Sweeping the world

Chapter 273 Bloody Battle

Chapter 273 Bloody Battle

In the sky, a long knife suddenly fell down, the blade danced, and the vitality was raging. With one swing of the knife, all the brilliance of the whole world disappeared, and all of them poured into the knife, turning into a peerless knife and slashing down. .

This knife is extremely swift and fierce, extremely fierce and domineering to the extreme, the primordial spirit driven by the surface is still second, and the more important thing is the unparalleled fighting spirit contained in it, which is invincible and invincible for a while!

With one slash, he cut both the body and the soul. With one slash, the unparalleled fighting spirit boiled down, and everything poured down.

Gad's expression finally changed.

In his eyes, the realm of this knife has surpassed everything before, lofty and unfathomable, and the unparalleled fighting spirit contained in it is even more frightening. When Shi Shi saw it, he felt his scalp go numb.

This is a knife that transcends the limit, surpassing the Venerable, and the outline of it has faintly reached a higher level.

Facing this knife, his face was solemn, his hands spread out, and a thin arm was lifted lightly, an inexplicable power of the domain emerged, and the strong palm force suddenly pressed forward.

Following the pressing down of a palm, a boundless, surreal divine intent enveloped everything around him. Every inch of the divine light slashed down like the sharpest magic knife, smashing the surrounding mountains to pieces.

The two unrivaled divine powers crashed down.

boom! !

The divine light flourished, covering everything, and patches of darkness enveloped the earth and the sky, like a burst of demonic energy soaring into the sky.

And among them, a magic knife shines through the world, cutting through all the turbid darkness with one stroke, just like the ancient gods and men propping up the sky, splitting through all the darkness in this world with one stroke, giving the world a clear and cool.

The red qi and blood soared to the sky, roaring like an angry dragon, and rushed forward.

In the stalemate, Chen Ming was full of energy and blood, mottled golden textures emerged on the flesh, and the power of the intercepted holy body was fully displayed, erupting with extremely terrifying power.


Looking at Chen Ming rushing in front of him, Jia De was slightly taken aback: "When!"

He was amazed.

With just one blow, he was already serious, even if he didn't use all his strength, he was able to unfold all his powers, stretch the road of mind and mind, and adapt to all changes with the same, no matter what happened within a few miles, he would definitely not be able to hide it from him Perception, it is absolutely impossible for people to live in front of them.

"So that's the case. Your knife just now was just a cover-up. The real purpose was not to hurt me, but to disturb my spiritual sense."

In an instant, he figured out the key points, his figure turned into a void, and he displayed his unrivaled body skills, and he wanted to step back.

It's not fear, it's just that you don't want to give the other party a chance.

As far as the holy body is concerned, his cultivation base is higher than that of Chen Ming, and the power of the holy body is naturally stronger.

But there are also differences between the holy bodies, both are holy bodies, the Jieyuan holy body is known as under the stars, the physical body is strong, the first in combat, and in melee combat, it is far stronger than other holy bodies.

If it's a close combat, it's like attacking the enemy's strengths with your own weaknesses.

He flew back, revealing his unrivaled body skills, his divine light was faint, and with one step, he was several miles away.

An arm popped out suddenly, and with a puff, it pressed directly on his shoulder.

Chen Ming's face was stern, his whole body was full of blood and blood, and sacred star marks were shining all over his body. He just pressed down with one hand, forcefully pressed the opponent here, and then punched him down again.

The peerless murderous intent surged, and ripples appeared in the space. On the golden holy body, streams of golden energy flowed out along the pores, like a golden river, submerging this place.

He adjusted his state, and all kinds of martial arts mysteries manifested from his body, the dragon elephant vigorously displayed and urged, and his slender five fingers pinched into a complex fist mark, like five horned dragons entrenched, punching out.

In terms of punching power alone, this punch is not inferior to the previous blow of Linyuan Dao. Maybe the sharpness of the blade is not as good, but in terms of the majestic power of the fist and the vastness of the spirit, it is even better.

This attack was originally created, and it was deduced based on the divine method of wandering through the myriad emptiness, and it was deduced for Chen Ming to protect the way. He never thought that the first time he was born, he would be an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

"Zhu Zi'an dares to bully me!"

Gad was bathed in divine light, his whole body was surrounded by black mist, soaring into the sky, his whole body was filled with majestic spirit, as if a demon god was alive.

He was unwilling to shake hard before, but he would never be afraid when there was no way to avoid it. The divine power all over his body was majestic, and his right arm was struck out in an instant, turning into a black millstone to press it down, tearing it apart. Opening the void, the surrounding vitality began to boil.

Blooming with immeasurable divine power, he was dressed in a black robe and kept blowing up, striking Chen Ming forcefully.

boom! !

With one blow, the ground began to crack, and the hills under their feet were directly shattered, and the mighty divine power raged, swept everything around, and rushed towards the entire mountain gate of Jieyuan.

And in the center of the battlefield, after a blow, the two retreated in unison.

"He can do this!"

Standing in mid-air, Gad was suspicious.

The difference in cultivation was more than a notch, and when the two fought, even if the Jieyuan Saint Body was indestructible and Wushuang Wushuang, it shouldn't have been the result. He should have the upper hand in the battle.

But the result of the blow just now was evenly divided, and there were even faint signs of being suppressed.

His pupils shrank, and before he could figure out the reason, he saw a bright light in front of him, and another knife slashed forward.

Chen Ming's face was calm, because the blow just now left a wound on his chest, but it didn't damage his unrivaled power in the slightest, and the long knife in his hand slashed down.

The long knife in his hand is just an ordinary knife. Although the material is not bad, it is by no means a magical weapon, but at this moment, under the blessing of the divine will, it shows great power and has a shocking majesty.

Jia De let out a muffled grunt, without any fear, his right palm greeted the knife with fierceness, and at the same time, he swung his left arm, immeasurable divine power bloomed, and a majestic intention erupted quietly, and met Chen Ming's chest.

A deep black raged here, the space seemed to be broken, the entire mountain collapsed, and was affected by the aftermath, causing dust to fly around.

puff! !

The red blood spread, and Chen Ming's chest was torn apart by Jiade's palm. The spirit on it was like a gangrene attached to the bone. Using this as his mouth, he wanted to spread the opening continuously.

The golden brilliance bloomed, Chen Ming was soaked in blood, and the acupoints all over his body were circulating, all of them blooming with divine brilliance, not only did not retreat, but rushed forward under the pressure, and slapped it down with a palm.

boom! !

A golden glow bloomed, red and black blood was spreading, and the void was boiling. The two punched directly, fists and feet facing each other. Each blow contained unrivaled power, as if it was enough to open up a small world.

"Your body!"

Gad's color changed, and he felt more and more wrong.

The body of the young man in front of him is too powerful, definitely not at the level that an ordinary venerable can possess. The power of the holy body is so strong that it is unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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