Sweeping the world

Chapter 115-Baptism

Chapter 115-Baptism
"The Great Compassion Seal has been perfected!!"

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, feeling the boundless, majestic and domineering aura on it, Xu Qing was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes for a while.

"who is it?"

You Huo couldn't believe it, he could only stare blankly at the flickering stone tablet in front of him, and kept muttering: "Is it the man named Qiu Zhen from before, or is there someone else who entered this secret place?"

When this question is asked, it is destined that no one can give him an answer in a short time.

In front of his eyes, the originally complete space was shattered, and a deep darkness and tranquility quietly enveloped this space.

In the deep dark space, it seemed that a big hand was constantly stretching out, with a huge force on it, pushing Xu Qing away.

"Do not!!"

When Xu Qing regained consciousness from the darkness, a roar came from his ear.

Hearing the sound, he subconsciously turned around and saw Qiu Zhen in the corner, dressed in white, with a distorted expression on his face at the moment.

And beside Qiu Zhen, Bai Feng's face was ashen, and his face was also ugly at the moment.

Both of them were sent out during the process of studying the Great Compassion Seal.

But because someone passed the test ahead of time, the result of this test is naturally meaningless.

The two of them and Xu Qing were generally pushed out ahead of schedule, and to some extent they suffered a lot of losses.

"In addition to Qiu Zhen, there is also that fierce woman and others coming in."

Standing on the same spot, after stabilizing for a while, looking at Bai Feng standing in the distance, Xu Qing's face was also a little ugly.

He didn't expect Bai Feng to follow in.

And that's not all.

There are only the three of them here, which means that there must be a fourth person who entered together, thus passed the test of the secret realm, and obtained the secret treasure.

Just thinking of this, Xu Qing's expression turned a little ugly.

"Too careless."

He secretly sighed in his heart: "Next time, you must be more careful, and you must never be touched behind your butt again."

"If there is a next time."

He thought bitterly in his heart, and at this moment, he felt inexplicably bitter in his heart.

The reason for this is not because of others, but because of the surroundings.

I saw that in the front, after being forcibly teleported out from the secret environment, Qiu Zhen gradually slowed down, and then gradually looked at Xu Qing with unkind eyes.

He still remembered what happened before, and he also remembered Xu Qing's appearance, so without hesitation at this moment, he started to walk towards Xu Qing's direction.

Fortunately, at this moment, a burst of brilliance passed by, gradually fell, and quickly enveloped the three of Xu Qing.

In an instant, the figures of the three became erratic, and they were directly sent out by this ray of light, and were sent to an unknown distance.


Being automatically teleported away by the power of the secret realm, Xu Qing subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then had the time to look around, wanting to know where he came from.

There is a very empty space in front of me, surrounded by a stone wall that looks very flat, and there are some Buddha statues.

"Buddha statue?"

Looking at those Buddha statues, Xu Qing was stunned subconsciously, and at this moment he was stunned: "What is a Buddha? Also, why do I know these are Buddha statues?"

"Amitabha." A soft voice came from afar.

Xu Qing turned around to look, and at the end of his field of vision, a monk in a gray robe and a big bald head was walking out.

Looking at Xu Qing in the distance, and listening to his words just now into his mind, Fa Hui recited a Buddha's name with a look of appreciation on his face: "Amitabha, the donor is indeed destined to be with my Buddha."

"Master Fahui."

Xu Qing turned around and looked at Fa Hui in front of him, stunned.

Like Chen Ming and others, it was also Fahui who came to guide them and point out the location of the assessment when they first entered this secret realm.

Therefore, Xu Qing naturally recognized Fa Hui in front of him.

"Amitabha, I haven't seen you for a few days, but the demeanor of the donor is still the same."

Looking at Xu Qing, Fa Hui clasped his hands together and said with a smile.

"It's okay."

A wry smile appeared on Xu Qing's face, and he said, "It's just that the current situation is really not good."

"If Grandmaster hadn't sent me here, I'm afraid I'd be dead right now."

"Since the benefactor can enter this place, he is a person who is destined for my Buddha. Naturally, I will not watch you suffer in vain."

Fahui nodded, and then said, "What will the benefactor gain from cultivating here for ten days?"

Although the stipulated assessment time was half a month, because Chen Ming completed the assessment, the entire assessment time was greatly shortened.

Xu Qing and the others stayed in the secret realm for only ten days.

"Achieve a lot."

Xu Qing sighed from the heart: "If I hadn't come here, I would have never thought that I would be able to come to such a place one day, and I would be more fortunate to see such martial arts."

He recalled the Great Compassion Seal, felt the raging fighting spirit contained in that Great Compassion Seal, and couldn't help exclaiming: "That kind of martial intent is really rare in my life."

"But I don't know, what kind of demeanor is the person who can perfect the Great Compassion Seal, so that he can have such a talent and create such a martial art."

He sighed from the heart.

Regarding this, Fa Hui smiled and said nothing, just looked at Xu Qing, and after his mood calmed down, he said: "Everyone has his own fate, and life is born with different circumstances. Donors don't need to underestimate themselves."

"I don't know if the benefactor has a teacher's inheritance?"

Looking at Xu Qing, Fa Hui spoke like this, and then without waiting for his answer, she continued to speak: "I see that the benefactor has a profound Buddha nature, and it is actually related to my Buddha, and it is very compatible with my martial arts."

"If you don't give up, I am willing to pass on all the knowledge I have learned in my life. I don't know what to do with it?"

Hearing this, Xu Qing was stunned for a long time, and then a great joy appeared on his face.

Without any extra words, he knelt down on one knee and bowed to Fahui with the most solemn etiquette: "Disciple pays homage to master!"

When Xu Qing was studying as a teacher, he was on the other side.

A deep dark space gradually spread out, revealing the light behind it.

When Chen Ming walked through the steps and reached the end, he saw a pond full of life in front of him.

The pond is surrounded by lotus flowers, most of which are already open, only a small part is still silent.

The only difference from the lotus flowers in the outside world is that the lotus flowers here are all golden, with a faint golden radiance flickering on them, illuminating the whole place into a piece of gold.

Walking quietly on a small road, Chen Ming casually looked around, appreciating the surrounding scenery.

From the lotus flowers around him, he could feel a deep vitality, and an extremely obvious spirituality, conceived in these lotus flowers.

These lotus flowers are all elixir, and they are of an extraordinary kind.If any one is taken outside, it may be a good thing that people will force their heads to fight for, but here it grows everywhere.

A deep spiritual power permeated the surroundings, nourishing the surrounding lotus, making this place infected and full of vitality.

Soon, Chen Ming discovered the source of this power.

It was a pool of golden water.

At a place in the middle of the pond some golden springs came together, forming a small pool there.

Amazing spirituality rippling in that place, faintly carrying a deep Buddha-nature, and majestic vitality, as if it was gestating something.

"Is it here?"

Walking to this place, looking at the golden pool of water in front of him, Chen Ming whispered to himself, feeling a little surprised.

The life of this place is truly terrifying.

It has obviously been sealed for an unknown number of years. According to common sense, no matter how majestic the vitality is, it should be close to exhaustion at this moment.

But this place is different. Even though it has been sealed off for many years, the life above it is still terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Chen Ming shook his head, feeling the scene, and finally silently gave up the idea of ​​investigating carefully, but silently took off his clothes, and just walked in.

As the golden spring water came into contact with the skin, an extreme coldness surged from all over his body, followed by an extreme hotness.

The two feelings are constantly intertwined in the body, like ice and fire, giving people an extremely unique experience.

Feeling this feeling, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes, and then his whole body and mind gradually relaxed.

In his body, he seemed to feel something. The Buddha's blood in his body began to boil spontaneously, driving the Darui Buddhist scriptures to run spontaneously, making Chen Ming look solemn and majestic at this moment, like an eminent monk in a Buddhist hall and temple. Exuding a calm and peaceful temperament, he is not ordinary at first glance.

The Buddha's blood in the body began to grow spontaneously, and began to absorb the power of the golden spring water, using it to slowly nourish the body.

This nourishing process is slow but thorough.

If you can observe from the basic level, you will find that at this moment, countless acupoints in Chen Ming's body are faintly glowing, and one by one acupoints that have not been opened before begin to be opened spontaneously, and the speed is extremely fast.

In the depths of his body, every inch of flesh and blood in Chen Ming's body, every particle was trembling slightly, as if a majestic vitality emerged faintly, enveloping him in it, like a baby conceived and born in the mother's womb. Wash his body layer by layer and reshape it again.

This process is destined to be long.

At least, according to Chen Ming's own feeling, this transformation and baptism would probably not be completed without a few months.

But once it is completed, his strength will also be greatly improved. I am afraid that he will step through the perfection of the body in one step and directly reach the realm of the gods.

In a few months, from enlightenment to enlightenment, this speed can be regarded as very fast, and the price-performance ratio is also extremely high.

If Chen Ming did not use his source power to cheat, he could practice purely on his own, so he might not be able to achieve this efficiency.

"I can still afford to wait for a few months."

Lying quietly in the golden pool, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes: "It's just that, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of Ah Qing's side for the time being."

 Thanks to the book friend Gunda Throne for the two hundred starting coins, thank the book friend Dragone for the one hundred starting coins, thank the book friends for listening to the warmth of the one hundred starting coins, and thank the book friend Face Emperor for the one reward One hundred coins~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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