Sweeping the world

Chapter 284 The Obstacle of Providence

Chapter 284 The Obstacle of Providence
In the peaceful quiet room, a piece of vitality was surging around, fluctuating wildly.

This is an excellent quiet room, in which there are all kinds of geniuses and treasures, arranged here with numerous secret techniques, completely turning this place into a paradise of spiritual energy and a mighty secret realm.

In the secret realm, a figure stands alone, sitting there quietly, with a ray of breath escaping from his body, it seems to suppress the universe, turn the space into nothingness, everything is completely silent, there is a kind of supreme majesty and glory .

In the narrow quiet room, here, the already dead heaven and earth vitality suddenly boiled, like a sleeping angry dragon suddenly opened his eyes, let out a roar that shocked the world, in the quiet room, that person slowly opened his eyes .

boom! !

The moment he opened his eyes, the world around him began to tremble spontaneously. It seemed that with his recovery, the surrounding world was suddenly affected by him. At this moment, he was affected by his breath, and spontaneously produced various influences until finally After a while, it gradually stopped.

In the peaceful quiet room, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar things around him, his eyes were calm, but unconsciously there were traces of vicissitudes and years.

Compared with the past few times, the time spent in this shuttle is too long.

A total of nearly 60 years, if you really calculate it, all the time that Chen Ming has experienced before may not be so long.

And in this world, his harvest is unparalleled.

At this moment, standing alone in the same place, with Chen Ming's recovery, his body is spontaneously glowing, and nearly a hundred acupuncture points all over his body are spontaneously glowing, the mighty divine power surges in it, and the Taoist divine lines spontaneously emerge in it .

A low hum sounded as if the world was opening up, and a miraculous change began to take place in Chen Ming's body. Some acupoints began to spontaneously emerge and open up all over his body.

To a certain extent, this change is quite astonishing, because there are not one or two acupuncture points on the body at this moment, but hundreds of them.

This number is more than the acupoints he opened before, and it is an integer multiple of the number of acupoints he opened before.

The reason for such a change is nothing but the influence of the Holy Spirit.

With Chen Ming's return, in the previous world, the body of the Holy Spirit, which was nourished to the extreme by the sacred mountain, also followed. Under the influence of the source power, it directly integrated into this body, driving the physical body to start Metamorphosis.

No matter how nourishing the body of a mortal is, before it reaches a certain level, it is still flawed compared to beings like star gods.

The nearly one hundred orifice points that Chen Ming opened up before are actually a certain limit for a Returning Warrior. Even if they can continue to be opened up, the body cannot bear it.

But at this moment, the essence of the star god is integrated into the body, but it drives the spontaneous transformation of the body, and the whole life is sublimated, entering a new level.

Facing this change in his physical body, Chen Ming's face was calm, neither sad nor happy.

If there were warriors above Grandmaster here, they would be horrified and even unbelievable when they saw his current state.

Because at this moment, along with the surge of heaven and earth vitality, the breath on his body is growing rapidly.

Return to the source, the peak master, the great master.
boom! !

In the blink of an eye, he broke through the barrier above the grand master and entered a brand new realm.

The momentum that belongs to him is formed silently, covering a hundred miles area with a single thought, and it seems to be able to destroy the world with a single thought.

It is enough to move the breeze with one thought, and it can also cause thunder with one thought, rain, dew and thunder, all in one thought.

The power of one person is equivalent to one's own miniature world, where the body and the sky are the same.

This is heaven!
After reaching this level, the previous world's savings have not been exhausted, and Chen Ming is constantly being pushed forward.

Only this time, he encountered a barrier, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through that barrier and enter a brand new world.

"Is it the will of the world?"

Feeling the layer of isolation that seemed to be there, Chen Ming raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of isolation, and he saw the blue sky.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds. It was originally a cloudless sky, but at this moment, thunder broke out, as if it was about to rain.

With Chen Ming's current level of cultivation, he could already feel something unusual.

That layer of dark cloud seemed to be just a dark cloud, but in fact, it contained something infinitely more terrifying than thunder.

That was the will of God in this world. At this moment, instinct appeared, wrapping around Chen Ming, blocking him silently.

This is the spontaneous reaction mechanism of heaven and earth. If you want to break through heaven and man and continue to be promoted, you must break through this layer of heaven to do it.

"Back then, Taizu Daqian must have planned to leave this world because of the isolation of this layer of heaven."

Standing quietly on the spot, feeling the strong reaction of God's will from the outside world, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

The existence of the world must have its upper limit. If you want to cross the upper limit, it is not impossible, but you will inevitably encounter unprecedented difficulties.

The obstruction of God's will in front of him is one of them.

"Looking at it now, even if the world recovers and its vitality flourishes, the upper limit of this world is heaven and man."

Looking at the outside world, feeling the vitality of heaven and earth in the outside world is much stronger than in the past, this thought quietly flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

Compared to before Chen Ming retreated, the vitality of the outside world has begun to recover at this moment.

This means that the restrictions of heaven and earth are gradually being loosened, and the suppression of heaven and earth disappears. In the next time, a group of powerful warriors will emerge.

But judging from the current reaction of God's will, even if the restrictions are loosened, the ultimate upper limit of this world is heaven and man.

Otherwise, with the peerless demeanor of Daqian Taizu back then, he would not have chosen to leave this world to be promoted.

Standing in place, Chen Ming silently shook his head, and then with a thought, the figure disappeared from the place and came to another place.

"The vitality of the heavens and the earth is surging, it seems...somewhat similar to the image of being promoted to a master?"

In a quiet place, Gongsun Shang was wearing a green robe, standing here alone, looking at the direction where Chen Ming was retreating in the distance, his eyes were a little dignified: "Could it be?"

He thought about it, as if thinking of something.

"What are you thinking about?" A soft voice came from behind, which startled him immediately, and subconsciously turned around to look.

Behind him, the young man in white clothes fluttered, standing alone, with a smile on his calm face, but the indifferent and soft, heavenly presence on his body was extremely obvious.

Around him, vitality surged spontaneously, and he seemed to have turned into the only center of the world, making everything a foil.

Immediately, Gongsun Shang was certain in his heart, and became more and more sure of his own thoughts.

 Deduce a book of martial arts seedlings "traversing in the world of martial arts supremacy", if you are interested, you can read it

(End of this chapter)

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