Sweeping the world

Chapter 113 Perfection

Chapter 113 Perfection
The source power of purple rushed towards the face, and a golden door faintly flashed, and the door that was about to close suddenly froze and began to reopen.

Endless divine wisdom surged from the mind, and the endless spiritual treasures were opened, concretizing the vague thoughts in the mind and turning them into real inspirations.

In this state, Chen Ming only felt endless martial arts secrets flickering in his mind, and then the scroll in his hand was flipped through in an instant.

Volume after volume of books was flipping through the hands.

Time passed slowly.

The purple tide of source power kept flickering in his mind, and finally fell silent.

With the consumption of source power, an image of a stalwart Buddha emerged in his mind, and slowly manifested in his mind.

A majestic and majestic Buddha phantom appeared with the implication of life and death, but his whole body looked very vague, lacking that kind of detail, and there was only a rough outline of the whole body, lacking definite things.

But with the gathering of bits of spiritual light in his mind and the consumption of the source power in his mind, all the profound meanings of martial arts that Chen Ming had learned were flashing in his mind one by one, and at this moment they gradually burst out.

With the flashing of these martial arts secrets one by one, the image of the Buddha is gradually becoming clearer, and the details are gradually becoming more perfect, giving people a more real and terrifying feeling.

A terrifying aura was brewing all around, and the majestic momentum charged straight up, stirring up a cloud of dust in an instant.

In the same place, with the passage of time, the cycle of life and death, I am born and I die, the breath of gathering and dispersing impermanence and the meaning of Buddha gradually emerge, outlining the missing details, and finally connecting the image of the Buddha, this moment is like The Buddha who was really connected to the existence in the dark aroused a trace of the strongest Buddha.

Great Compassion Seal! !

At some point, the stone tablet in front of him began to undergo some changes, and the Buddha's meaning contained in it rose up, and directly matched with the Buddha's mind brewing in Chen Ming's mind, turning into the most terrifying blow.

The two inexplicable Buddha thoughts came into contact, and at that moment, a qualitative change began to take place.

A faint golden light was flickering, and Chen Ming seemed to have seen a horrifying scene indistinctly.

In the vast void, stars are twinkling in it, emitting their own brilliance.

The universe is deep and quiet, with all kinds of sadness of death, as well as a mighty sense of silence and death.

A majestic momentum is rolling in.

In a deep dark place, the endless brilliance dimmed here.

The stars flickered one after another, and after passing through this place, all the light was sucked away in an instant, and they were absorbed by some kind of power in it, and they became a dead place.

Occasionally, there are some intelligent beings on some stars, and even some strong people on them, struggling hard when they are absorbed by this dark place, but they can't break free, they can only be absorbed by it in vain, All life on it is extinct, and everything is swallowed by darkness.

Every time the life on a star is devoured, the darkness contained in it will riot once, and there is a certain deep and unpredictable will faintly carried in it, which seems to break through the isolation faintly and rush out from the dark world.

A golden altar stood quietly in the midst of it, and on it stood a golden Buddha covered in gold, but full of various cracks, like a ceramic doll.

The Buddha closed his eyes quietly, and his whole body quietly bloomed with golden light. He has stood here for tens of thousands of years, and his body carried a deep breath of time.

A kind of life and death is uncertain, and the Buddha's will of time and time is rippling on his body, and it is conveyed to the distance through the spiritual platform under his feet, and completely suppresses all the darkness in front of him in silence.

"This is!!"

Looking at this scene quietly, Chen Ming's heart was shocked. The moment he saw the golden body of Buddha, the blood all over his body was involuntarily boiling and heaving, and an instinctive reaction could not help but arise.

As if feeling something, in the distance, the Buddha opened his eyes, and stared at Chen Ming with tired eyes.

"It's not you I'm waiting for, but since I'm here, it can be considered destined."

In the distance, the Buddha nodded slightly, looking at Chen Ming with gentle tired eyes.

The next moment, all the scenes in place disappeared and ended. Chen Ming opened his eyes again, and a new message emerged in his mind.

It was a martial art similar to the martial arts recorded on the stone tablet in front of him, but compared with the Great Compassion Seal recorded on the stone tablet, the Great Compassion Seal in Chen Ming's mind was very different.

Incorporated into the Great Chu Martial Arts Classics and Chen Ming's martial arts, this style of Great Compassion Seal inevitably bears Chen Ming's brand, and it is full of his own comprehension.

This is a brand-new martial art completely comprehended by Chen Ming himself. It was born out of the Great Compassion Seal, but it is different from the Great Compassion Seal in front of him. It is full of brand-new changes and completely complements that brand-new part.

Standing at the same spot, carefully feeling the brand-new Great Compassion Seal in his mind, Chen Ming had neither sadness nor joy in his heart, just quietly thinking about gains and losses.

Strictly speaking, the Great Compassion Seal he deduced in front of him is just a complete seed and embryonic form.

It incorporates all of Chen Ming's martial arts essence, thereby perfecting the missing part, but it is far from reaching the step of forming.

At this moment, this Great Compassion Seal is just a prototype, and as Chen Ming's martial arts experience becomes richer in the future, this Great Compassion Seal will also grow up and gradually come into being, and even reach a level comparable to the original Great Compassion Seal.

This is a miracle that was born entirely with the help of Yuanli. If Chen Ming alone relied on himself, it would be absolutely impossible to perfect this Great Compassion Seal.

According to Chen Ming's understanding, this is already a martial art that transcends the extreme of ordinary people and is in the realm of gods and demons.

It's just that at this moment, he was lucky enough to perfect this great compassion seal, but Chen Ming didn't feel any joy in his heart.

At this moment, recalling the scene he saw before, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The great Buddha who suppresses darkness, in the end."

Standing on the spot, his eyes flickered, his muscles and bones were strong, and his breath was majestic, but the image of the golden Buddha and the words left by the other party involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"not me"

Recalling everything that happened during this trip to the secret realm, Chen Ming thought deeply.

Before he had time to think about it, the stone tablet in front of him began to vibrate slowly.

All surrounding images began to disappear, and eventually gradually changed into another scene.

Looking at the scene in front of her in the corner, Fa Hui was dumbfounded.

"He actually perfected this Great Compassion Seal."

He stared at everything that happened in front of him, and for the first time in history, he felt suspicious of life.

 It's really not suitable for codewords outside, but it's only two days, and the update will resume on the 28th at most
(End of this chapter)

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