Chapter 181
A bright brilliance was blooming, and just as Chen Ming was about to step forward to finish off the man, a majestic brilliance erupted in the distance.

The black armor is dense, with a series of divine patterns engraved on it, which are the divine patterns that only the master is qualified to engrave. At this moment, as the soldier's master fell into danger, he began to recover spontaneously, as if he had come back to life completely, the majestic divine soldier The power gathered, and then suddenly suppressed.

This kind of situation is absolutely caught off guard, who would have thought that at the moment when the master of the army is defeated and no one is manipulating the magic weapon, a mere demigod soldier can still bloom with such power, that kind of prestige almost surpasses the end of the return to the source , reached a new limit.

"It's not the spontaneous recovery of the weapon, but someone secretly shot from a distance, and the strength is extremely strong!"

In an instant, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then the aura of his whole body changed, golden threads emerged on the surface of his body, and the Buddha power in his body boiled at this moment, blessing his body, making him look extremely bright at the moment.

The Buddha's power was boiling and burning. Layers of golden light danced on Chen Ming's body, like a golden flame burning around his body. At first glance, he looked like a golden god of war, which was daunting.

Standing under the city wall, his figure was retreating, constantly retreating.

When the men invited the battle before, even though Chen Ming took the initiative to walk out of the pattern formation, he was always vigilant in his heart, so no matter how accumulated the confrontation between the two was, he always walked closely to the pattern formation and did not dare to stay away.

This kind of cautiousness played a role at this moment, making him retreat in an instant, and retreated into the array in an instant.

boom! !

A burst of bangs erupted, and divine marks splashed on the spot, turning into bursts of flowing light.

At the moment when the power of the divine weapon struck down, the pattern formation here was completely revived. Although all the runes were trembling and seemed to be on the verge of falling, they still held on in the end and stopped the blow.

There were thousands of aftermaths, some divine power burst out at the broken and missing parts of the pattern formation, rushed in, and was swept away by Chen Ming with a knife, leveling the ground one by one.

After doing this, he turned around and looked outside again.

Outside the garden, after the terrifying blow, the black armor seemed to have exhausted its strength, and the divine pattern on it suddenly dimmed. It seemed that most of its strength had been exhausted in the blow just now.

It's just that after the blow, the divine soldier didn't try to continue the attack, but let down a ray of spiritual light, covering the man who fell in the pool of blood, and flew away with him, away from the moment.

Standing on the spot, looking at this scene, Chen Ming's golden Buddha power was intertwined, making his eyes golden, as if he could see through all emptiness, see through the endless void.

Looking at the man flying away in the distance, he hesitated for a while, and finally did not go forward to chase him.

It can be seen from just now that there must be someone lurking nearby, not far away.

If he stepped forward to pursue, it would be dangerous if he didn't meet one of them.

"He who comes is a guest, since he is here, why should he leave so quickly?"

A warm voice sounded in everyone's ears, and then a figure stood in front of everyone, and suddenly appeared.

It was a young man in a golden robe, with a golden divine robe on his body, with a heroic face and a smile on his face. He looked at the man who was leaving in a hurry in the distance, and said.

The next moment, looking at the man leaving in the distance, he swung his right arm out, and the red long sword slashed down. Suddenly, a sharp sword energy shot up to the sky, and swept across Qiongyu.

This sword is fierce, fierce and impermanent, with a brand-new atmosphere of sweeping across the world, making people feel awe-inspiring the moment the sword is drawn, as if all flesh and blood were pierced by the sword at the same time. Terrified.

In terms of strength alone, the power of this sword has already surpassed Chen Ming, and faintly reached the level of the peak of Guiyuan. With the man's current state, once he is cut, he will die immediately.

In the middle of the sky, the scarlet sword rushed to Xiaohan, and the sky was full of divine light. He wanted to cut the man down, but he failed in the end.

A hazy figure had appeared at some time, at the end of the mist, looking at the red sword aura rising into the sky, grabbed it with a big hand, and collided head-on with the sword aura.

boom! !

Endless divine light bloomed, and in the mist, the man let out a muffled groan, with crimson blood dripping from his palm, as if injured.

"The Divine Soldier Chiming, it is worthwhile to see this divine soldier this time."

Listed in a fog, the man spoke in a cold voice, held the man in front of him with one hand, and turned away directly.

Standing in front of the crowd, the young man in the golden robe did not chase after the two who were far away.

Because in the mist, not only these two figures, but also several figures floated in it, never made a move.


"Brother Emperor!"

At this moment, the fierce battle ended, and the voices of the people present came out, looking at the man in the gold robe in the center of the front and shouting loudly.


Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize the identity of the person in front of him, he was actually the Dagan Crown Prince, the current Crown Prince.

Prince Dagan, whose full name is Yang Ming, was rumored to have been born that year when there were storms, lightning and thunder to send him off to dance. He was placed with high hopes as soon as he was born, and he was regarded as the next generation heir.

Not to mention anything else, just from his name, it can be seen that the Daqian royal family has high hopes for him.

Ming is the honorary title of the Ming clan of the ancient emperor, and the crown prince was named Ming. There is no need to say anything about the high hopes and expectations placed in it.

"My lords, there is no need to be too polite."

In front of him, the prince was gentle, and put away the red long sword in his hand. There seemed to be some kind of power in his voice, which silently calmed down the restless emotions of everyone present and became calm.

"Third brother, you continue to host the birthday banquet."

He looked at Yang An first, and after giving him instructions, he looked at Chen Ming again, and his voice was as gentle as ever: "This strong man, come with me."


Chen Ming lowered his eyebrows and responded. At this moment, he couldn't see the awe-inspiring appearance before. Instead, he looked like a reserved scholar who knew the etiquette.


Looking at Chen Ming, who was leaving with the prince in the distance, silently lowered his head, Chen Yu felt a little worried.

The Chen family has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is a scholarly family. There are very few people in the family who have achieved success in martial arts, but it does not mean that they are ignorant of the divine veins.

Things like the emperor's veins are of great importance, and even more taboo. Chen Ming showed it at this moment, it is really hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Quietly following behind Prince Dagan, Chen Ming walked through a palace.

Walking behind the other party, Chen Ming's eyes shone with golden light, and the power of Buddha gathered faintly, feeling the surrounding environment.

He didn't dare to observe the other party directly, for fear of being noticed by the other party, so he didn't look directly at the other party with the eyes of the Buddha, but only blessed his body with the power of the Buddha to maximize his sensitivity, and just observed quietly like this.

Through the strong induction of the Buddha's body, he could feel that there was a mighty divine vein surging on the body of the prince Dagan in front of him, and the power of that overbearing and unparalleled blood was transmitted through, making Chen Ming's own emperor The blood was faintly boiling, as if it had run into an old enemy.

The Dagan prince in front of him is also an emperor's body, and looking at it like this, the emperor's veins on his body are strong, faintly stronger than that of the man before.

Feeling this, Chen Ming turned around and looked at the long red sword on the opponent's waist.

After induction in this life, he could feel that although the Dagan prince in front of him was strong, he was only a little stronger than the mysterious man before him, but he could burst out with the power close to the peak of Guiyuan.

Among them, most of them rely on the magical weapon on the opponent's waist.

Chiming Divine Sword, this is a rare divine weapon in the world, not a demigod weapon, but a real earth magic weapon.

In the 800 years since the founding of Dagan, since Taizu Taizong passed it down to the present, there are only two real earth magic weapons.

One is Emperor Qiantian Sword, which was used by Taizu in those days. It was enshrined in the depths of the imperial mausoleum in the past. Now, with the collapse of the imperial tomb, Taizu Dagan disappeared without a trace.

As for the second piece, it is the Chiming Divine Sword worn by the Dagan Crown Prince at this moment. It is a divine weapon inherited from the Dagan royal family. It has a long history and has never been lost.

"The Divine Veins of the Emperor Chen Clan have been silent for many years, and now an Emperor Body has finally appeared again, which is rare."

In front of him, Prince Dagan said, "What is your age?"


Chen Ming lowered his head, calculated carefully, and finally reported the number.

When he first came to this world, his physical age was about 14 years old. Although he has experienced a lot of time since then, most of his time has been spent in other worlds. The time spent in this world is not much, and he is full of plans. , that is, two or three years.

"Gui Yuan at the age of 17 is really rare in the world."

Prince Dagan sighed, with a smile on his face: "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I consider myself to be diligent, but when I have a cultivation level like yours, I am already close to thirty."

Chen Ming laughed dryly, not knowing how to answer this.

It is not a good habit to show that you are better than him in front of the owner, and you may not know what the other party will think.

Having just experienced a high-profile moment, Chen Ming just wants to keep a low profile and minimize his presence.

"Don't worry."

In front of him, he seemed to understand Chen Ming's worry, the Dagan crown prince shook his head, and then said: "You are carrying the emperor's body, if you are in the usual place, you are indeed taboo, but this time it is different."

"In recent years, the surrounding vitality has increased greatly, and emperor bodies have popped up one after another, and the streets are almost rotten."

"If everyone has to taboo and worry about their crimes, then there is no need to do anything else."

When he said this, his words were gentle, with a heart-wrenching courage, convincing, and he couldn't help but believe his words.

"Your Highness said yes."

Chen Ming laughed dryly, but he didn't believe what the other party said at all.

There are some things that cannot be proved by lip service.

Each emperor body, in theory, carries the imperial fortune of the ancient emperor. For Daqian, it is an unstable factor and a potential seed of chaos. Therefore, he must be afraid of being vigilant, and will never relax because of too many .

The warmth at this moment may be a little sincere, but it is also polite.

(End of this chapter)

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