Sweeping the world

Chapter 135 Knife and Sword

Chapter 135 Knife and Sword
Time passed little by little.

Lying there quietly, Chen Ming's mood gradually emptied, and all thoughts in his mind began to be calmed down slowly, without the slightest ups and downs.

The riot of vitality around seemed to gradually subside, and an inexplicable pulse gradually rose and fell silently, which was sensed and captured by Chen Ming.

The true meaning of the Great Chu Wu Jing began to flow spontaneously in his mind.

During the bloody battle for two months, during this period of time, he experienced various battles, his body was constantly destroyed during this period, and his firm will was refined again and again, becoming more pure and stable.

This kind of change happened to meet the requirements of the Great Chu Wujing, which made him change quickly after calming down, and the precipitation of this period of time broke out directly at this moment.

Silently, the surrounding vitality seemed to be faintly affected, and strands of violent vitality were smoothed out, slowly entering into Chen Ming's body, caressing his remnant body, giving his broken body a new lease of life. the power of.

A new vitality is being bred, right in his heart, gradually spreading to the internal organs, smoothing the damage in his body step by step, and then slowly healing the whole body.

In the same place, Chen Ming sat like this for a long, long time, until the sun in the sky gradually set, and the afterglow shone inch by inch, and slowly reached dusk, he recovered his senses and left slowly under the eyes of several watchers around him. , walked slowly towards the tent where he was.

Then came the same second day.

On this day, he also did nothing else, but quietly found a fairly clean stone, and sat down there.

Time passed like this, and gradually, someone discovered something was wrong.

"Sitting there like this, is he thinking about how to escape?"

A battle in charge of monitoring expressed his thoughts to the priest Amu.

"It's ok."

Amu said in this way: "His injury is very serious, and it is impossible to heal if he does not take care of him for three or four months."

"And even if his injuries are healed, you are still afraid of being run away by him in our tribe."

So it was like this, these people kept monitoring Chen Ming as usual, they didn't do anything about Chen Ming's unexpected actions, and let him do what he wanted to do.

Of course, in reality, Chen Ming really didn't do anything, he just basked in the sun for a while.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, another few days passed.

On this day, Chen Ming sat on the big rock basking in the sun as usual.

Usually, because of being wary of him as an outsider, no one would get close to him except for a few watchers.

Things seem to be different today though.

Sitting on the rock, Chen Ming looked down at a direction in the distance.

There, a young boy was holding a wooden stick and sweating under the sun. It looked like he was practicing a sword technique.

From Chen Ming's point of view, this sword technique is obviously very crude, and the young man's technique also has a lot of mistakes. The force of the arms and some subtle movements of the body are all wrong. If you don't practice it well, you will develop bad habits and affect your body's growth.

This situation is very common in this tribe.

During this period of time, Chen Ming had already seen many people who practiced martial arts wrongly.

Under normal circumstances, he didn't think too much about it.

But he happened to know the boy in front of him.


Sitting there quietly, he hesitated for a while, and finally made a sound, calling out the boy's name.


Hearing the shouts from a distance, Tutu was stunned for a while, and only after seeing Chen Ming did he show joy on his face: "Brother!"

"Are you practicing sword?"

Looking at the wooden stick in Tutu's hand, Chen Ming asked.

"Ah, yes."

Kuku touched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Chen Ming shook his head, got up from the spot, looked around, then walked up to a watcher, and said, "Can I borrow a knife?"


The watcher was stunned for a long time, and after hesitating for a while, he nodded, took off the long knife on his waist, and handed it to Chen Ming.

Gently pulled out the long knife, under the watchful eyes of several people around, Chen Ming's right arm moved.

The long knife pierced through the air, and the wind of the knife was fierce. Under the sun, Chen Ming's figure stepped forward. Every step he took, the long knife in his hand moved accordingly, with soft beeps, accompanied by bursts of muffled sounds. ring.

The rough broadsword slashed across the air one after another, the speed of each stroke was very fast, with domineering and indomitable determination in the swiftness.

In the end, Chen Ming stepped forward, straightened his saber, exerted strength from his whole body, on his right arm, he instinctively used the skills related to Linyuan saber technique, and just this saber slashed on a large wooden stake.

Lin Yuan! !
boom! !

Although no internal force was used, nor was the vitality affected, the knife was still powerful enough to split the stake into two sections by relying solely on its own strength. .

"So. Knife technique."

Looking at the result of the knife, the surrounding monitors were stunned, and they didn't know what they were feeling at this moment.

Born in a small tribe, the outstanding martial arts that these people usually see there are nothing more than the basic martial arts brought by some Central Region businessmen.

And Chen Ming's Linyuan saber technique has been improved many times in the Dagan world, and now even if it is obtained in the Tianfeng Sect's middle-region martial arts holy place, it is still an absolute top-grade martial art. In this small barbarian tribe, it is naturally amazing.


Returning the long knife to the watcher casually, Chen Ming turned around, looked at Tu Tu, who was stunned to the side, and asked with a smile, "How about it, do you want to learn?"

Standing in the original order, Tutu was already staring blankly at this moment, his mind was already filled with that amazing knife, and he was still in a state of not returning to his soul.

At this moment, hearing Chen Ming's words, he subconsciously shuddered, and quickly shouted: "Think! Think!"

He said repeatedly, as if he was afraid that Chen Ming would regret it.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Ming smiled, continued to go back to the big rock and sat down, and said: "If you want to, forget about your third-rate swordsmanship when you go back, and come find me tomorrow morning. "

"it is good."

Tu Ku nodded repeatedly, without any hesitation in Chen Ming's request.

He is not very old, and his knowledge is not very extensive, but he is in the barbarian domain, and he has been exposed to martial arts since he was a child. He still has the most basic martial arts literacy, and he can understand the quality of martial arts.

Compared with the saber technique that Chen Ming used, the sword technique he learned was like a local product, not at all high-grade.

Now that he has the opportunity to learn better, he will naturally not let go of the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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