Sweeping the world

Chapter 275 Life and Death Transformation

Chapter 275 Life and Death Transformation
In the arena, mighty divine power is raging.

Gad struck out with a palm, and the dark divine power suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into an astonishing divine light in the midair, rushing towards Chen Ming.

The divine light is vast, the supernatural powers are amazing, and a dark palm the size of a mountain peak is pressing down, like a magic hand that destroys the world, covering everything in the world!
The world-shattering light enveloped everything, and this place was instantly controlled by a general trend, ranging from a small gust of wind to a large ripple in space, all of which were engulfed and rushed towards the center in one direction.

There is no escape, nowhere to escape!
Facing this blow that was far better than before, Chen Ming's expression remained calm, and he just took a deep breath.

At this moment, the divine light on his body gradually faded, the divine brilliance all over his body gradually disappeared, and the divine power all over his body was restrained. Suddenly, the original sacred stalwart became ordinary, like a god restrained the divine power, and walked into the mortal world , faded away all detachment and vanity, leaving the original truth.

His face was still calm, ignoring life and death, and seeing through everything, but at the moment, he seemed to be more emotional, like sighing, or sad.

His eyes are still deep, like black holes, drawing everyone's attention involuntarily. At this moment, there are more ripples in the calm eyes, and a ray of great silence and sadness begins to emerge slowly.

In the calm, the unrivaled mysteries are manifesting, just like a person walking peacefully, eventually leading to death, or like grass growing luxuriantly, and finally ushering in withering and new life, in the calm, the most amazing and terrifying profound meanings are manifested.

boom! !

With the unrivaled brilliance waving, Chen Ming's body changed a little under the gaze of Gard's astonishing eyes on the opposite side. The already withered body ushered in new vitality, just like the withered vegetation, ushering in a new season , A new life is sprouting.

His body began to grow, his withered skin became smooth again, his long pale hair turned black again, all the injuries left in the previous fierce fighting recovered all at once, and he went from extremely weak to extremely in an instant Sheng, changed the season.

boom! !

The brilliance of the world shines concurrently, like the first ray of brilliance since the beginning of the world. It looks gentle, but it has all kinds of incredible power. It supports the blue sky and white clouds in an instant, and the huge palm print that crushes the sky as soon as it appears Hold it up, then hold it open.

Afterwards, Chen Ming's face was calm, and there was compassion in his calm eyes. He looked at Jiade and slapped him down.

The profound meaning of life and silk is manifesting, and the whole world begins to become quiet.

The faint Buddha's meaning manifested, under the gaze of Jiade's unbelievable eyes, this palm penetrated time and space, obviously it was slapped from an extremely far away place, but it suddenly slapped him on his body in an instant.

Great Compassion Seal!
boom! !

The mighty blood energy spread across the sky, and the world-shattering coercion concurrently lingered and shrouded this place, which could not be dispelled for a long time.

In the distance, Garde's body was bleeding, and flew out fiercely, smashing several mountains in a row, cracked all over his body, and a divine glow gushed out from the wound, covering a pure land.

After a long while, he stabilized his body and looked at Chen Ming in disbelief: "You have already run out of energy, why do you still have such fighting power?"

In the distance, Chen Ming was calm and silent, surrounded by Buddha spirit, watching Jiade quietly.

He has a tall and straight figure, handsome appearance, and fair body. He is standing there quietly at this moment, surrounded by Buddha spirit, like a Buddha who came from the world. Just standing there quietly makes people feel a sense of freedom. Peace of mind and peace of mind.

What Gard said was right. After the previous battle, he had already run out of oil and his lamps were exhausted. The origin of his physical body was completely burned, and he was replaced with unrivaled divine power for conquest. In theory, he should not have such a tyrannical combat power.

But the Great Compassion Seal is very special.

The Great Compassion Seal, its artistic conception is born between life and death, which involves life and death, as well as the transformation between prosperity and decline.

The more exhausted Chen Ming's physical body was, the more decayed his body was, and the closer he was to the extreme point of dying, the stronger the power that could be erupted through the Great Compassion Seal.

Of course, nothing in this world comes out of thin air. The stronger the Great Compassion Seal is, the stronger the backlash will be. After reaching the extreme, it is not impossible to die on the spot.

"When you are seriously injured and on the verge of death, it is impossible to exert such force for a long time."

In the distance, Gad was surrounded by divine light, and the faint glow gushed out from the wound, which gradually dimmed at the moment. He tried his best to guard and seal the wound with magical powers: "You seem to be normal now, but the physical body is probably completely necrotic."

He said firmly, with a chill in his eyes.

"Why don't you try it yourself?"

Chen Ming was calm, without the slightest fluctuation of divine power in his body, he looked like a mortal, with a faint sense of Buddha.

He challenged Gard, telling him not to guess, but to test it with his own hands.


Jiade was furious in his heart, and his face seemed to be angry, but he looked at Chen Ming, and finally did not make a move.

He was a little apprehensive.

The move just now was a bit unreasonable. A person whose body was clearly decrepit and physically exhausted burst out with unprecedented divine power in the blink of an eye.

He was a little apprehensive, because at this moment Chen Ming still looked normal. Although the divine light dissipated from his body, and there was no divine power and star power left, the inexplicable artistic conception exuding from his body became more and more intense.

In his heart, his divine intent was warning him, causing him to hesitate.

After a long time, he made a decision.

"You should be lucky."

He stared at Chen Ming with coldness in his eyes. It was pure killing intent. The murderous intent that erupted was cold, and combined with the spirit of the whole body, it made even gods and demons terrified: "If it weren't for the fact that my Star God Society is seeking the sky star , is attacking right now, even if the old man tries to take another slap, he will kill you here!"

After Sen Han's voice fell, he didn't have any extra nonsense, and he rose directly into the sky and rushed towards the distance.

In the same place, watching Jiade's figure disappear, Chen Ming didn't move, and there was no way to move.

Although he looked normal at this moment, it was true that he had only his last breath left.


He sighed softly, a little regretful.

At this moment, he only has his last breath left.

With this breath, he can't do much, but he can still make the final blow of the Great Compassion Seal.

After one blow, he must die, but Gad will most likely be buried with him. Even if he does not die, he must have only one breath left, and it is impossible to interfere in the distant battle situation.

But at this moment, Gard left, and he would not pursue him.

"Everyone in the world has their own destiny, senior sister, I should pay you back, and I have already paid it back."

Standing where he was, he muttered to himself, then silently raised his hand.

In his eyes, on the slender and pale arm, little cracks began to appear, and the crimson blood dripped on it, which looked very beautiful.

The next moment, the arm was directly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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