Sweeping the world

Chapter 267 Yang Xuan

Chapter 267 Yang Xuan
Taking the spar from the maid beside him, Chen Ming looked calmly and looked around silently.

The people around didn't move at all, they took the spar silently, and no one had the intention of opening their mouths.

Except for Chen Xuansheng and others, the rest of the people are very vigilant, and they are not easy to talk to others, for fear of revealing their identities

It took a while before Chen Ming received the notice, signaling them to go in directly.

Without the slightest hesitation, with some expectation in his heart, he stepped directly into the trial space.

After walking through a narrow path, he finally came to a room.

The room looks very spacious, but there is no decoration in it, it looks very simple, without any decoration.

But from the moment Chen Ming stepped into this room, Chen Ming's expression changed suddenly.


In the room, an incomparably violent annihilation aura was filling the room. In terms of concentration alone, it was not far from the ruins that Chen Ming experienced before.

Chen Ming had reacted to such a powerful annihilating aura as soon as he stepped into this room. His whole body was roaring, his whole body was boiling with divine power, and he faintly wanted to break out of his body to compete with this power.

Chen Ming suppressed this tendency, sealed most of the power in his body, leaving only a little, and made a weak appearance.

This is in line with the performance that a star map realm should have after coming to this occasion.

Afterwards, he collected himself and looked in front of him.

In the center of the room in front of him, a huge sarcophagus was quietly displayed there. It was engraved with dense star marks, and at first glance it looked like some kind of unique seal.

And inside the sarcophagus, a huge arm lay there quietly.

Different from the arms of ordinary people, this arm looks very huge. As far as just one arm is concerned, it looks at least three meters thick. A wide palm is covered with star marks, and there seems to be golden blood flowing on it. People panic.

Of course, before the eyes of Chen Ming and others, this huge arm was not completely exposed, and the surface was covered with a layer of crystal, which was sealed to ensure the activity of the severed arm.

"A reaction with a source of power, is it really a star god again?"

In the same place, looking at the huge severed arm in the sarcophagus, feeling the throbbing of the source power in his body, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

He could only walk on that huge broken arm, and he could clearly feel the strong aura of source force, as well as the throbbing in it, which was exactly the same as the corpse of the star god in Chen Ming's ruins that day.

However, compared with the corpse of the star god that Chen Ming saw that day, the corpse of the star god this time is not complete, it only has a broken arm, and there is a big difference in body shape.

The corpse of the star god I saw that day was just the size of a normal girl, and there was no other difference except that it was taller. But today, only a broken arm is close to three meters, and the entire height in its heyday is probably [-]. Nearly ten meters away.

For this difference, Chen Ming thought about it, and felt that it was mostly due to the difference in maturity.

The girl that day died before she was fully conceived and matured, and the girl in front of her was clearly a mature one.

"As you can see." On the spot, a hoarse voice sounded slowly.

Chen Xuansheng walked to the center of the crowd, and said lightly, "This is the severed arm left by an ancient star god, and it is also the key to this trial."

"You go forward one by one, put your hands on it, and try to communicate with the star soul inside."

He said lightly, then waved his hand lightly: "Let's start now."

After the voice fell, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then one of them walked out first and went straight forward: "I'll go first."

There was no objection from the people around, they were staring at him without opening their mouths.

Under the eyes of everyone, the man walked forward slowly, holding the spar in his hand, and then slowly placed one arm on the sarcophagus.

Immediately, the sarcophagus reacted, the star marks on it flickered, and there seemed to be a unique power brewing in the sarcophagus, pouring into his body from the sarcophagus.

"This is."

The next moment, the man's face suddenly changed, and he felt that there seemed to be a mysterious and unique power in the palm of his hand, which was rushing towards his body, making his arms extremely hot, as if they were being roasted by fire , extremely uncomfortable.

The next moment, the star traces in the sarcophagus flickered, and there was a sudden roar. In a daze, it was like a thunderclap from the nine heavens. .


Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Xuansheng sighed lightly, then waved his hand lightly, and said, "Next."

Afterwards, another person strode out, just like the previous one, putting his hand on the sarcophagus.

The reaction at this moment was different from before.

In situ, the sarcophagus was shining brightly, and the brilliance on it was bright, and there were countless starlight surging every minute, like the grand scene when the world was opened in ancient times.

It's just that this time, although the sarcophagus was bright, it did not erupt with terrifying repelling power as before, knocking the tester into the air.

This could not help but make Chen Xuansheng a little interested, and some hope rose in his eyes.

But despite this, there are no new changes in front of us.

Although the brilliance above the sarcophagus surged and did not reject that person wholeheartedly, it never entered the person's body and could not really absorb it.

Seeing this, the hope in Chen Xuansheng's eyes gradually disappeared, and his face was filled with disappointment.

"Go down."

He shook his head in disappointment, and said, "After such a long time, there is no need to continue."

"Go up with someone else."

As his words fell, another person stepped forward and took his place.

"Is this the scene where ordinary people want to absorb the star soul?"

In the same place, quietly looking at the testers who kept coming forward in front of him, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind: "If you want to absorb the star soul, you must first not be rejected by the star soul, and then you can try to further integrate."

He was a little stunned, and at the same time remembered the scene at that time.

That day in the ruins, when he merged the star soul, it didn't seem to be as difficult as these people, but it seemed very easy.

Rather than saying that he took the initiative to fuse the star soul, it is better to say that the star soul merged into his body on its own initiative.

I just don't know what will happen this time.

"How's it going?",

On the spot, when the trial continued, a hoarse voice sounded slowly in Chen Xuansheng's ear.

Hearing the sound, Chen Xuansheng was startled at first, then turned around quickly and looked behind him.

Behind him, a thin-looking man in a black robe walked slowly, his eyes were quietly fixed on Chen Xuansheng.

This is a thin old man with wrinkles on his face. His face is full of sternness. At this moment, his eyes are looking at Chen Xuansheng.

"Sacrificing adults!"

Looking at the old man, Chen Xuansheng's expression changed, he quickly bowed and saluted, and then said, "Why are you here?"

"The things on the front line are over, so stop by here to have a look."

On the spot, facing Chen Xuansheng, the old man nodded: "How is the situation here?"

"The trial has just begun, and it's not clear yet."

Chen Xuansheng replied truthfully: "However, all the preparations have been done this time, and I believe there will be results soon."

"That couldn't be better."

The old man in black nodded quietly, and then stopped talking.

In the same place, looking at the appearance of the old man, Chen Xuansheng hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Priest Jiade, you just said that the war on the front line is over?"


Gad nodded lightly: "With the help of Tianyu, our goal this time has been achieved. Those old guys who got in the way will never come back this time."

"In a few days, our plan can be launched."

"At that time, it will be up to you."


Chen Xuansheng nodded respectfully: "Please rest assured, Lord Priest."

But at this moment, a change caught his attention.

In the same place, in the center of the field, the gloomy sarcophagus is shining brightly, and the pattern of star marks on it seems to have changed a little at this moment, becoming deeper and more magnificent.

Inside the sarcophagus, the huge hand with the severed arm moved slightly, as if it had come to life, and there seemed to be a majestic vitality blooming on it, and all of it poured into the body of the tester at this moment.

The occurrence of this change directly attracted the attention of everyone present, and all pairs of eyes looked at that person.

"So it was him"

Looking at the tester standing in front of the sarcophagus in front of him, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

The tester standing in front of the sarcophagus at this moment was the one Chen Ming felt a little familiar with.

But compared to the doubts at that time, Chen Ming now knew the identity of this person.

At the moment when the sarcophagus was fully activated, through the resonance between the star souls in his body, Chen Ming clearly felt the aura that enveloped the opponent's body.

It is as majestic as a prison, as if a god is here, as if the emperor above the nine heavens is ruling the world, overwhelming the whole world, covering the world.

Lagerstroemia star life!

The tester in front of him was obviously the examiner who entered the Heavenly Star Holy Land with Chen Ming back then, and the Ziwei named Yang Xuan responded.

Only when Ziwei obeyed her orders, could the god corpse have such a reaction.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, in front of his eyes, Yang Xuan wore a bronze mask on his face, covered his whole body with a black robe, and his eyes were calm. At this moment, his whole body was shining brightly, and the spar in his hand was shining brightly. Bright, heralding the result of this trial.


In the same place, Chen Xuansheng was startled first, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face: "Okay! Okay!"

After absorbing the star soul, even an ordinary person, as long as there is enough time, can surpass the star spirit and reach the legendary realm of the venerable.

Not to mention, it is not an ordinary mortal who absorbs the star soul at this moment, but a peerless arrogance of Ziwei's destiny.

Once this kind of person grows up, Chen Xuansheng himself can't even imagine how far he will go in the future.

"It turned out to be a success."

Looking at Yang Xuan, who had successfully absorbed the star soul into his body, Jiade also seemed a little surprised, with a little surprise on his face.

But anyway, for them, this is a good thing.

Chen Xuansheng immediately ordered someone to take Yang Xuan away, and then continued to preside over the trial in front of him.

"Ordinary people absorb the star soul, won't they absorb the star soul contained in the star corpse?"

Looking quietly at Yang Xuan who was taken away, Chen Ming felt a little surprised when he felt the broken arm in the sarcophagus.

In his induction, there is still a strong source of force in the sarcophagus in front of him. Although it has been reduced by Yang Xuan's absorption just now, most of it still remains.

It seems that Yang Xuan's trial just now only absorbed a small part of the star soul, and it was not absorbed at all.

"However, this may not be a good thing."

Standing quietly on the spot, feeling the reaction of the source power remaining in the sarcophagus, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

The star soul represents the source of power, if it is all sucked away by others, then Chen Ming will not be able to get anything.

This situation is just right.

This thought flashed in his mind, and then he stepped forward, under the gaze of everyone around him, he walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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