Sweeping the world

Chapter 281 The Eve of Leaving

Chapter 281 The Eve of Leaving

"The next era belongs to warriors."

In the same place, on the high mountain, Su Ling spoke out the result of his final deduction.

"Warrior, don't ask for anything, don't need blood, don't need star life, everyone can do it. Compared with stargazers, this is the grand way of the future."

She said so, very firm in her own judgment.

Chen Qingwei agrees with her judgment.

"Does the future belong to warriors?"

Chen Ming was silent, but his thoughts gradually drifted away.

In the end, things gradually became clear again.

After careful study, in the several worlds that Chen Ming has experienced so far, except for the original world, in the rest of the worlds, it seems that the ones that finally become popular in the world are all martial arts.

This world is a different world, the stargazer system is parallel to the Shenwu Dao, but at this moment, it seems that the end point is actually the same, it is still the Martial Dao.

Perhaps, in the other worlds he experienced, there were other systems in the distant past, but as time passed, these systems were gradually eliminated like stargazers in this world, and finally became The appearance that Chen Ming saw.

What the truth is, Chen Ming has no idea, and can only imagine in his mind.

This day, Su Ling chatted with Chen Ming a lot, and then at the foot of the mountain, a wooden house was added, and in the peaceful village at the foot, there was also a powerful priestess.

After meeting Chen Ming, Su Ling finally decided to stay and live together with Chen Ming, stopping here.

Time continued to pass slowly, bit by bit.

As time passed, the tribe at the foot of the mountain became larger and larger, and the surrounding barbarians came to attach themselves, making this place more lively and gradually approaching a city.

Chen Ming fell into a deeper dao state.

In the environment bred by the star gods, he was connected with the world around him, and new insights emerged every moment. Even in a deep sleep, his cultivation base was slowly improving.

Because there is no guidance from the road ahead, he doesn't know where he has come so far, until he has far surpassed the scope of a great master.

Perhaps, he is already a celestial being?

Chen Ming didn't know about this, nor did he care.

Decades passed by.

Along with the recovery of the Star God, this vast forbidden land also showed signs of revival.

The aura of annihilation that filled this place is gradually fading, and it is evolving in a normal direction.

The Annihilation Purple Qi here was originally born due to the fall of the Star God in the past. Now, as the Star God is conceived again, the Annihilation Qi naturally began to fade away.

At the time of the year, Chen Ming's physical body was fully conceived, and the stone fetus turned into a body of flesh and blood, and into the body of a natural holy spirit.

At this moment, as long as he wants to, he can be born.

So, with a thought, he walked out of this place.

boom! !

In mid-air, thunderbolts gathered, and with Chen Ming's birth, they gathered in the sky above the sacred mountain, in which there were faintly various mysteries of good fortune manifesting.

"Heavenly Tribulation?"

Chen Ming was a little puzzled.

After experiencing several worlds, this is the first time he has seen this kind of thing.

Not long after, as it was brewing, the first thunderbolt struck Chen Ming's body.

Regarding this, Chen Ming didn't move his body, letting the thunder strike him.

Compared to him at this moment, these thunderbolts are not powerful, even if they do not use divine power, they are enough to block them only by relying on their physical body.

However, with these thunder strikes, a strange change was taking place in Chen Ming's body.

There was a faint sound of thunder and bursts of divine light. Under the burial of endless thunder, the great power of good fortune was nourished in Chen Ming's body, just like a seed absorbing nutrients and began to thrive.

Without a sound, his body absorbed the power of nature and became stronger.

The exuberant breath of life was rippling, and when the catastrophe above the sky dissipated, Chen Ming stood alone on the sacred mountain, looking back.

boom! !

A mountain collapsed, and the unrivaled majesty manifested, stirring up the earth and the sky in an instant. Just the manifestation of breath affected the vast sky, making the space blurred.

At the foot of the mountain, the barbarians watched this scene in awe, worshiped Chen Ming's figure, and made low prayer sounds from time to time.

"It's not a catastrophe, but a creation that belongs exclusively to the Star God?"

Standing alone on the top of the mountain, feeling the changes in himself, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

"Are you all right?"

Behind him, a voice came.

Su Ling walked up the mountain from the foot of the mountain, looking at Chen Ming's appearance at this moment, a little surprised.

In the past 50 years, her appearance has changed a little, she has aged a little, and now she looks a lot more mature.

"Well, I've been inside for a long time, and I want to come out and have a look."

He smiled and said so.

"Wan'er will be very surprised if she sees you like this."

Su Ling looked at Chen Ming's current appearance, and said with a smile.

Fifty years have passed, and people around him are gradually aging, but Chen Ming is still the same as before, looking about thirteen or fourteen years old, except for some subtle places, there is almost no change.

In the same place, after Su Ling left, Chen Ming quietly looked in a certain direction.

Although he left Stone Egg, the connection between him and the mountain is still there, so he can easily see through this area.

In his line of sight, in the depths of the sacred mountain, Chen Qingqing was quietly lying on a stone pebble with his arms around his knees, and fell asleep peacefully in it.

Around the girl, the golden divine liquid flows, and there are countless threads wrapping it, and there are densely packed divine lines manifesting, emerging here, setting off its brilliance, like a divine dragon lurking, waiting for the day when it is born .

After Chen Ming was born, the power originally shared by him was condensed, and the speed of her body's perfection seemed to be a little faster.

However, compared to Chen Ming, her pregnancy will take longer to complete.

The two are different in nature and have different foundations.

After all, Chen Ming is not the real star god, and his original body is still there. Based on this, it took a full 50 years.

As a star god, Chen Qingqing doesn't have her original body as a proof, so if she wants to fully conceive, it will only consume more time.

According to the current speed, Chen Ming reckoned that if she wanted to be fully conceived, it would be hundreds of years before she was fully born.

"Are you going?"

Facing Chen Ming, Chen's soft voice sounded in his mind.

In the holy mountain, the girl opened her eyes, and she stared at him quietly with pure purple eyes.


Facing Chen Qingqing, Chen Ming showed a soft smile on his face: "I'm going to leave for a while, and go outside to deal with some things."

"And then it's when I actually leave."

Facing Chen Qingwei, he spoke softly.

(End of this chapter)

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