Sweeping the world

Chapter 174 Divine Runes

Chapter 174 Divine Runes
In the quiet room, dots of purple awns flickered, and the sky was filled with divine glow. Suddenly, there were dots of black light, and there was an unrivaled aura circulating.

Chen Ming was sitting on a big bed, his eyes were closed at this moment, and there was a purple aura around his body, making him look extremely extraordinary, with an extremely unique majestic aura.

On his body, as the golden pages radiated divine brilliance, and little waves of light flowed, a deep purple texture emerged from his body, spread from his forehead, and gradually spread to the whole body, suddenly like a tattoo. With a unique tattoo, the whole person looks mysterious and extraordinary.

He just sat quietly like this, with every pore on his body opened, breathing out the glow and vitality, the terrifying speed made his scalp tingle.

In his body, a more terrifying change is taking place.

The purple emperor's blood was surging, and along with the spread of the purple divine pattern, somewhere in his body, a mysterious acupoint opened automatically, as if some switch had been triggered, causing a chain reaction.

In the world where Xu Qing lived, Chen Ming once opened up the acupuncture points all over his body. Although he did not do so after returning to this world, that unique experience and knowledge remained and did not disappear completely.

But at this moment, as the blood energy in his body began to be tempered, the acupoints all over his body were activated spontaneously, and many acupoints that had been opened up opened up on their own, producing a unique effect.

It has to be said that this is a shocking coincidence.

The martial arts of the two worlds lead to the same goal by different routes. After reaching this step, they both need to open their acupoints to accommodate their own divine power.

Compared to others, Chen Ming opened the acupuncture points all over his body as early as in the world of Tianfeng, which saved a lot of energy.

Wisps of golden glow fell from the sky, and with the opening of the acupoints, the vitality of the sky began to roar, pouring into his body spontaneously, forming a faint layer of divine light on the surface of his body, like a woman bathing in the sky. The aura is like a fairy, full of a vast aura.

Sitting on the spot, Chen Ming could feel that with the opening of the acupoints, the internal force in his body was rapidly flowing, directly flowing into the many acupoints.

This seemingly ordinary orifice seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit at this moment. Even though Chen Ming's internal energy poured like a river like the sea, it didn't cause the slightest movement, like a real bottomless pit.

Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged, the mantra of Buddhism circulated in his mind, and the true meaning of the Darui Heart Sutra was limited, which made his heart sutra peaceful at the moment, even if the outside world collapsed in two days, he would not have the slightest emotional ups and downs in his heart.

On his body, his Buddha's blood was spontaneously boiling, and a little bit of pale golden Buddha's light shone on Chen Ming's body, looking extremely brilliant.

"The inner strength is almost exhausted."

After a while, the thought flashed through his mind.

After layers of promotion, compared to ordinary innate talents, his accumulation can be said to be strong, but even so, he couldn't withstand the terrible loss. After barely persevering for a moment, he finally exhausted the last bit of internal strength.

A new change is taking place.

With his internal energy exhausted and the remaining blood tempered, a new kind of power began to emerge in Chen Ming's body, like the twilight of the morning sun, with a majestic vigor.

Bits of pure divine power are growing, and when the internal force in the meridians in the body completely disappears, a little bit of thin divine power begins to emerge in the acupuncture points, pure and mighty, far stronger than the internal force.

"Similar to what I felt in that woman"

This thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then his mind moved again, feeling a change.

His body was still transforming, and as the tempering method continued to operate, a simple rune appeared in his body.

It was a purple rune, and every stroke of the rune seemed to be formed by nature, as if formed naturally, but it looked a little broken.

If you feel it carefully, you can find that there is Chen Ming's blood on this divine pattern, which originates from the Emperor Chen's divine vein in his body.

"I see!!"

Chen Ming was stunned, recalling what Ming Wei said that day, he suddenly realized something.

Entering the level of returning to the source, one needs to refine the divine pattern to support the further transformation of the body, and this divine pattern can be directly refined from the blood in the body.

This saves a lot of energy in an instant, without the need to comprehend martial arts, and directly extracts from one's own divine veins, which can be said to save time and effort.

Refining the first divine pattern, Chen Ming was about to go all out and perfect this divine pattern directly, but found that the refining process was interrupted by some external force.

He turned around and looked, in front of his eyes, the golden pages had already dimmed, and the aura on them had dimmed, and the aura that was originally full of them had been exhausted. At this moment, it looked like an ordinary book page, not a secret treasure.

Chen Ming picked up the page and felt it, and found that the divine power in the page had been completely exhausted at this moment, and the spirituality in it had fallen into a deep sleep, and it no longer had the effect it had before.

This does not mean that this golden page is completely useless, because the spirituality in it still exists, and it is still slowly swallowing the vitality of the world at this moment to restore the divine power, and it will be restored again sooner or later someday in the future.

But in a short period of time, this book page is no longer useful.

Carefully putting away the golden pages, Chen Ming felt the changes in his body.

After exhausting his inner strength, the divine power in his body was born, as if he had broken through a layer of bottlenecks, and his stagnant cultivation level transformed again, and he passed the innate peak without a sound, and he was truly at the level of returning to the source.

At this point, the divine power in his body has grown, and he has become stronger to an unprecedented level. The blood in his body is thick, and if he does not suppress it deliberately, just the leakage of Qi can crush some tiny creatures around him, and he has truly reached a new level.

"Beyond returning to the source, there is still a master who has reached that step. Maybe I can rule the roost and not be afraid of any powerful enemies."

Chen Ming got up from where he was, with a little light in his eyes, deep and mysterious, and he was thinking at the moment.

There are many strong people in this world, although Guiyuan level is strong, but compared to the grand master, or even above the grand master, it is nothing.

No matter it was Zhongqiu, or the Daqian Taizu who escaped from the imperial mausoleum, they were undoubtedly figures above the masters.

Compared with those characters, Chen Ming at this moment is undoubtedly far from being an opponent, and he has a long way to go.

As soon as he thought of this, the light in his body gradually dissipated, and he returned to his normal appearance. After a little thought, he walked out.

a few days later.

"Chen Zhuangyuan, His Highness is waiting for you inside."

In front of a magnificent palace, a Baijing eunuch bowed and spoke to the person in front of him.

Chen Ming nodded, then stepped forward and walked in directly.

The palace occupies a large area, but what is surprising is that the decorations inside are extraordinary. There are no luxurious gold and jade embellishments, and there are no female songs and dances to add color. It looks monotonous and ordinary, without the slightest royal aristocratic style.

"came back?"

Walking into the depths of the palace, a gust of cold air hits the face, even in the hot summer, it still makes people feel a chill.

In a spacious room, on a seat, a handsome man raised his head, covered in a golden robe, with an indescribable majesty.

Looking at Chen Ming, he smiled, the original sternness on his face dissipated, and his breath became much calmer after looking at the mountain: "I haven't seen you for a year."

"Indeed, it's been a year."

Chen Ming nodded, staring at the young king in front of him, observing his changes.

Compared with a year ago, Wu Wang Yang An's appearance did not seem to have changed much, he was still the same as before, but his temperament had changed a lot, and he seemed to have become much more stern.

What is really concerning is the aura on his body, which is a little unstable, and there is a bit of evil in it like a gangrene, tightly wrapped around him, but it is well concealed by him and does not show.

"King Wu, are you injured?"

Observing the changes in King Wu, Chen Ming frowned secretly, feeling that things were not that simple.

King Wu is the parent-son of today's Daqian emperor, the dignified king, and he is already innate.

In this imperial capital, who can hurt him?
(End of this chapter)

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