Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 76 The Chunin Exam Begins

Chapter 76 The Chunin Exam Begins

Speaking of this, among girls of the same age, it seems that Tiantian and Hinata have no special feelings for Sasuke. Tiantian is because there is Neji who is no less than Sasuke, and Hinata has a heart for Naruto body
"Naruto, study hard!"

Jiang Ming patted Naruto's shoulder, which was already exploding in anger, shook his head, and thought to himself:

"Your father is so handsome, and your mother is so beautiful, with such good genes, why did you lose to Sasuke in terms of appearance!"

"I hate you brats the most!"

Seeing Sasuke's appearance, Kankuro immediately thought of his younger brother Gaara, and felt a fit of irritability for no reason. He grabbed the bandage on the puppet crow and was about to do it.

Jiang Ming moved his ears, and glanced at the other side of the big tree where Sasuke was, from the corner of his eye.
"Kankuro, stop!"

At this moment, a cold and emotionless voice sounded from the other side of the big tree where Sasuke was,
The moment he heard this voice, Kankuro trembled in fright, and cold sweat broke out involuntarily from his forehead, he no longer had the arrogant look just now,
This scene made Sakura and the others involuntarily look in the direction of the sound,
Under the trunk on the other side of the big tree where Sasuke was, a young boy had quietly stood there at some point,

The boy has short red hair and two big dark circles, and a striking "love" is engraved on his forehead.

At this moment, he folded his arms around his chest and carried a huge gourd on his back. His eyes looked indifferent and empty, like a machine without the slightest emotion, and his whole body exuded a cold murderous aura.
"It's pretty fast!"

Jiang Ming looked at Gaara, who was still a troubled boy at this time, and praised,
So far, among all the ninjas who participated in the Chunin Exam, Gaara is the one Jiang Ming fears the most, not because of his own strength, but because of the Ichio Shukaku sealed in his body,
Different from the near-perfect Nine-Tails seal in Naruto, the seal in Gaara's body is not that powerful. On the one hand, it is because Sand Hidden Village is not good at sealing techniques and does not have such a strong sealing ability. On the other hand, a Taishou Crane is the best at sealing among the Tailed Beasts.

So when fighting Naruto, you just need to stun him directly, don't keep irritating him, let him burst out the power of Nine-Tails through his anger, it will be fine,
But it is very troublesome to fight Gaara, unless you can kill him in one move and kill him directly, otherwise knocking him out will only let Yiwei get out of trouble directly, because Yiwei guarding the crane also has the ability to control dreams Strength,
This is why Gaara never dares to sleep. Once he falls asleep, Shukaku will enter the dreamland and break free from the seal for a short time.

"You bastard who can only embarrass the village, what do you think we came all the way to Konoha!"

Gaara reprimanded his brother Kankuro in a cold tone,

Kankuro explained with a trembling voice:
"Listen, listen to me, they are the ones looking for trouble first"

Gaara turned to look at Kankuro, frowning:
"Shut up! Or I'll kill you!"

Kankuro was so frightened that he immediately closed his mouth, not daring to say a word, while Temari next to him quickly showed Gaara a flattering smile, and managed to calm down his younger brother who was starting to get a little irritable.

"Senior Brother Juexin, you walked too fast, we almost lost track!"

At this moment, Kong and Jing also ran over panting from a distance, complaining,

"Haha, brother, I saw a big local tyrant, so I ran faster, don't be angry, brother will take you to eat delicious food later!"

Jiang Ming pointed to Sasuke who was sitting on the tree trunk, and said with a malicious smile,
"Local tycoon?"

Kong and Jing couldn't understand what it meant,
Jiang Ming lowered his voice and explained:
"It's the rich man. Did you see the boy sitting on the tree trunk? He's rich in Konoha, and he will pay for our dinner later!"

Sasuke, who was sitting on the tree trunk, froze, and the stone in his hand fell to the ground with a "slap", and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Half an hour later, Konoha BBQ,
Looking at the plates piled high beside Jiang Ming, Sakura finally understood why he was in such good health,
"That is to say, Brother Juexin, like those ninjas from Sand Ninja Village, you also came to Konoha to take the Chunin Exam!"

"Yes, why, hasn't Kakashi Jnin notified you about the Zhongnin exam?"

Jiang Ming took a few pieces of freshly grilled meat from the grill at an extremely fast speed, threw them into his mouth and replied,

"Ms. Kakashi hasn't informed us yet, but since you will participate this year, I will definitely participate!"

Sasuke looked at Jiang Ming, and remembered the battle scene in the country of Waves, and his competitive spirit suddenly rose.
Jiang Ming is only two or three years older than him, and his strength can already compete with Zabuzhan. Although Zabuzhan was not in a good state after a fight with Kakashi, it cannot be denied that what Jiang Ming said at the time The strength shown is already very strong,

This makes Sasuke, who has a strong self-esteem, somewhat unacceptable, but now that he has opened Sharingan, through this period of hard training, his strength has also increased a lot, and he thinks that he will not be much worse than Jiang Ming. many,

And taking part in this Zhongnin exam, you can also meet different opponents, such as the red-haired sand ninja just now, which is also a good experience,

He always thought that if he couldn't even defeat people like Jiang Ming, how could he defeat his brother who had to be killed?

"Then I will participate too, I want to be promoted to Chunin, I will not lose to Sasuke!"

Naruto saw that Sasuke was going to participate, of course he was not far behind, he was going to be the man of Hokage, how could he miss this opportunity,
As for Sakura, she frowned and fell silent,
To be honest, the three sand ninjas gave her a big impact today. When she thought of the strong opponents in the Chunin exam, she felt a little conflicted in her heart.
"That's really looking forward to your performance!"

While giving the three of them an encouraging smile, Jiang Ming quickly put his chopsticks into the grill, and a few pieces of freshly cooked barbecue disappeared instantly.

"The meat I just roasted, why is it gone again!"

an hour later,

"thanks for treatment!"

Jiang Ming took his two juniors, thanked Sasuke, and left at a leisurely pace.
And Sasuke looked at the seven or eight-meter-long receipt in his hand, and said embarrassingly to the owner of the barbecue shop with his head full of black lines:
"I don't have that much money now, I need to go to the bank to get it!"

After Jiang Ming and his two juniors left Sasuke and the others, they wandered around Konoha Village for a while. During this period, they met Kai who was rushing to the Hokage Building for a meeting. After a few pleasantries, they returned to the hotel.
After returning to the hotel in the evening, Lu Lu told Jiang Ming and the other three about the Chunin Exam, the time and place of the first session,

Five days later, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Konoha Ninja School, classroom 301!
(End of this chapter)

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