Sweeping the world

Chapter 146 Calm

Chapter 146 Calm
At night, the silver moon hangs over the night, covering the earth with a layer of snow-white color.

Chen Ming walked out of the tent, just in time to see several figures around him.

It seemed that they were also tourists who were going to take this convoy, and they didn't know where they were going.

Standing outside the tent, Chen Ming looked up.

There were about five people standing in the distance, including two men and two women, probably two couples.

As for the fifth one, she was a little girl who looked less than ten years old. She looked quite cute. Seeing Chen Ming coming out of it, she was staring at Chen Ming with a pair of big watery eyes, which were full of curiosity.

Seeing this, the young couple holding the girl in the distance pulled her. One of them, who looked very young, smiled apologetically at Chen Ming, looking very polite.

Chen Ming also nodded to him as a greeting.

Counting him on the spot, there were about six people, all of whom were going to leave in the convoy.

But at this moment, besides these guests, there are many other people.

Chen Ming could see at this moment that some strong men with weapons on their bodies were patrolling around at the moment, they looked very imposing.


Standing in place for a while, after a while, Chen Ming felt something and looked into the distance.

There was a faint strange sound coming from there, accompanied by a scream.

After a while, another chilling cry of pain could be heard from afar.

Hearing this voice, except for Chen Ming, the rest of the people present changed their colors slightly, and some fear flashed in their eyes.

"It should be that the robbers are being executed, or a servant of some family was beaten to death again."

On the side, the little girl's father, a young man who looked sickly, coughed and said in a low voice.

The people around didn't move much.

This is too common around here. Although it is more intrusive this time today, it is not a big deal.

The few people present continued to stay in place for a while, and when the night became darker, they entered the tents and rested.

The same goes for Chen Ming.

But compared with others, he seems more energetic.

After a martial artist reaches the peak of physical training, the daily sleep time required is greatly reduced. After reaching the innate level, the bridge of heaven and earth runs through, and he can even sit and stand instead of sleep.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Ming was not sleeping, but was sitting on the big bed in the tent, his eyes closed, and he kept gesticulating with his hands.

He is practicing the law of military formation.

After obtaining those military formation methods from Song Li, he hadn't sorted out these warfare formation methods for such a long time, so he just took a good look at them now when he had time.

This is also done to save some resources.

Directly using the source force to upgrade the battle formation method is simple, but it consumes a lot of money.

There are only so many ways for him to obtain source power now, if he has to use source power to improve no matter what he does, then I'm afraid he won't be able to go too far.

Up to now, except for a few cases where it is really necessary, Chen Ming will directly use the source power to improve. He has basically relied on himself for ordinary martial arts methods.

Fortunately, he has now passed the basic accumulation stage back then, and stood on a certain height.

Chen Ming's comprehension is actually not bad. After being trained with the Buddha's blood, his roots and aptitude are already comparable to others. In addition, he has accumulated martial arts experience and wisdom after many times of source power promotion and deduction.

With his current conditions, no matter what he learns, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

In just the middle of the night, he had comprehended the tactics of light soldiers to a deeper level.

"I see."

Sitting on the head of the bed, looking at the already dim sky outside, Chen Ming thought deeply: "The so-called military tactics are actually using various special methods to enable soldiers to connect with each other, and finally achieve the goal of forming a whole." the result of."

"The military general is the core of this and the absolute center of this connection."

"Theoretically speaking, the more soldiers you have under your command, the stronger the battle formation will be able to exert in the end."

"It's just that the military generals are limited in their abilities, so they often have their own limits, and they can't control too much."

Getting up from the head of the bed, Chen Ming stayed up all night, but at this moment, he seemed refreshed and his eyes were bright: "A general who can control tens of thousands of elite soldiers is already a peerless general. A few, as for the further ones, they are just legends."

"It's really desirable."

He sighed deeply. At this moment, he was yearning for something. He couldn't help but want to lead the army and fight with those famous generals.

The way of military battle formation can only be improved and sublimated in the battle of the army. If you study it alone, you will only get twice the result with half the effort.

"It's a pity that time is running out. I can only go back to Daqian and think of a way."

Facing the situation in Dagan World, he smiled.

In the world of Dagan, although the dynasty is powerful, it does not have such a way of fighting in the world.

If you can go back to Dagan and practice the army formation with the strength of Dagan, it will definitely become your own trump card.

At this point in the year, Chen Ming's thoughts became clear, and he turned to look into the distance.

At this moment, the sky is already twilight, and the sounds from the outside world are bright, and the morning light gradually rises and falls, slowly appearing in front of my eyes.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming smiled, enjoying the hard-won peace.

Time passed so slowly.

On the seventh day, Chen Ming saw Zhao Xie coming back from the city with a sad face, and announced that the entire tribe, Qichen, was leaving.

Soon, this team embarked on a long journey, slowly walking towards the distance.

Time passed slowly, slowly, time passed, and half a month later.

"The country of Tianhuo is rumored to have been built by the ancient Tianhuo clan, which inherited the blood of the ancient gods and people. Whenever a royal family is born, it has great power."

On the lonely carriage, Chen Ming was wearing a white-sleeved robe. Although his figure was unusually majestic, he looked extraordinarily peaceful at the moment.

Beside him, a young man in a green robe was holding a volume of books in his hands, watching Chen Ming speak like this.

The young man didn't look very old, he should be in his thirties, he was in his prime, but he looked extremely weak, his face looked very pale, without the slightest trace of blood.

"I only know so much about the Kingdom of Skyfire, and I don't know much more."

Looking at Chen Ming, the young man shook his head and said so.

"Brother Wang knows so many things, he really has a lot of knowledge."

In front of the young man, Chen Ming smiled and said so.

"It's just that I read more miscellaneous books than usual."

The young man smiled, and then said: "However, the outside world really knows very little about the Kingdom of Skyfire."

"This country is located in the north of Tianzhou. It has been hidden in it for generations, and there are very few people who can get information about it."

(End of this chapter)

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