Sweeping the world

Chapter 152 In the Secret Realm

Chapter 152 In the Secret Realm
The carriage was driving quietly on the wilderness, and slowly left the long road that he had driven in the beginning.

When the carriage stopped slowly, Chen Ming opened his eyes if he felt it, and then looked around.

"what happened?"

Looking at Chen Ming's reaction, Shao Ling was a little curious, as if wondering why he made such a sudden movement.


Looking at the innocent and bright little girl in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, and then walked straight down in front of Shao Ling.

As soon as the footsteps stepped onto the ground, a huge pressure came from all directions, from pedestrians in all directions.

The place where the carriage stops is a huge square.

The square was paved with white jade, and it looked extremely gorgeous. At this moment, there were already quite a few people standing on it.

All the beings with red hair and full of blood were standing there. With the appearance of Chen Ming, all eyes were diverted to Chen Ming at this moment.

Streams of real majesty came straight to Chen Ming, like invisible and intangible swords, slashing straight at Chen Ming.

To this, Chen Ming's reaction was flat, he just raised his head quietly, and then glanced around.

boom! !

The unrivaled majesty of martial arts bloomed, and the next moment, under the tremendous pressure, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he just walked forward quietly.

It was obviously just a random step, but at this moment, it felt extremely terrifying to the people around.

In the eyes of the people around him, at this moment, Chen Ming seemed to be transformed into an undefeated God of War, walking straight down like this. It seemed ordinary, but it gave people an extremely terrifying feeling.

Silently, a huge vortex began to be born and gradually grew stronger.

After waiting for a while, Chen Ming walked to the center of the venue, and then quietly looked around.

There is no need for redundant movements, just a simple look, and the feeling it brings is extremely terrifying.

"Everyone, what's the matter with you?"

After a while, Shao Ling's voice came from behind.

She looked at the people around who were covered in sweat and were almost paralyzed, and said in a curious tone: "Is it too hot? Why are you all sweating profusely?"

I have to say that on this occasion, her words are very hateful.

Just for a while, the people around her glared at her, but due to Chen Ming's existence, they did not dare to say a word.

The next moment, Chen Ming closed his eyes again, and the spirit that had burst out subsided, and no longer exploded nakedly.

Only then did the people around breathe a sigh of relief, but at this point, they no longer dared to provoke. They looked at Chen Ming in awe, then turned and left.

"Brother Liu, you are amazing!"

After the people around left one after another, Shao Ling said excitedly: "Those people usually look down on me, but today they are so disheartened in front of you, big brother."

"Practice martial arts hard, and you will be able to do it sooner or later."

Chen Ming didn't have time to pay attention to her, he just said casually, then raised his head and looked in front of him.

Standing on the gorgeous Baiyu Square, there are steps one after another.

One step after another stands in front of it, which looks like a layer of steps, which looks very beautiful.

In the eyes of a congenital martial artist like Chen Ming, this ladder is not only beautiful, but also very dangerous.

On this ladder, one level after another, the spirit wavered, and a vast and unparalleled, boundless mighty force lingered here, turning this place into a desperate place.

From that spirit, Chen Ming smelled a feeling of deja vu.

"It's somewhat similar to Ah Qing's breath, but it's also somewhat different."

Looking ahead, Chen Ming muttered to himself, deleting this thought from his mind.

Xu Qing is the purest Skyfire Divine Vein, the aura of Skyfire Divine Vein in his body is very pure and powerful.

And the spirit in front of him, the aura revealed in it, is somewhat similar to what Xu Qing once had, but also somewhat different.

"The power that belongs to the Skyfire Divine Vein is just more pure and dead. Is it the will left by the former Skyfire clan powerhouse?"

He muttered to himself, then turned around, and just saw Shao Ling looking at him with expectant eyes.

Feeling this situation, he shook his head: "Don't think about it."

"I can't help you with the trials here, only you can do it yourself."

He said lightly: "The only thing I can do is to help you block other people's interference, so that you can pass the trial wholeheartedly."

It's okay to talk about other trials, but the trial in front of him is obviously a trial left by the powerful ancestors of the Tianhuo clan to the younger generations, and it is only for those who have the Tianhuo divine vein.

For this kind of trial, Chen Ming could not intervene, nor could he intervene.

"I see."

Seeing Chen Ming's serious face, Shao Ling sighed deeply, but didn't continue to pester her.

Soon, under Chen Ming's gaze, he walked up the steps and began to practice by himself.

Before Shao Ling went up, Chen Ming looked around.

The steps in the secret realm in front of me are probably nine layers, representing nine areas.

Each region represents a different level and has different standards.

The stronger the talent, the better the blood aptitude, they will naturally be able to enter a higher level and obtain higher rewards.

In all fairness, Shao Ling's aptitude is not very strong.

Although she can be regarded as outstanding in the entire Shao family, in Chen Ming's view, she is only the standard of an ordinary genius, far from being able to compare with a genius like Xu Qing.

However, even so, the first trial was not too difficult for her. Although there was some pressure, she was easily overcome by him.

"Brother Liu, I did it!!"

After stepping on the first step, Shao Ling turned and looked behind her with a happy smile on her face.

However, before he was happy, a faint white light flickered, and Shao Ling's figure quickly disappeared in place.

"It seems that it is not an active choice, but a passive transmission."

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at Shao Ling who disappeared before his eyes, Chen Ming froze for a moment, then got up and rushed forward.

Along with his progress, a strong sense of repulsion came from the front, carrying a deep malice.

It's also the first step, but compared to the time Shao Ling entered, the repulsion raised this time is at least twice that of that time.

"Because I'm not the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein, so I should be treated differently."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, hesitated for a moment, then his figure disappeared and he left directly.

In a peaceful and leisurely canyon, Chen Ming's figure suddenly appeared, startling the small animals that had been sitting there quietly, and quickly moved away from the place.

"The spiritual energy is very full, but it seems too dead."

Sensing the changes in the surrounding environment, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

He looked around, his eyes were deep at the moment, he meditated for a moment, and then walked forward.

The scope of this secret realm is very large, and just the periphery of the first level makes people feel infinitely wide, like a small world.

With such a huge area, I don't know how the ancestors of the Tianhuo clan built this secret realm.

"With Ah Qing's situation, it is impossible to stay on the first level, and it is very possible that he will directly rush to the ninth level in the end."

Walking on the road, Chen Ming gradually fell into deep thought.

He never doubted Xu Qing's ability and potential.

No matter what, he is a generation of pride, even if Xu Qing is in a trough at the moment, as long as the other party's luck is not extinguished, sooner or later he will rise again.

"Also, what Wang Tong said that day"

In a blink of an eye, he remembered another thing.

Wang Tong, that is, the frail young man who walked with Chen Ming back then, is also Wang Yiyun's father.

This person has a mysterious origin, he gave Chen Ming some advice that day, Chen Ming still remembers it in his heart, and dare not forget it.

"In the Kingdom of Skyfire, there may be a peak being who is about to return, and its strength is comparable to mine."

Recalling Wang Tong's comments back then, Chen Ming's eyes flickered: "In the entire Kingdom of Skyfire, where is the most suitable place for the other party's recovery?"

Chen Ming already had an answer to this question.

If there is a peak existence that is about to recover, then the most suitable place is the Skyfire Secret Realm in front of you.

boom! !

While Chen Ming was thinking, in the depths of the Skyfire Mystery Realm, a great battle was unfolding.

Xu Qing was holding a long knife, his face was stern, his long hair fluttering in the wind, and he was fighting with people.

Opposite him, there was a man with red hair and black face, covered in cold armor, with a sense of aura.

His face was expressionless, and the aura of the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein burst out from his body. Every inch of skin and every inch of armor on his body seemed to have turned into a cold weapon, a fierce murderous weapon.

boom! !

The two collided with each other, and the two forces of heavenly fire collided with each other. Finally, with a click, Xu Qing's figure strode forward, and the long knife in his hand suddenly slashed down.

He first cut open the armor of the person in front of him with a knife, and then the figure rushed forward, and the figure disappeared.

In the same place, the next moment, a violent vibration erupted, and then in the same place, the next moment, the armored figure in front of him suddenly exploded, and the whole body exploded directly.

However, what is strange is that after the figure shattered, what was left was not broken flesh and blood, but directly blurred, and the whole figure disappeared slowly.

"This is the projection of the fire spirit, the power left by the ancestors!"

In the mind, You Huo's voice quickly sounded: "Hurry up! Absorb the power of this fire spirit now, and you can reduce your practice by a few months out of thin air."

"it is good!!"

Xu Qing nodded, and was about to step forward, but his footsteps stopped again.

A figure appeared in front of him at some unknown time. It was a young man in a black robe with the same kind of broadsword in his hand.

boom! !

The two completely different forces erupted and counteracted, and then the two figures backed away from each other. After a brief encounter, they both understood that the other was not easy to mess with, so they each backed away.

"After three months, you and I will fight again!!"

A voice came from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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