my fairy man simulator

Chapter 18 Breakthrough and Exit

Chapter 18 Breakthrough and Exit

14 years, a full 14 years.

In these 14 years, Gu Han has long forgotten how many times he tried to break through quenching blood and refining organs, and he also doesn't know how many times he failed.

He only knows that after he fails again and again, he can always find some deficiencies in his body, so as to check for omissions and fill in the gaps, sum up experience, and learn lessons, so as not to make mistakes again next time.

Until today, after 14 years of continuous failures, he finally completed the accumulation, and truly understood the two realms of blood quenching and viscera refining like the palm of his hand.

Now, Gu Han is confident in his understanding of the two realms of quenching blood and refining viscera. Even the second-rate and first-rate masters in the real world of Yue State are far inferior to him.Only the innate master who is known as the pinnacle of martial arts can overwhelm him.

Gu Han secretly guessed in his heart.

This is his self-confidence, and also his affirmation of the achievements he has studied countless times over the past ten years.


"Huh! Let's get started!"

Here, Gu Han was sure, so he didn't delay any longer, he let out a breath, closed his eyes again, and began to attack the realm of blood quenching and viscera refining in a familiar way.


With Gu Han's thought, the energy and blood all over his body that was as strong as an ancient tyrannosaurus immediately began to erupt, like a big river, washing away all parts of his body.

The secret of blood quenching in martial arts is to use the power of qi and blood to scour the entire body of the human body except the five internal organs. Only when the power of qi and blood spreads to every corner of the body can it be regarded as a formal breakthrough in quenching blood.

As for viscera refining, it is just the opposite. It uses the power of qi and blood to wash away the five viscera of the body, so that the five viscera are truly transparent, like glazed glass.

And this is also the reason why this world and the real world's martial arts truly complement each other. Gu Han estimated that only after the martial artist reaches the state of visceral refinement and blood quenching at the same time can the power of the fusion of the two worlds of martial arts truly explode.


One after another sounds like a rushing flood resounded in Gu Han's body, one after another bottlenecks were broken through, and one after another obstacles were removed.

The so-called bottleneck, in fact, according to Gu Han, is all kinds of blockages in the human body.

From the moment the placenta falls, a person will be polluted by the turbid air of the world. After growing teeth and growing teeth, he will eat the whole grains of the world, and will naturally slowly accumulate various impurities and toxins in the body.

This is the barrier that prevents the power of Qi and blood from reaching all parts of the body, and it is also the chief culprit that prevents many tendon-changing warriors in this world and Gu Han from continuing to make progress!

Among them, those with good talents would accumulate little or almost none of the impurities and toxins, and it would be easy to break through the blood quenching bottleneck.

As for those with poor talent, there are a lot of impurities and toxins accumulated in their bodies, which also makes it extremely difficult for them to let the power of qi and blood wash over the whole body and the five internal organs, and it is naturally difficult to break through.

Undoubtedly, Gu Han belongs to this category, and he is extremely poor in this category, because after his breakthroughs in these years, he has already discovered that the impurities in his body are almost endless.

With such a body, not to mention the help of the Little Returning Pill, even if Baozhu Temple takes out the Big Returning Pill that can help warriors break through their inner qi, it is almost impossible for him to break through.

This is the horror of bad aptitude, that is, Gu Han's energy and blood are strong. Although his realm is not as good as muscle-changing and bone forging, his actual energy and blood are comparable to blood-hardening. This is the only way to survive.

If it were a different person, let alone 14 years of research, even 140 years of research, 400 years of research, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through, and there is absolutely no other way except reopening!
"Boom bang bang..."

Although Gu Han was distracted by his thoughts, the power of qi and blood in his body easily broke through the bottlenecks like a scythe mowing grass, but it only took a few breaths to wash away nearly one-tenth of his entire body.

Moreover, with the passage of time, its scouring speed has not slowed down, and it still maintains a high-spirited speed, scouring rapidly.

This is the result of his research in the past 14 years, and this is his perfect grasp of the mysteries of these two realms. Not to mention that he is only doing two things at once, even if he is eating and drinking, or even fighting with others, he can easily do it Then flush the blood all over the body.


After dozens of breaths, a gust of wind suddenly rose in the cave, blowing countless sand and stones.

This is not an external celestial phenomenon, but the surge of air caused by Gu Han standing up suddenly.

"What a powerful force, what a terrifying speed, I didn't expect to break through the blood quenching and visceral refinement, the strength improvement brought about by it is much stronger than I imagined, and now I am ten times stronger than before the breakthrough! "

In the cave, Gu Han clenched his fists tightly, feeling his own terrifying body that had transformed but was still growing, his eyes flickered with excitement, and then with his palms dancing, he played a set of "72 Ways of Subduing Demon Palms".

In the past ten years, apart from researching how to break through the bottleneck of breaking through the two realms of quenching blood and refining viscera, Gu Han also practiced some of the martial arts he had learned in his spare time.

For example, blood quenching realm martial arts "72 Ways of Fu Mo Palm" and body martial arts "Moon Steps" and so on.

Fortunately, although his physical aptitude is poor, his comprehension is extremely high. Even though Gu Han has only cultivated casually these years, he has also practiced the "72 Ways of Fu Mo Palm" and the body technique "Moon Steps" to the highest level.


The sound of tearing air flow sounded one after another. Under Gu Han's freely dancing fists and feet, countless air was torn apart by his bare hands, turned into a strong wind, rolled up countless small stones, and danced with his body like a swimming dragon. , dancing in the cave.

It wasn't until the end, when Gu Han's body stopped after a set of palm techniques, that the countless stones lost their buoyancy and fell to the ground one by one.

"Okay! That's right. It's not in vain that I've spent 14 years breaking through the realm. Now my physical strength has greatly increased, and the speed of my strength has increased even more. I'm afraid it's stronger than ordinary Xiaocheng's internal energy. I don't know how it compares to the great achievement of inner energy?"

After experiencing the increase in strength in detail again, Gu Han was satisfied, and finally stepped out, spanning several meters, and walked out of the cave where he had stayed for more than ten years.

After more than ten years of hard cultivation, it seems to be isolated from the world. Now that Qianlong ascends to the abyss, there are not many opponents in the world. Naturally, he has to step into the secular world and show his fists!
(End of this chapter)

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