Lord of immortality

Chapter 87 4 Talented Experts

Chapter 87 Four Talented Experts (First Order)

Open the longevity lock panel.

Name: Lu Changsheng
Age: 97
Boundary: Nine floors of the day after tomorrow, no leaks

Rating: 9
Cultivation method: eighth level of illusory eye (Taixu Disillusionment Sutra), tenth level of Beiming Shengong, tenth level of Lingboweibu, sixth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu (super grade, tenth level), six-veined sword (tenth level is not Transformation), Flame Knife (untransformed on the tenth level), Dou Zhuan Xing Yi (untransformed on the tenth level), Tianshan Liuyang Palm on the ninth level, Xiao Wuxiang Gong on the ninth level, Yiyang Finger (nine levels not transformed), Shenhe Finger (nine levels not yet transformed) Transformation), Toad Kung Fu (nine layers of non-transformation)...

Source Power: 206
Talent Points: 4
After defeating four extremely talented masters, Lu Changsheng obtained 4 talent points and used them all.

His current talent is so strong that he can penetrate ordinary martial arts skills almost instantly.

A peerless genius is also indescribable.

If such talents are known to the five super sects of the Dagan Dynasty, they will rush to accept them as disciples.

Lu Changsheng had just transformed Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, a super-grade ten-level kung fu, and directly reached the sixth level.

There are still a few powerful and extremely talented masters in this world. Lu Changsheng didn't stop there, he wanted to find and defeat them, and continue to harvest source power and talent points.

We must make full use of the resources of this world, use them as merit, and completely transform them into our own talents.

At this moment, a major event happened in the martial arts.

A great battle broke out between the world's largest gang of beggars and the world's number one sect, the Devil's Cult.

When it comes to the contradiction between these two great powers, we have to start from a hundred years ago.

As the strongest gang in this world, the Devil's Cult outnumbers all other factions regardless of the number of masters or overall strength.

Back then, the Devil's Cult faced the siege of the six major sects with the power of a single sect, and defeated them all, which shows its strength.

However, few people know that there is a gang that has overwhelmed the Demon Sect for decades, prevailed in several battles, and killed the two leaders of the Demon Sect successively, and took away the Torch Order.

This gang is the largest gang of beggars in the world. In those days, the gang of beggars was extremely powerful.

It's a pity that since then, the beggar gang has also withered for this reason. Although there are many people, there are no top masters.

Until then, Xiao Qijing, the head of the beggar gang, appeared, an extremely powerful and talented master.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Clan's township martial arts showed in his hands a power never seen before or since.Straightforwardly, this martial art, which has always been considered to be only equivalent to the ninth level, has been simplified, from 28 palms to eighteen palms, and has achieved a super tenth level.

Just at this time, the Devil's Cult also produced a powerful figure who has been crowned for hundreds of years. The contemporary Demon's Cult leader Yang Wuji, a natural martial arts prodigy, is in harmony with the Demon's Sect's township martial arts, and he has cultivated to the highest level. Quite a super high-end tenth floor.

The Demon Cult wants the Beggars to return the torch order.

But the two big powers have been feuding for a long time, so how could it just settle down.

In addition, there are also disputes between other major sects and demon sects in the martial arts.

All of a sudden, the martial arts world was in turmoil.

With the beggar gang as the main force and the various sects as the supplement, they joined forces to fight fiercely against the masters of the Demon Cult.

At this time, the Devil's Cult has many masters, the left and right envoys, the Four Great Dharma Kings, and the Five Great Disciples are all top-notch or even top-notch masters.

It's just that the elders of the other major sects are not mediocre, and all of them are top-notch masters.

For a while, the two sides became evenly matched.

And Yang Wuji, the leader of the Demon Sect, has already fought with Xiao Qijing, the leader of the Beggar Clan, for three days and three nights. The two extremely talented masters can be said to have been born in response to the times. The son of luck, it is hard to tell the winner for a while.

At this moment, three figures flashed in this chaotic place.

"Xiao Qijing, the leader of the beggar gang, and Yang Wuji, the leader of the Demon Cult, as long as I defeat these two, I can get 2 talent points and 100 source power again."

"Let's go, go and have a look at these two extremely talented masters in this world, and find a way to collect the martial arts they practiced, such as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Great Teleportation of the Universe." Lu Changsheng looked at Patriarch Murong and Master Big Ear beside him. .

"By the way, the two of you are also extremely talented masters. I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker with these two, so why compare them?"

Patriarch Murong and Guru Da Er's expression changed, they are extremely talented masters, there are only a few of them in the whole world, it's rare to see them normally.

Now, if you want to obtain his practice skills, you must defeat the two of them first.

If Lu Changsheng made a move, it would naturally be possible.

Right now it is rare to have such an opportunity to fight against such a master, Patriarch Murong and Master Big Ear also want to test each other's strength.

As soon as the two figures moved, they suddenly shot towards Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji who were in the fierce battle.

"Who dares to participate in the confrontation between two peerless powerhouses?" Many people in the fierce battle were surprised.

In the battle between extremely talented masters, ordinary masters who practiced nine-level martial arts would not dare to get involved easily, unless several people work together, otherwise a little carelessness will result in serious injuries.

"Looking for death." Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji were fighting fiercely, and when they saw other people charging towards them, they shouted coldly.

The two of them shot towards the person who came.

Yang Wuji moved the universe, the yin and yang changed, and the surroundings seemed to be transformed into two rays of light, one yin and one yang.

The one who confronted him was Patriarch Murong, who performed the star shift, nebula changes, using the way of the other, and returning it to the other body.

Xiao Qijing's eighteen dragon-subduing palms, with its own sound system, a golden dragon soared into the air and rushed forward.

Fighting against him was Guru Big Ear, the flame saber, and the golden saber energy swept away.


An explosion roared, and air waves churned.

Under the surprised gazes of other martial artists around, these two figures who appeared suddenly resisted the powerful offensive of Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji.

"Gusu Murong fights and the stars move."

"The flame knife of the secret sect of the Tu country."

Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji immediately recognized the unique technique displayed by the visitor.

They are all no worse than their respective martial arts.

And there are not many masters in this world who can confront them.

These two are by no means unknown people.

"You are the Patriarch Murong of Gusu and the Great Ear Guru of the Esoteric Cult." Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji immediately guessed their identities.

This is a strong man who is as famous as them in the world.

The emergence of such a strong person may even overturn the outcome of this battle between the two sides.

Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji couldn't help becoming a little more cautious.

"Why are you two participating in our battle?"

"Haha, there's no reason. I'm just happy to see Lie Xin. It's rare to meet a master like you. It's just a good time to fight."

"Yes." Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji looked at each other.

A meaning was expressed in his eyes.

The two people who suddenly appeared in front of us are variables, it is better to solve them first and then fight.

Nodding their heads, they reached a consensus in an instant. Xiao Qijing and Yang Wuji each found one person and fought.

Xiao Qijing fights against Master Big Ear.

Yang Wuji fought against Patriarch Murong.

"Come here."

The four extremely talented masters immediately fought into a group.

(End of this chapter)

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