing skills.

On the sea-crossing bridge, Kakashi and Sakura were guarding the busy Dazna at this moment. They raised their eyes to the opposite side of the bridge, and could already vaguely see the coast of the mainland.

"Mr. Dazner, the cross-sea bridge should not be completed for a few days, right?"

Kakashi asked with some thought,
"According to this speed, it should take up to five days to complete the construction. By then, Kaduo will no longer be able to control us!"

Dazna replied excitedly,

However, as soon as his words fell, a majestic thick fog suddenly filled the surrounding area of ​​the bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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