Lord of immortality

Chapter 46 Qinghe League

Chapter 46 Qinghe League

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

"It's okay, I'll tell you and you'll know. In fact, brother, I'm a member of the Qinghe League." Seeing this, Liu Chuanfeng laughed.

"Our Qinghe League can be named after the word Qinghe Prefecture, Qinghe, so the younger brother must be able to associate it with something.

Haha, yes, the Qinghe League is one of the strongest forces in the Qinghe Mansion.It is also extremely difficult for ordinary Houtian ninth-level warriors to join it.

In addition to recruiting Houtian ninth-level warriors, our Qinghe League will also recruit some extremely talented monster-level geniuses.

Like me, I was not able to break through to the Houtian seventh-level reborn state before the age of 20. It was only after I became a candidate for the dragon list that I was lucky enough to join it and become a member of the Qinghe League, an access qualification member. "

"Access qualification member." Lu Changsheng vaguely thought of something.

"That's right, it's just the admission qualification. If you want to become a real member of the Qinghe League, you must usually reach the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that even among the talented disciples on the Dragon List, some have joined our Qinghe League..." Liu Chuanfeng continued to talk about Qinghe League.

"Junior Brother Lu, how about it, now that you have such an opportunity, are you willing to join the Qinghe League?" Liu Chuanfeng asked in a solemn tone.

When Lu Changsheng heard this, he had actually vaguely guessed that this so-called Qinghe League should be an organization or force like the Qingyuan Society that Ren Xibai invited him to join.

Only now did Lu Changsheng realize why Ren Xibai's last words were so serious.

Once you join the Qingyuan Society, you are not allowed to join other organizations or forces.

It's like getting in early.At that time, Lu Changsheng lacked knowledge and was really a frog in a well, without such cognition at all.

But at that time, facing Ren Xibai, a strong man in the list, he had no possibility of rejecting him.

Of course, it is also possible not to admit that you have joined the Qingyuan Society, and then join other forces, but you need to face the pursuit of the Qingyuan Society.

The pursuit and killing of such forces is something that ordinary warriors in the innate realm can't afford.

Lu Changsheng will naturally not join the Qinghe League now.

However, in order to learn more about these forces, Lu Changsheng asked: "I don't know if there are any important figures in this Qinghe League, you can let me know first."

"Haha, you are asking the right question, I will tell you only one person, the master of the Qinghe Mansion, Ouyang Mingri, is a member of our Qinghe League."

"Ouyang tomorrow." Lu Changsheng was slightly surprised.

For this person, he specifically inquired about some information.As the son of the master of the Qinghe Mansion, this man is also a peerless talent, known as Mr. Nongyu.This year, he is only 25 and six years old, and his strength is also acquired nine levels without leakage.

Although Ouyang Tomorrow is not on the list of people, it is rumored that he has the strength of the list.

"Well, people like Mr. Nongyu are members of our Qinghe League, you should understand what kind of power our Qinghe League belongs to." Liu Chuanfeng's tone was tinged with pride, as if joining such an organization was something to be proud of. matter.

And from Liu Chuanfeng's introduction, Lu Changsheng already knew that some talented disciples in the Dragon and Tiger Academy were invited to join the Qinghe League.

Even some of the disciples on the dragon list joined in.

From this point of view, the Qinghe League is definitely an extremely powerful force in the Qinghe Mansion.

"Ouyang Tomorrow, the son of the Qinghe Mansion Master, is also in this Qinghe League. Presumably this faction has a lot to do with the Qinghe Mansion Master." Lu Changsheng thought secretly in his heart.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng couldn't help thinking of the Qingyuan Society he joined.

One must know that Ren Xibai is the son of Ren Xiong, the capital general of Qinghe Prefecture. Is it possible that the Qingyuan Society where Ren Xibai belongs has something to do with Ren Xiong.

In the Qinghe Mansion, if one were to say that the most powerful were the Qinghe Mansion Master Ouyang Zhentian and the Capital General Ren Xiong.

But the sons of the two of them actually joined the two forces.

In other words, behind the two forces of the Qinghe League and the Qingyuan Society are the Qinghe Mansion Master and the Qinghe Mansion Capital General.

Lu Changsheng quickly speculated in his mind.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng looked at Liu Chuanfeng, and asked: "Brother Liu, you mean that there are also many Longbang senior brothers in the martial arts academy who have joined the Qinghe League."

"It's natural. Ouyang Mingguang, who is sixth on the dragon list, and Wu Quandao, who is ninth on the dragon list, are members of our Qinghe League." Liu Chuanfeng said.

"Oh, are there only these two?" Lu Changsheng asked slightly.

Hearing the name of Ouyang Mingguang, No. [-] on the Dragon List, Lu Changsheng vaguely guessed that this person might have some relationship with Ouyang Zhentian, the head of the Qinghe Mansion, and he should also be a member of the Ouyang family.

"What does it mean to have only these two people, Junior Brother Lu, you have just entered the Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts Academy, so I'm afraid you still don't know how powerful the disciples of the Dragon List are.

Every martial artist who can be on the dragon list, is not all the strongest among the eighth-level acquired warriors. For them, there are only three tricks.

What's more important is their talent, once they break through to the ninth floor of acquired days in the future, they will definitely be extremely powerful among the fighters of the ninth floor of the acquired day without leaks.

It seems that such a disciple does not need to reach the ninth floor of Houtian, and many big forces are secretly recruiting them.

They have many other choices, and no one knows which of the Longbang disciples have joined which forces.Our Qinghe League has two Longbang disciples joining, which already shows that our power is strong. "Liu Chuanfeng explained to Lu Changsheng.

After Liu Chuanfeng said this, Lu Changsheng immediately understood.

Talented disciples who can be on the dragon list already have enough right to choose independently.

Great powers choose genius disciples, and genius disciples also choose great powers.

Of course, only Longbang disciples have such qualifications.

"Oh, it seems that there are many other big forces involved, inviting our seniors from the Dragon List of the Martial Academy to join them, but I don't know who these big forces are?"

When he first came to Qinghe Mansion, Lu Changsheng also spent a few days getting to know many powerful people in Qinghe Mansion, but he only knew some big names on the surface.

He really couldn't find out the great power behind it.

"Junior Brother Lu still wants to join other big forces, but as I said before, with Junior Brother Lu's talent, he will naturally have such an opportunity in the future, but he has to wait a few years, or wait until he breaks through the eighth layer of Houtian and climbs the dragon Ranking." Liu Chuanfeng's eyes flashed, he looked at Lu Changsheng and said.

"If this is not the case, join our Qinghe League at this time, at least it can save you a few years. In the past few years, you can get a lot of secret information from our Qinghe League in exchange for some precious resources to help you break through."

Liu Chuanfeng believed that Lu Changsheng was only on the seventh floor of Houtian, and it would take at least a few years to become a warrior on the list, or break through to the ninth floor of Houtian, so he mentioned again the advantage of joining the Qinghe League immediately.

"Of course, Junior Brother Lu, if you ask other big forces, I will tell you a few things.

For example, the Four Seas Merchant League, which is mainly engaged in business, Danyang Pavilion, which sells elixirs, Lingyuan Pavilion, which collects elixir and fruits, Shenbingfang, which focuses on casting magic weapons, and opens silver shops. The God of Wealth Association, the Xuanwu League formed by the union of warriors, etc. "

"However, these big forces are spread all over Qingyun Prefecture, and the recruits must be at least the ninth floor of Houtian. Even if you want to join it now, Junior Brother Lu, you don't have the qualifications."

(End of this chapter)

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